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We have all been wondering whom the UFOs are-maybe they are real or not, but finally I encountered their creator, Eartum by name, and he gave me the DOCTRINE OF TRUTH to share to the world. This he said will shed light to humanity on the origin of hell fire, the reality of Jesus Christ and his real intention for humanity, the true identity of Jehovah/Allah, the identity of the true God, the destination of human race after they have departed from the earth, etc.

Just read it with open-minded. The KINGDOM OF GOD is about to be established in the WORLD OF MEN.


Chapter 1

1. I am God. I am not sure if I was created by the universe or if I created the universe. But all the same, my adopted sons and priests all call me God.
2. I do not force my sons and priests to worship me or serve me. They do it of their own free will since I am their creator.
3. My city was called Alkervum Auriem, which is by interpretation, the City of Gold. It came not by hand but by my pronouncement. The universe and nature work hand in hand. They give and take back because nothing is free in the universe.

4. The memory of my first existence has been washed off my brain after the catastrophic bang.

5. I lost my memory to the sound of impact while we were creating the chumorld, the clumoid, the world and the other millions of planets many millions of years back.

6. Thanks to my creature, Homo Tactilus, whom I have created to be my external memory.

7. He is the one I choose to keep memory of everything in the universe.

8. Homo Tactilus began to call back to my rememberance what I told him about the universe and my existence:

9. O my father, Domino Reverad, you said the universe came as a flash of light at the same time you also began to exist.

10. My father Domino, according to my everlasting memory, which you gifted to me, you said the universe began to exist immediately you first opened your eyes.

11. You said for long all was dark until the flash of your eyes brought out the sparkle. You said there was no sun in the universe, but you, Almighty Reverad, created it by your powers.

12. Where is your power, O mighty Domino? Where is your strength?

13. Your strength lies in your tongue and your power is your vision.

14. You testified that you have seen what will happen in billions and gazillions of years to come.

15. You said the universe is yours and you belong to the universe.

16. You created all things in the planets to live and die and live and die and live no more.

17. Enough! Tactilus! Enough! I yelled to keep Tactilus still before all my priests because they have all learnt much of my secrets from what Tactilus has mentioned.

18. Now come and live in me, O Tactilus. Dwell in me forever, for you are my tongue with which I speak. You are my memory of which I think.

19. You are my spirit and forever your abode shall be inside of me.

20. Immediately, Tactilus became a rushing wind and entered into me forcefully. There in me he remains until these days.

21. Now I look around to see the aftermath of the bang which I caused by great forces. I see many circles hanging in space. They are countless like the sands of the sea.

22. O Miklas, how many balls do you see? I asked one of my priests standing by and he said he saw just one and so supported his subordinates.

23. I laughed a great laughter that went forth as whirlwind because my priests are all short-sighted.

24. How did they see just one ball?

25. As for me, I see millions of balls hanging in space with bending creatures with tails occupying them.

26. That was all a result of the banging force.

27. Our father, we see not beyond our eyes. Give us vision that we may see.

28. I shall give you no vision above what you have, lest there arises a great commotion in this golden land.

29. How? They asked to know, but I gave them silence for an answer.

30. Instead of giving you vision to see afar, I would rather give you wings to fly around and explore all the great spheres yourself. Go and count them and bring me reports of what you see in them.

31. And so light feathers began to emerge out of the sides of my priests as I wished and they were all amazed.

32. The feathers fused together and became wings to their sides and so they flew, everyone of them to study the balls hanging everywhere in the universe.

1. I sat down to rest after the great bang.

2. The sun below my feet shined intensely and beamed the rays. It was just at the third stairs of the universe because the universe had above two hundred stairs.

3. I reached for the sun and climbed the stairs to the seventeenth floor and there I lay down the sun.

4. I know for what intent I had raised the elevation of the sun. It is for me to make another abode above it. Now the City of Gold, my abode, is below the sun. I shall build a bigger, better and greater city above the sun with Anysx, the shiny transparent metal.

5. I shall build the City and name it Anysxtens.

6. When I was ready, I spoke and all the materials for my new city arose and gathered together like dirt and smoke. A great fire fell on the materials and a great heap of refined Anysx arose.

7. Then the great city arose above the sun.

8. I saw that some of my priests have returned to the City of Gold beneath my feet.

9. They were amazed when a glimpse of me they did not see, but only the shadow of the sun which was darker than the night.

10. They wailed and trembled for they have not seen it in such fashion before.

11. O, how is the sun casting its own shadow? The darkness of the shadow of the sun is so bright that it can cause permanent blindness. Magnumim yelled in panic as he saw the whole City of Gold go dark.

12. My father where art thou? he yelled in fright.

13. I laughed as I descended to meet their need and the shadow of the sun no more cover the City of Gold.

14. O Reverad, how does the sun become a shadow of itself? Mercurious asked. Is it not gaseous in form?

15. Venomus screamed, Mercurious why can't you keep silent for the father of the universe to give an explanation?

16. I laughed at their ignorance and said, I God made it so. I am the greatest light which you did not know. I created the sun. If no part of me is as illuminating as the sun, there would be no way to create it.

17. My softest part is the part in me with which I made the sun. It is more illuminating than the sun itself.

18. When my priests heard me, they thought I was referring to my tongue which I have used for creating many things I made.

19. But your tongue is not as shiny as the sun, they said but I laughed at their ignorance.

20. Eartum began to demand with his colleagues if they could make submission of their findings from all the hanging spheres they have visited and I said, no, keep your submissions to yourself because I have seen all what you find out from the earth.

21. Whatsoever you find out about the spheres you all visited is the truth according to the position of the sun, but after I changed the position of the sun, then it all becomes lies, those things you have found out.

22. Did you relocate the sun? they began to ask and I said, yes.

23. I took it farther up or you did not notice this? I knew they are limited in knowledge.

24. The sun holds the whole planets and the elements of the universe together with a great force which shall never be broken. The sun can interfere with the wind, the weather and whatever at all to cause delusion or hallucination.

25. Due to the position of the sun, everything in all the spheres you explore shall have its stand. The sun shall be their life and without the sun, both the living and the non-living shall not stand.

26. Knoliud spoke suddenly, but why are the shapes of the planets spherical? I laughed and said, you are wrong, Knoliud. The shapes of the planets are no more spherical as you think. The position of the sun at the moment has given them their permanent shapes, which is the shapes in your scrotal sac.

27. Every living being, the male Homos like you all, has two lives to live in two different planets. The shapes of the planets you shall exist in these two times are in your scrotal sacs. You also have right to make your own life with the liquid that shall be generated from your sacs.

28. When Nymphidis heard this, he smiled gently to himself and I knew the intention of his heart. Nymphidis, I called him before all. Do what you want to do, for no one can stop you from doing so.

29. Nymphidis bowed before me and gave thanks to me.


1. I am Eartum, one of the sons of God. I flew from the face of the City of Gold to a sphere I discovered just five stairs away from the sun. It was the third sphere I found.

2. Lo, the speed of the sphere was like the speed of the flight of the sons of God, according to the teaching of Knoliud my superior.

3. At first, I did not know how to jump into this planet moving with mighty speed. I fell off the planet seventy seven times before I finally made it.

4. I landed in a big ocean when I finally made it. My new wings were soaked up and heavy to carry. I crawled out of the ocean and lay beside its brink as I settled on the sand of the ocean for the sun to dry me up.

5. The shape of this place was like a ball, perfectly round.

6. Soon my wings got dried up and I was light again, ready to explore. I moved on in the lonely planet. I yelled and my yell filled the whole planet. I saw some flying objects hovering the skies above me. I identified many of them as my colleagues, the priests of Reverad.

7. Like six of them descended into the planet but I didn't see them anymore, though I am sure they are in the planet with me.

8. I kept on exploring the earth, moving around it by foot. My legs began to hurt me and I felt like fainting. Then I made an object with a hunched back and sat on it. It carried me around in the desert where I have found myself.

9. The sun was vehemently hot on my head. I needed water but I found none. I knew I would soon dry up like a dry stick, but the sun gave me hope;

10. The sun made use of the dust ahead of me, as well as the hot breeze, to invent a stream in a site not far away from me. I ran with full speed to reach the stream ahead, but to my shock, I found nothing.

11. Then I remembered one of Reverad's words himself: the brain creates hope for the whole being, using the things around it to generate the hope. Only those who can explore their brains maximally shall ride the universe like a winged object.

12. I sat down to think as the dirt of the earth clung to my body. I coughed as I became dehydrated.

13. I thought I saw some water in a place far away. I climbed my poor creature and far into the desert I went.

14. Now I have moved far far away from the ocean where I first landed, else I would have taken some waters to drink.

15. My poor creature was famished as it knelt in the sand. O! Poor thing!

16. I found a dead creature partially buried in the sand. Its skin was so tough that it could not allow the passage of air. I blew into its anus and it pumped up.

17. Does the bang come up with some lives in it? This is a question I would ask Reverad at my return to the City of Gold.

18. Rain began to pour down into the desert. I drank and my creature drank thirstily too and I filled the dead creature with water too. Then soon we began to move on in the desert.

19. The desert was so dry that we began to see the waters we have drunken escaping from our bodies.

20. Soon we were empty again, myself and my animal.

21. I looked at the dead creature into which I kept some water earlier. Lo, the creature was still swollen as it was before.

22. The water in it did not reduce at all.

23. Why? I began to put my brain to use. An answer came--the dead animal is not moving by itself. It does not need water to keep going so it does not lose the water in itself so easily.

24. My creature and myself are the one who need more water to do the motion. The more we move, the more we sweat out the water in us.

25. The dead cannot sweat because it has no blood flowing through it.

26. I, Eartum, felt the taste of my sweat. It tasted like the tepex mineral in the City of Gold. I have never sweated for anything in my life since I was formed by Reverad. This was my first sweat.

27. I began to wonder why my sweat tasted like the tepex in the City of Gold. Did Domino make us out of the tepexes?

28. I thought I would get some of the mineral to these planet at my second coming so that I could try to form an image like myself with it.

29. I walked round the desert for days and discovered many creatures. Some are so huge but with small heads, large tails and large bodies.

30. Some looked tiny and I hardly noticed them. Some were even flying in the skies like dusts. I hardly noticed them.

31. I entered into the forest and there I found great creatures with four feet. They came around me and fell at my feet when they came close to me, for I looked mightier than them all in stature.

32. Not quite long, I found someone coming close to me. The stature looked just like that of the priests in the City of Gold, but this time around, the body looked feminine.

33. There has never existed anything feminine since Reverad laid the foundation of creations. Now I am seeing one for the first time.

34. When she saw me, she made obeisance.

35. Who are you? I asked her, because I knew nothing about her.

36. I am Earthus, the mother of all creation on this planet. A loud bang awoke me into consciousness for I was never a living soul before now.

37. I am created before the bang, I Eartum said. I come from the City of Gold.

38. I have never heard of such word before, Earthus said. Notwithstanding, I heard a voice from the whirlwind which told me to take charge of all the living things that had been generated by the bang.

39. You heard a sound from the whirlwind? I asked her but I doubted her not because my Lord spoke many times with whirlwind or I would say his voice sounds like whirlwind into our ears and so our ears send a wrong signal to the brain that there was a whirlwind. That is nature!

40. It allows you to see what you believe, even though it is not real.

41. Earthus called me into her tent and showed me all the living creatures she had tamed into her tent. A large one stood out. That was the first Homo I discovered was also created by the bang.

42. It was deaf and dumb.
Sounds like a serious case of megalomania. I'd get more sleep and get grounded in what's going on in your life. This is way too escapist to be taken seriously.

1. I lived with Earthus for many days and I began to love everything about her. Her smiles carried the smiles of the ripples on the sea.

2. She was like a bird to me(as I later found out the characters of birds). Her voice was the sweetest I ever heard. Her legs were long and smooth.

3. I, Eartum, could not hold the urge to kiss Earthus. There has never been any kiss before. I did not know how the urge came on me.

4. I watched Earthus as she pulled at her long hair, which was about six cubits long. I came close to putting my lips in hers when I saw six figures like mine emerge from nowhere.

5. Eartum, dare it not! Nymphidis cried at me. The other priests with him were Chimides, Largas, Ephradite, Euchlydes, Murmoh and Chaleb. They were the flying ones I saw like objects earlier.

6. They have all chosen the third planet under the sun to explore too.

7. Nymphidis brought fire and we sat round it. Then we took turn to speak of our findings. Chimides said he had toured round the planet and found out that water occupied most part of the earth.

8. I walked in the water for my feet was touching its base. I spoke into the water and formed some living creatures in it.

9. Largas spoke of how he had formed some flying objects. The objects sing like Largas himself. They have different kinds of voices. He also formed some winged ones which are far tinier than the ones that sing.

10. Ephradite spoke of his findings on the surface of the planet where we stood. He told us of a bird made by Largas which has flown out of the earth, shockingly to Largas himself.

11. I never heard of this before, Largas replied.

12. Yes I keep it a top secret till this time, Largas. But be it known unto you that your bird you name Parakreet has flown out of this planet.

13. But I caged it, Largas said.

14. But I threw up the cage playfully and shockingly the cage went up up away without returning to this planet. It went with the bird in it.

15. Largas was quiet for he was speechless. I, Eartum, asked to know why it was so and Ephradite asked me to use my brain.

16. I, Eartum, began to put my brain to use. Then I raised my face to the sky and found no living object flying in it right now.

17. Where are all the flying creatures you said you created, O Largas? I asked him. He set his eyes up and saw none too. He was alarmed!

18. Right before our face, Largas put his right hand in his pocket and came up with some hard tepex. I asked, O Largas, what do you mean this for?

19. I created all the birds with the tepexes, Largas replied.

20. But how did you know that you can create something with tepexes? I asked Largas and he replied, Lo, I found water pouring out of my skin when I was under the sun in this planet. I tasted it and it was like tepexes. Then I think Reverad formed us thereof.

21. Your observation is true, dear Largas. I tasted the water of my skin too. It tasted like tepex.

22. Immediately, Largas formed a bird and threw it forcefully into the sky. The bird flew up, up, up and it vanished out of our sight. We all wondered where it had been.

23. Do birds now have our powers? Chaleb asked in amazement. Because for us, once we jumped up even without our wings, we keep on going up, up, up.

24. Largas flexed his muscles to pull back the birds which had gone out of sight, but could not. Chaleb joined him to flex his muscle while they looked into the sky.

25. I, Eartum and Chimides and Ephradite and Euchlydes and Nymphidis all joined Chaleb and Largas in the pulling force, but we found no birds descending. Only Murmoh did not join hands to pull down the birds.

26. Amazingly, Earthus flexed her muscles too and we all laughed at her because her muscles looked smaller compared to ours.

27. To our amazements, we began to see rain of birds. They were all dead and frozen, falling down in their hundreds upon our heads.

28. What is this? we the sons of God screamed out loud. We all stopped pulling, but the birds didn't stop raining. Then we looked behind us and found Earthus still pulling.

29. How is Earthus, a product of the bang, more powerful than all the sons of God joined together? we questioned.

30. I suggested that Reverad could have put the planet in her care since she came up with this planet at the bang.

31. When Earthus stopped pulling, the birds ceased to fall immediately.

32. We threw many living creatures up too, to ascertain if it was only birds that go up without coming back, but according to our findings, all things we threw up never returned to us.

33. I have also thrown my poor hunch-backed creature into the air too and it never returned to me.

34. We tried again to pull them back but nothing fell back until Earthus alone flexed her muscles and they began to fall back one after the other.

35. As a mutual consent, we agreed to let Earthus control the planet because she had more dominion over the creatures more than we all do. Nymphidis disagreed at first, but eventually we agreed to let Earthus rule the earth and we called the name of this planet Earth, according to the tongue we chose to speak (for we all have more than a thousand tongues each, which we speak and we all understood them all).

36. And so Earthus became the mother of all things in this planet called Earth.

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