The dream world


Registered Member
I was wondering if there was anyone out in the world that feels the same way that i do about dreams. I think that they are previews of days to come because i always dream about things that are going to happen good or bad. :confused:
Dreams are just other realities we visit.
In the dream you are in that reality and only that reality matters to you, so even if you really aren't in another global reality , you are in another subjective reality of yours. When you wake up, this reality becomes your subjective one.
Maybe this is only another dream that we like to return to. Who knows.. :)
I don't dreams mean much to anyone but oneself, as they don't seem to add anything new that was already there. Dreams just seem to be (for me) a jumble of thoughts and ideas that are all old.

What a dream holds for the future is as much as you're willing to make it into a future.
I think that dreams are basically the resultant of the mind's efforts to solidify the contents of long term memory. I think short term memory leaves temporary impressions on one's brain, along with perhaps tags on long term memory where conceptual inter-relationships are kind of an "org chart" of the mind, that which maps our memory in a way that allows us to access it "on the fly. In doing so, the meaning of the day, the meat of it... what it meant to you, for you, literally changes your mind to encorporate the stimulous into the "rational" place for your particular org chart.

They are the wood the frame you use to frame future events. During the day a lot of operational activities are the main focus of mind, but at night - it's time to update the programs and reboot. At some point during the sleep process, your short term memory must get activated in a feedback cycle. Hmm.. that made me wonder if feeding a visual of the org chart updates back into that from whence it came is a reset signal to purge short term memory - quite literally "freeing memory".

So perhaps dreams are a part of the sleep cycle where short-term memory is activated, which due to the source of its activation causes its informational content to be diminished. The activation of short-term then results in one becoming conscious of mind while it's in the middle of maintenance mode and unbounded by real-time stimulous.

The more times you go through the sleep cyle, the cleaner it gets, like degaussing a tape. When you wake up, you fill it up again and sleep and again and on and on then you die.
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Chanteua said:
I was wondering if there was anyone out in the world that feels the same way that i do about dreams. I think that they are previews of days to come because i always dream about things that are going to happen good or bad. :confused:

Might I ask, do any of your dreams come true? How many? It could be that your a clairvoient or other gifted person.
Dreams are the concerns of your subconscious communicated in a more vivid manner. They usually have an effect on your waking life, either direct or indirect. Sometimes they come true, yes, but your hand plays no part in making them come true exactly as you see them.
Waking life is also a dream. The clearer and the longer you can remember that, the more powerful you become.
Well then why do i have dreams of the future. I am sure there is some one out there who has the same experience i do. The strangeness of day to day life knowing what is going to happen next on more then one occassion a week. It is not an everday thing but twice a week is alot for any body to be experiencing these things as just my mind figuring things out.
Why? Nobody knows. Many on this site will also claim you're lying, and are ready to provide tonns of evidence and ridicule. I share the problem with you. Yes, twice a week is a lot.... Let me develop on what I said above: your subconscious is able to see the future and communicates it through dreams.
Those who make definitive/blanket statements about dreams, OOBE and other
unusual phenonmena may have made the big mistake of assuming we all think,
dream and sense alike. With age I've realized we are not all sitting on the same
ledge experiencing the same things with the same genes and realise there is a
definite advantage to becomming more aware. . . . . . . . . I just got off my
soap box.
Chanteua said:
I was wondering if there was anyone out in the world that feels the same way that i do about dreams.

Don't know, how do you feel about them?

Chanteua said:
I think that they are previews of days to come because i always dream about things that are going to happen good or bad. :confused:

Really? I would be more than happy to help facilitate a demonstration of
this interesting ability you have.
chanteua: could it just be deja vu, This thinking, you have premonitions.
IE: (making the punishment, fit the crime. ( figure of speech))