The dog-reflex?

Valued Senior Member
This may sound weird....
But, have any of you experienced that if you get a sudden itch somewhere, then your leg gets "spasms", similar to the ones dogs get when you scratch them behind their ear and their legs want to scratch that place too?
:D I said it was weird....
Well, me AND my boyfriend have both experienced this several times and laughed about it....
Is it...can it be....the DOG-REFLEX!?
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Not so much an itch but more of a gentle stimulus for me. Anytime I get that my leg jumps even before that little sense of something very tiny and ticklish registers with me......i am paranoid and have a dislike of bugs so i am in constant of state of awareness, thinking that a bug might be invading me through my orifices:eek:

Hold me *shudders*
I'm really allergic to poison ivy. When I get it, I GET IT ALL OVER. I mean ALL over. (men, feel free to squirm now)

The best method I have found for reducing the itch is to shower w/ really hot hot hot water. ie so hot I don't stand under it, but next to the stream , and then just stick my arm w/ the poison ivy into the water for 20 seconds, then take it out - etc etc. It hurts for a minute, then doesn't itch all day. Note: anyone who tries this needs to be carefull not to injure themselves in the hot water! increase the tempurature slowly to find out how hot the water can be w/o burning yourself!!!

Anyway, I mention this because when the poisoned ivy part of my skin is under the hot water, my leg does the dog reflex thing. I never new the intense painful pleasure that a dog goes through when you scratch it's belly until the first time I did this. It's not a sexual thing, but it's like an overwhelming, weak in the knees, shaking, that feels so good-ouch! kind of thing.

Not good enough to get poison ivy on purpose, though. Just good enough to enjoy when I'm already covered in the the bastard plant's oil.