The Doomsday Code

Yes I caught some of it. It showed how the religious notion of 'end-times' thereby gives them a hardon over climate change, war, terrorism, poverty because it means salvation is near, and forces them to resent peace and stability.
wsionynw said:
Did anyone else watch the channel 4 (UK) documentary The Doomsday Code?
Watching this and seeing the trailer for Jesus Camp has shown me just how dangerous Christianity in the US has become.

Yes, people who take these "end of the age" prophecies literally are the same ones who seem to be motivating the U.S govt to keep and intensify the conflict with the Islamic world going, because of course to them it's all biblical prophecy. Well, always a good way to make a prophecy come true isn't it.

Evangelists like Jack Van Impe and Pat Robertson give weekly broadcasts on this subject of the rapture and the battle of Armageddon( with the usual pitch of send in your money for this weeks latest video so we can get a new silk suit for Jack*lol*)

. First there will be a conflict in the middle east of a sizeable proportion...then a 7yr peace contract will be signed between Isreal and its enemies. Then Russia and a confederacy of Islamic nations will break the accord and attack Isreal...but will be defeated. Then the next stage will be an attack by remnants of the russian army together with a 200 million man army from china and other islamic nations...they will be defeated by the use of nuclear weapons which will of course devastate the planet.Then the third and last round will be when all the remnants of these defeated armies and all other nations attack this point they believe Jesus will return to put a stop to it.
There will be a 1000 year millennial reign of christ on earth...then evil will return for a short period ,ultimately be defeated again and then the believers will abide on the earth forever with the lord.


The reason these evangelists don't give a damn about pollution,global warming etc is because they believe the devastated earth will be made all "sweet and pretty ' again so why worry about these things,eh? After all it's all prophecy !

Evangelists who believe this feel the Revived roman empire is the current European Union that will be led by the AntiChrist...they will appear to be on Isreals side but of course its ultimately a big deception.

I used to half believe these guys before I left the garbage behind of all the 3 abrahamic faiths.

These are dangerous times ..I really fear for this world. With characters like Bush in the white house it seems like they are rushing head long into making it happen!
Bush is just fulling prophecy. That's all. He doesn't have those three 6's tatooed on his forehead for nothing. Listen for the trumphets. :D
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These evangelists have to be the most sick and twisted people on this planet. They are so bloodthirsty its unbelievable.
nova900 said:
Yes, people who take these "end of the age" prophecies literally are the same ones who seem to be motivating the U.S govt to keep and intensify the conflict with the Islamic world going, because of course to them it's all biblical prophecy. Well, always a good way to make a prophecy come true isn't it.

Evangelists like Jack Van Impe and Pat Robertson give weekly broadcasts on this subject of the rapture and the battle of Armageddon( with the usual pitch of send in your money for this weeks latest video so we can get a new silk suit for Jack*lol*)

. First there will be a conflict in the middle east of a sizeable proportion...then a 7yr peace contract will be signed between Isreal and its enemies. Then Russia and a confederacy of Islamic nations will break the accord and attack Isreal...but will be defeated. Then the next stage will be an attack by remnants of the russian army together with a 200 million man army from china and other islamic nations...they will be defeated by the use of nuclear weapons which will of course devastate the planet.Then the third and last round will be when all the remnants of these defeated armies and all other nations attack this point they believe Jesus will return to put a stop to it.
There will be a 1000 year millennial reign of christ on earth...then evil will return for a short period ,ultimately be defeated again and then the believers will abide on the earth forever with the lord.


The reason these evangelists don't give a damn about pollution,global warming etc is because they believe the devastated earth will be made all "sweet and pretty ' again so why worry about these things,eh? After all it's all prophecy !

Evangelists who believe this feel the Revived roman empire is the current European Union that will be led by the AntiChrist...they will appear to be on Isreals side but of course its ultimately a big deception.

I used to half believe these guys before I left the garbage behind of all the 3 abrahamic faiths.

These are dangerous times ..I really fear for this world. With characters like Bush in the white house it seems like they are rushing head long into making it happen!

I don't think any Evangelical i have spoken too has put forward the prophecy sequence you have described.

It seems you have got it all mixed up.

You are right these are dangerous times. And it has all be foretold in prophecy.

There is a wide range of interpretation differences within the Evangelical churches over prophesy. So you will not get exactly the same interpretation or sequence from different Evangelicals.

I believe they are wrong on many crucial points in their interpretations. They are vulnerable to deception in some respects.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
mustafhakofi said:
just as bad as islam.
Today it is Islam. The "enemy" in the past was the Roman Empire, then it was replaced by another enemy, right up to Russia and Communism.

In other words there is always a great enemy no matter what comes and goes.

I watched the show but I don't really know how many americans actually believe in End Times. And the last bit where Robinson talked about the dubious origins of the Book of Reveletions was a bit strange, 'cos you could say much the same 'bout the rest of the bible.
Adstar said:
I don't think any Evangelical i have spoken too has put forward the prophecy sequence you have described.

It seems you have got it all mixed up.

You are right these are dangerous times. And it has all be foretold in prophecy.

There is a wide range of interpretation differences within the Evangelical churches over prophesy. So you will not get exactly the same interpretation or sequence from different Evangelicals.

I believe they are wrong on many crucial points in their interpretations. They are vulnerable to deception in some respects.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Adstar: What I wrote there is what Jack VanImpe relates to his audience on a weekly basis.He considers himself a biblical scholar and insists his version of what's to come is the correct one.
I'm just trying to understand what "666" means in the book of revelation?
There has to be more to this number than just a mark!
Adstar: What I wrote there is what Jack VanImpe relates to his audience on a weekly basis.He considers himself a biblical scholar and insists his version of what's to come is the correct one.

No doubt Jack VanImpe thinks he is correct and a portion of the evangelical believers believe he is correct too. But that does not mean all evangelicals do.

Their main misinterpretation is the Gog Magog war prophesised in Ezekiel 38. They think this war will happen before the return of Jesus. But in fact it will happen 1000 years after the return of Jesus.

The war that will happen before the return of Jesus will be the Daniel 11 war. fought between the King of the North and the King of the South.

I do agree with them that the EU is the most likely candidate for the Anti-christ’s power base. It has been expanding its borders and its influence to the South and to the East and toward the Holy Land. Just as was foretold in the book of Daniel.

The Anti-christ will raise an army of 200 million but it will not be destroyed by Nuclear weapons but by the returning Messiah Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Vega said:
I'm just trying to understand what "666" means in the book of revelation?
There has to be more to this number than just a mark!

666 is the number of a man not the number of a mark. People are not going to be running around with the number 666 scrawled on their foreheads or on their hand.

The number is the sum total of the Anti-christs official name/title. (Some believe it is only his name) in the numerical system of the Jews and the Greeks numbers where represented by letters. The number of the anti-christ will be the total of all the letters in his name/title.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Bill Gates the Third?

Not to be mean or anything, but isn't US the real heir of Roman Empire? Consider:
a) Harsh Nationalism and strong faith in government
b) Republic. right?
c) Fierce warriors and cunning traders. Will war for gold and expand all around. These days no one really CONQUERS areas, more like BUYS them.
d) The eagle?
e) While Rome (the city) remained Rome, Romans conquered many areas. They did, however, make them Roman citizens, and assimilated people rather than subjugated them. Kind of a cultural melting-pot.

Besides, viewing EU from the inside I know that if this isn't going to crumble around our ears, it will certainly achieve no form of coherency. The diffrent states are fighting for dominance, and the people just don't want to be "european".
Yes, I watched part of it. It only goes to show how evil the extremists in any religion can become. I thought they very much equated with Islamic fundamentalists, or Hindu, or any other for that matter.

Incidentally, there is a book called "Jesus of the Apocalypse" written by an ex (hardly surprising) Doctor of Divinity which gives a glossary of all the terms in the New Testament. It is a history of the early years of what became Christianity and there is nothing in it which applies to anything after about 100AD

It was written in such a manner that the Romans wouldn't react against it. It would seem that it wasn't only the Romans who were fooled!
Ogmios said:
Bill Gates the Third?

Not to be mean or anything, but isn't US the real heir of Roman Empire? Consider:
a) Harsh Nationalism and strong faith in government
b) Republic. right?
c) Fierce warriors and cunning traders. Will war for gold and expand all around. These days no one really CONQUERS areas, more like BUYS them.
d) The eagle?
e) While Rome (the city) remained Rome, Romans conquered many areas. They did, however, make them Roman citizens, and assimilated people rather than subjugated them. Kind of a cultural melting-pot.

If America is anything it is a part of the Harlot of Babylon. And the Harlot is not the beast. But the harlot has unity with the best for a time. But in the end the beast will destroy the harlot.

Revelation 17
15 Then he said to me, “The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues. 16 And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire.

Besides, viewing EU from the inside I know that if this isn't going to crumble around our ears, it will certainly achieve no form of coherency. The diffrent states are fighting for dominance, and the people just don't want to be "european".

Europe will never be totally united. But even in disunity it can still come to unity is some areas of importance.

Daniel 2
40 And the fourth kingdom shall be as strong as iron, inasmuch as iron breaks in pieces and shatters everything; and like iron that crushes, that kingdom will break in pieces and crush all the others. 41 Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay. 44 And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.

The ten toes correlates with the 10 horns.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Is this stuff somewhere in the web?

And actually...
adstar said:
“The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues.
I'm no expert, but doesn't that mean that the Harlot sits where there are peopleS, multitudeS, nationS and tongueS. And while US has many languages, I wouldn't say there are nationS in US. Just states. EU has nations and languages in tons and dozens. Multitude certainly refers to incoherence.

Besides, US has no harlots, just whores.

The ten toes correlates with the 10 horns.

What of it?
I'll b grateful if anyone can lend my a copy of the program on VHS or DVD. There's alot of people talking about yhis and therefore I feel the need to watch this to find out what this is all about