In a paper I was reading and using to reference a statement I made concerning how time is not an observable, which is strange at first when you consider quantum laws like $$\Delta E \Delta t \approx \frac{1}{2} \hbar$$, an interesting question might exist, can you take the conjugate of energy as something which isn't even an observable?
That's an interesting question and I will come back to it... in this post, I want to talk about some questions this paper raised, which brought to attention how time comes out of macroscopic interaction.
What the paper did fail to properly point out, is that there are two solutions. The macroscopic scale could be an emergent time and fundamentally, time may not exist. What may exist in macroscopic time. The paper makes a point of making out however, that external time is a hypothesis of our theory, there being no way to measure time like a system, means there is no way to actually it exists other than a fanciful addition made by the mathematicians.
There is no external time but there can be a local gauging of time to inertial systems. The difference here, is that external time assumes there is a universal clock. I argue there is no global time, just as General Relativity predicts. To give ''time to matter'' we simply recognize two simple equations, one by Einstein and the other Planck
$$E = h \nu$$
$$E = Mc^2$$
and together the equations find that matter itself has a frequency $$\nu$$ and because of this matter itself has a clock
$$\nu = m (\frac{c^2}{h})$$
This is how you obtain the definition that all matter contributes to some local experience of time. The emergence of matter in the universe in this sense Penrose explains, would explain how time can be emergent - or in his case, he uses it to explain how time can disappear in a universe (1), in the same sense, we should be able to use it to explain how it might emerge in a universe. Matter experiences time, they truck through space often much at speeds below the velocity of light. The problem of using light is that they follow null light cones, no time passes for them relativistically-speaking; this cannot happen because they fail to have a frame of reference.
Mass allows change in this universe, our sense of time is largely due to it.
Fixing the Uncertainty Principle isn't Easy
As explained before, the well known, cornerstone of quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle is hailed as
$$\Delta E \Delta t \approx \frac{1}{2} \hbar$$
The problem as stated before in posts I have been speaking to people about, is that time is not an observable. You can't measure time like you can energy: And it's a very important point to make out, because only true conjugate observables can amount to a proper representation of the physical situation within the math. But there is a problem trying to even find a timeless solution to it... because the conjugate of energy is explicitely defined with time under Noethers Theorem. So it's unclear how you can redefine the UP in this sense... even if you used the generic $$\lambda$$.
That's an interesting question and I will come back to it... in this post, I want to talk about some questions this paper raised, which brought to attention how time comes out of macroscopic interaction.
What the paper did fail to properly point out, is that there are two solutions. The macroscopic scale could be an emergent time and fundamentally, time may not exist. What may exist in macroscopic time. The paper makes a point of making out however, that external time is a hypothesis of our theory, there being no way to measure time like a system, means there is no way to actually it exists other than a fanciful addition made by the mathematicians.
There is no external time but there can be a local gauging of time to inertial systems. The difference here, is that external time assumes there is a universal clock. I argue there is no global time, just as General Relativity predicts. To give ''time to matter'' we simply recognize two simple equations, one by Einstein and the other Planck
$$E = h \nu$$
$$E = Mc^2$$
and together the equations find that matter itself has a frequency $$\nu$$ and because of this matter itself has a clock
$$\nu = m (\frac{c^2}{h})$$
This is how you obtain the definition that all matter contributes to some local experience of time. The emergence of matter in the universe in this sense Penrose explains, would explain how time can be emergent - or in his case, he uses it to explain how time can disappear in a universe (1), in the same sense, we should be able to use it to explain how it might emerge in a universe. Matter experiences time, they truck through space often much at speeds below the velocity of light. The problem of using light is that they follow null light cones, no time passes for them relativistically-speaking; this cannot happen because they fail to have a frame of reference.
Mass allows change in this universe, our sense of time is largely due to it.
Fixing the Uncertainty Principle isn't Easy
As explained before, the well known, cornerstone of quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle is hailed as
$$\Delta E \Delta t \approx \frac{1}{2} \hbar$$
The problem as stated before in posts I have been speaking to people about, is that time is not an observable. You can't measure time like you can energy: And it's a very important point to make out, because only true conjugate observables can amount to a proper representation of the physical situation within the math. But there is a problem trying to even find a timeless solution to it... because the conjugate of energy is explicitely defined with time under Noethers Theorem. So it's unclear how you can redefine the UP in this sense... even if you used the generic $$\lambda$$.