The Dyatlov Pass incident: What do you make of it?

Obviously, it's aliens. That's what you want to hear right?!

Radioactivity means nothing, especially in the former USSR. Pretty much everything there was radioactive in the 50's and 60's.

Even if they did all go crazy and start running about in their undies in the middle of the night, which has been known to happen when a group of people isolate themselves from civilization (even for a short time), the so called "traumatic" injuries were probably caused postmortem by wildlife eating the flesh. The reason that this is probably the case is due to the fact that there were "no external injuries". If something had hit them hard enough to cave in the skull while they were alive it would have caused visible bruising, quite easily noticed by even a half competent coroner. Scavenger animals go for the softest bits first, like the tongue.
I've always imagined them to be superintelligent and wise.
Why? Just because if they came to Earth they'd have interstellar technology doesn't make them wise or super intelligent. People use gadgets whose workings they don't understand every day. Owning a car doesn't make you wise and if a population were able to buy space-craft like we buy cars then you'd have plenty of idiots flying about in space.

Why assume another race would be kind and wise when the only known example we have, us, is quite often neither.
Why? Just because if they came to Earth they'd have interstellar technology doesn't make them wise or super intelligent. People use gadgets whose workings they don't understand every day. Owning a car doesn't make you wise and if a population were able to buy space-craft like we buy cars then you'd have plenty of idiots flying about in space.

Why assume another race would be kind and wise when the only known example we have, us, is quite often neither.
So what's your answer to the Dyatlov Pass incident then?
Why do I have to have an answer for something I know nothing about? I'm not going to jump to conclusions simply because you demand an answer. If anything its infinitely more rational for me not to claim to have any answer at all since I have no information about the incident. All you do is jump to the most ridiculous and stupid answers you can possibly think of. I don't need to have an answer to point ot your answer, claims and guesses are just plain stupid.
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Why do I have to have an answer for something I know nothing about? I'm not going to jump to conclusions simply because you demand an answer. If anything its infinitely more rational for me not to claim to have any answer at all since I have no information about the incident. All you do is jump to the most ridiculous and stupid answers you can possibly think of. I don't need to have an answer to point ot your answer, claims and guesses are just plain stupid.
Cop out then. Why don't you tackle the applehead mainstream assumption of 'Chaos into Order' and not 'Order into Chaos' thread. You're a standard model apologist, so this should be more in your scope of vision.
Cop out then.
How is it a cop out when I never claimed to have an explanation.

If someone said "Oh they were obviously attacked by Winnie the Pooh and Mickey Mouse, who had been brought to life through a secret Illuminati super soldier program intent on weaponising Disney characters!" then me saying "That's stupid and wrong" isn't 'a cop out'. Pointing out your views are irrational and without evidence isn't 'a cop out'.

I don't have to know the right answer to know you're wrong. I can't work out the cube root of 399.2949 immediately in my head but I'm damn sure its not 5. The fact you don't provide evidence for your claims is the cop out.

Why don't you tackle the applehead mainstream assumption of 'Chaos into Order' and not 'Order into Chaos' thread.
This might surprise you but I have other things in science I need to be doing. Unlike you my activities in science don't involve making stupid claims on an internet forum without evidence or logic. Nor is my work the sum of my forum posts. Besides, I really don't think its worth the effort to spend time explaining thermodynamics to you. You claim you have done an astronomy degree and you don't even know orbital mechanics so I think something else taught in physics degrees is going to be even further out of your ability to understand.

You're a standard model apologist, so this should be more in your scope of vision.
Yes, that damn standard model which has lead to the computer you're using right now, the telecommunications you use every day, the GPS route finders in your car, the MRI machine doctor use and everything in between. That standard model really does need apologists!

Your attitude smacks of having a chip on your shoulder because you struggle with science. Hence you look for stupid explanations which are superficial and attempt to convince yourself that you don't need to know any mainstream work because its wrong. You accuse me of being an apologist when you'll come up with every excuse in the book to avoid accepting this 'beast on the moors' is just a fucking dog.

You aren't some free thinker whose blazing some maverick trail of ideas, you exhibit the stereotypical hack mind set. You try to justify ridiculous claims in order to try to justify avoiding learning actual science. You insult people who have managed to learn it, as if their knowledge and ability is something to be ashamed of. And despite claiming to be open minded etc you'll deliberately avoid putting in real effort to learn actual science.

You hacks are ten a penny. You all believe you're creative and unique and you all behave exactly the same and create nothing. It'd be humorous if such behaviour wasn't so endemic in society.