The Disclosure of the Lie!


Follow this link, and read exactly where the Bible comes from...

The bible was based on older texts from the Middle East, North Africa and India, as most people on this thread have discussed. This site actually gives you the passages from which the Bible stole it's contents. Read and Enjoy.

And discuss! ;)

The Disclosure of the Lie
As if the Bible isn't supposed to be based on real events or established tradition. It is no secret that the Old Testament contains accumulated material - some of which was from other cultures and religions. Since Moses existed before either the Akkadian or Judaic telling, it remains the responsibility of the text to justify its reference. The "Lucifer" text might both refer to the same king - i.e. be the very same tradition. Both persons tried to rise above God and fell.

What gives the page away is the inflammatory word "plagiarized". It demonstrates an outright bias from the author. Unlike a Biblical scholar, she seems to try and discredit rather than study the poetic devices and origins. "Plagiarism" is another way of saying at "came to be written down", with modern non-PC connotations.

I'd like to see the rest of her book, but it no doubt cites other pieces of song or poetry, oral traditions. The dating of Exodus to 14 a.d. is also an indication of the author's prejudice - it downplays the fact that Jews had been using it for centuries. As a matter of fact, at that time only the Pentateuch was considered Scripture.

The main difference between these texts - and I assume other similar texts - is the god in question. The Babylonians/Sumerians/Canaanites held their gods in the same regard as the Israelites, with equal power and longevity.

I will concede this: if you don't believe that all these acounts refer to a real God, it doesn't really matter which scriptures survived and which were plagiarized out of existence. Neither will prove or convince you that the God in question is worthy of faith. Not the one whose people triumphed or the one of people who was triumphed over.

The wars described in the old testament relate a battle where the real God showed His power over false gods (most notably Baal) - and provides an account of how He aided those who followed Him. Of course they came into contact with other religious traditions, and many times even adhered to them (which explains the overlapping of language used). This had come to an end by the after their release from Babylonian exile, when Jerusalem was restored. Then Jesus came to establish a new kingdom, and the one on earth has degenerated ever since. Look at how Israel is frantically trying to hold on to Jerusalem.