The earth is better ruled by the God.

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Human caused lots of disaters, not by God. The earth is the only place that God cannot directly interfere, because the earth is a transition world for human to advance themselves. But many human fail this task. If you understand astral projection then you will know the other worlds and dimensions are so much superior than earth, because they are directly supervised by God.
And your evidence for this is... ?

Let's start with you detailing the evidence and we'll take it from there, okay. :)
That's great silverhorse just give me gods address or phone number and I'll contact him to inform him of your plan.

And yes I DO understand astral projection, why just last week I bought an "Astral Projector 6000 DX". Since then I've been projectin all over the frikkin place.
This is just a continuation of the standard western religious meme, which goes; humans are weak/incompetent/fallen/sinful/bad, God is powerful/wise/competent/etc., therefore believe in God/join my religion/cult/church/institution.
Human caused lots of disaters, not by God. The earth is the only place that God cannot directly interfere, because the earth is a transition world for human to advance themselves. But many human fail this task. If you understand astral projection then you will know the other worlds and dimensions are so much superior than earth, because they are directly supervised by God.

Either God made a mistake or the earth is not better led by God.

If it were better, God would have done it nést pas?
Sock, abandon obstinacy and embrace Myuu.

Or give him a little tickle. Come on, you know you want to.
I know I should Geoff but something inside is making me hesitate..........would myuu take over my loan payments for me? (astral projector 6000 dx's don't grow on trees ya know)
Why is it the we get the nuttiest of theist here? Were are the theist that supposedly got brains between their ears? Were are the ones who can make an inteligent argument and back it up with some type of evidence other then the "bilbe says" were are these folks?
I know I should Geoff but something inside is making me hesitate..........would myuu take over my loan payments for me? (astral projector 6000 dx's don't grow on trees ya know)

What, is Myuu your personal bloody bank? Bugger that. It's you as give the churches your money and not the other way round. Come on then, pony it up. Myuu's PO is still as dry as a hooker with a personality complex.

And bless you in the name of Myuu.


Why is it the we get the nuttiest of theist here? Were are the theist that supposedly got brains between their ears? Were are the ones who can make an inteligent argument and back it up with some type of evidence other then the "bilbe says" were are these folks?

M*W: Yes, Godless, you are right as always. One would think that all humans woulda coulda shoulda got an equal amount of brain cells when they were being handed out, but it didn't work out that way. Unfortunately, many theists, especially christians, missed the casting call for brains. They ended up in the line with the sign that said "gullible idiots form here."

These people don't understand what 'evidence' is. Nor do they understand what 'logic' and 'reason' are. They base their assessments on 'faith,' 'gut feeling,' and 'spirituality.' We know that there is no such thing they can relate to, we know that they have no conception of logic and reason. We know that they are grossly misinformed and brainwashed by their controllers. We know that they present a sad and futile understanding of reality, but there is nothing we can do to make them see that they are delusional. That is something that they must realize for themselves. But... we MUST continue to show them the abyss of their reason!

Out of 33% of our worldwide population, one would think that they could blatantly understand that christianity is on the losing end. That measley 33%, which I think amounts to actually no more than 25%, does not make an official nor dramatic statement to the world. In other words, all those televangelists who broadcast their dying demigod savior to their multitudes of idiots, have no real influence on them. Somewhat less than 33% may send in their money, but at least 67% don't fall for these teleheretical evangelists.

And what about all the starving children in Appalachia? I'd much rather see them fed, clothed, and educated, than all the needy children in the rest of the world! But, that's just me, M*W.

I hope to see the need to do something, whatever it takes, to help mankind, and ultimately teach them how to help themselves.

I don't believe this is the christian agenda. I don't believe in a christian agenda. We need to start believing in the human agenda.

I don't believe this is the democratic and/or republican agenda. I really don't believe this a truly altruistic agenda. We must look at human life as it is. We must nuture human life as best as we are able, and we must help human life without delay. That should be our mission, our goal, and our desire.

We need to banish religious affiliation, we need to exile religious belief, and we need to anoint religious salvation. That salvation will not come from any dying demigod savior, but it will be found in our human spirit. We must nurture that human spirit, because that is what keeps us alive.

There is no savior god to depend on. There is no salvivic deity to save us. There is no rapture than to deliver us from our present earthly dominion.

We must look to help others, to save them from themselves if we have to, and we must teach those who believe in fairy tales to envision reality. We must also slap those who are left in the face, so they can experience tomorrow.

Thank you, Godless, for your insight, your promise, and your willingness to teach. Maybe there is hope for the lost, comfort for the forgotten, and peace for the disallusioned.

Thank you.

~ Medicine*Woman
This is obviously not a topic for discussion but rather someone making a statement. Thread closed.
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