The DNA of Jesus Christ??


Rational Skeptic
Valued Senior Member
A recent SciFi story on TV started me thinking about religious dogma. Do any of the standard religions make an attempt to reconcile dogma with modern science? In the story, some DNA from the Shroud of Turin was used in an attempt to clone Jesus Christ.

Some (many, all?) Christian sects believe that Christ was god or at least was a divine entity that was more than a man. Were his god-like characteristics encoded in his DNA? I assume that Mary contributed half the normal amount of genetic material. Did the spirit contribute the other half? Perhaps Christ only had half the normal amount of genetic material, although this seems impossible.

Should Christ’s divine nature just be viewed as magic, requiring no explanation? Should it be viewed as due to unusual coding in his DNA?

Have any theologians come up with any thoughts relating to the DNA of Christ?

What about other religious dogma? Does anybody attempt to reconcile beliefs with modern science?
Originally posted by Dinosaur
In the story, some DNA from the Shroud of Turin was used in an attempt to clone Jesus Christ.

I don't think the Shroud of Turin could have held Jesus' DNA since it was carbon-dated to be from about the 1400s. I tend to think it was Da Vinci fooling around with a type of camera or something that could make a negative image.

Some (many, all?) Christian sects believe that Christ was god or at least was a divine entity that was more than a man. Were his god-like characteristics encoded in his DNA?

Jesus probably had normal DNA like everybody else. Remember: the word "virgin" only means "young woman."

Did the spirit contribute the other half? Perhaps Christ only had half the normal amount of genetic material, although this seems impossible.

I believe Mary had sex like everybody else--but then there's the artificial insemination, cloning, and spontaneous pregnancy theories.

Would Christ’s divine nature just be viewed as magic, requiring no explanation?

That's what Xians believe.

Should it be viewed as due to unusual coding in his DNA?

Well, we just won't be able to find this out--or will we? I believe Jesus' bones are buried somewhere in France, or maybe India, but it's a sure bet that his offspring with Mary Magdalene are buried in France.

Have any theologians come up with any thoughts relating to the DNA of Christ?

No, I would think this would be a topic Xians would avoid.

What about other religious dogma? Does anybody attempt to reconcile beliefs with modern science?

Not that I know of, but they should. If there is a God, then God would have created the universe through evolution. Great thinkers and scientists have appeared frequently. I believe God (or our innermost Soul) creates us and reveals knowledge to those of us who know how to use this knowledge. There is no new information in the world. Everything was with us from the beginning of our existence. The only part we play in it is to understand this knowledge when it is revealed to us.

Thanks for you great post!
Y’know, i wonder, dýou think Lucas had that idea in mind when he was creating the concept of “high midi-chlorian counts inside a person’s blood, determining if that person had a high level of it making him jedi material? Haha. Yeah sounds funny huh? But seriously, think about it. It’s not too far off from the truth. So, are we entitled to have this kind of thingy going on inside our bodies because some *special* person gets the inherited curse or blessing that makes them superior in a way?
What does that make the rest of us? Pawns in a world of gods, not too far off the mythological explanation of Greek gods playing around with our lives.

Hey, this quote from ms. Medicine lady: “
Well, we just won't be able to find this out--or will we? I believe Jesus' bones are buried somewhere in France, or maybe India, but it's a sure bet that his offspring with Mary Magdalene are buried in France. “…
-did they really do it? That’s really news to me. I heard she was pretty hot and really gave herself to him. Now that’s really gratitude.
There’s another idea that Jesus was gay with his disciples too. And not the happy kind either. No, I’m not blasphemous but to quit that road to the unthinkable, what say we discuss a little on genetics just the top of my head without references.

Ok, a person with double y for example, has extra testosterone in him, making him a more probable target to have violent tendencies, his direction behind prison cells. Note: they had made studies about those men who end up in prison, owning up to that extra *y* gene. Then there’s another study of females, super tall with that extra x gene. Who are less than average intelligent and then you have the absence of certain alleles or extra, then there’s that chromosome 21 thing going on, making a person labeled as a Down syndrome case. Let’s not forget that the frog’s dna is not that much different than ours. And the list goes on. You can’t chalk it up as simply as, oh, jesus had a normal dna like the rest of us. The rest of us aren’t Jesus. God, it’s been awhile since I’ve taken biology but y’know, if all this happens, like an alcoholic who gives his bloodline the likelihood of a possible repeat in his son or grandson to become less than resistant to spirits, or the gene of a *black sheep* staining the line of succession, giving an open field to those who follow in their footsteps, you have to think, well, there’s something going on in the dna of this person!

So let’s discuss Jesus’s bloodline and wow, there was a lot spilled during his crucifixion. He was never less than generous. So no I disagree, Jesus did not have a normal dna. What defines normal anyway? That everything is in place? He certainly didn’t do anything unnormal in his time.

My blood type for example, rare as it is is another issue. Blood and dna are very serious things to consider, to understand and there’s a lot we still don’t know about. I can’t imagine why blood can be so important even to those who write fiction about vampires and using blood as a basis for sacrifice. Even the 1st emperor of China wanted to capture immortality using blood as the source for his experiment, but instead there was the journey to a mythical island now Japan. I could pull out my dna books and study it to conclude a more definite response.
And besides, what would you have wanted us to respond, ? to this question? That Jesus was indeed given the gift of powerful “magic” coursing through his veins? In a subjective sense, yeah, it was magic. Don’t forget that that exists because once you fall into the realm of logic and concreteness, everything that Nietzsche, kant, Mozart, Jung and hundreds of others could argue otherwise.

thanks for letting voice my opinions, ;)