The Disclosure Project


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Registered Senior Member
The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret.

This website was recently mentioned in another thread. It has too much content for me to read through it all. Has anyone been through it? If so, are there any valid claims in there? If valid, can you prove it? Any invalid? If invalid, can you prove it, or are you just blowing smoke?

PS: Saying "It mentions ET on the front, that's as far as you need to go" does not qualify as an intelligent response.
I looked at it, and of course I can't prove anything, but it seems like if it's a hoax, then they have gone through a LOT of unnecessary work to make it believable, when they probably know that approximately less then half of those who come across this site will not believe a word in it anyway. That makes it believable to me. The pure effort.


Any invalid? If invalid, can you prove it, or are you just blowing smoke?

Here are a couple of excerpts taken from the first article I came across from that website. I'm sure you can tell whether its nonsense or not:

For one thing they told us that the velocity of light was not a constant. As a matter of fact they seemed to be rather pointed in their statements that light doesn’t travel, it is. And we told them that from our point of view it appeared to travel with a certain definite velocity of 186,000 miles per second. They said that’s the way it looks to you because you are looking at it from a region having certain conditions, certain influences, but they said if you were to go away from this region you would find that a different set of circumstances prevailed. Another thing they told us cast a great deal of doubt on our ideas of time. They told us that time wasn’t at all what we thought it was, namely what might be marked off with the ticking of a clock, that time was, in fact, a field function, the result of there being a universe. That is, something which was derived from the basic primordial concepts which brought this universe into being, and that it differed as you went from one part of the universe to the other. Also it could be altered, sometimes by natural means, sometimes by intelligently-controlled means in various parts of the universe.

We asked them how they were supported and they said they were supported on the earth’s gravitational field. We asked them what the earth’s gravitational field was and they said it was a complicated function, which has to do with the influences of the material, which made up the planet which was producing the field. Further study on our own with occasional reference to these people form elsewhere and we figured out what was really taking place, to the extent that we were able to go into the laboratory and conduct a series of experiments which proved beyond a doubt that this is true. Our laboratory experiments have allowed us to make about a one per cent change in the weight of objects. We can make them about one per cent heavier and one per cent lighter.,_1961.htm
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Actually, that looks like they've been ripping off Podkletnov-based fiction.
hi guys and gals..... I've been following this for about a year. they use to have the press club conference footage avalible and they have some pretty powerful people on there side...well they seem to have... theres another press conference coming up in the next couple of months.. that could be interesting...