The dinosaurs.


Great View!
Registered Senior Member
Ooh or what killed the dinosaurs?

Was it:

a) a big fucking comet?
b) a lack of environmental opportunities?


c) humans?

Personally I would say the natural evil within us probably died with the extermination of the giant lizards that were present then. Can anyone think of a better target, apart from giant spiders which I would consider too frightening to overcome anyway. The natural evil that we were born with became symbolic with the dinosaurs, and thus we were given a natural enemy to overcome. Surely our intelligence (chemical knowledge, physics, and fire etc) could have helped us wipe them off the face of the planet!
Originally posted by Mucker
Ooh or what killed the dinosaurs?
Was it:
a) a big fucking comet?
b) a lack of environmental opportunities?
c) humans?
Well it's definetly not C as the dinosaurs were extinct for about 60 million years before we arrived on the scene. The general consensus is that this particular mass extinction was caused by a large meteor impact, possibly the one(s) that struck the Yucatan peninsula.

d) had an argument about the possibility that the t-rex's had
Eggs of mass destruction,couldnt be found but there was a war.
It was the flood

God after 400 million years decided that dinosaurs were evil and had to be eliminated along with all the other evil humans. God was so angry at the dinosaurs that he dint allow any dinosaurs on Noah's ark. When the flood came it drowned all the dinosaurs and made their remains turn into stone just like those petrified trees in arizona. Hm, I wonder why he dint turn the evil human remains into stone.

Well this is one mans educated opinion on what happened to the dinosaurs and I dont want to hear from your pin headed scientists any mumbo jumbo about meteors, asteroids and what have you.:rolleyes:
Here's the most credible theory I've heard, and it is the one I believe. God first created Earth with the dinosaurs and all that good stuff. The He destroys them by a flood, and THEN comes Genesis 1:1 and so forth. In a nutshell, their were two Earths; the second one was merely built upon the frame of the older Earth.
My proof? If I remember right there is something lost in the Hebrew translation of ,"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth." "created" presents a connotation of something being there beforehand. So the answer to the query," How old is the Earth? Is it 500 zillion years old or 10,000?" The answer is both.
It also makes sense in that I couldn't see us coexisting with dinosaurs once sin entered the world.

Again, just my two cents

How frustrating you feeble theists are...
I'll let you in on a little secret; the flintstones wasn't historically accurate!!!

Heres the rough history of life on earth as told by Dr Lou natic;

Plankton like microbes were spawned by the sun( a natural event, WILL happen in earth-like conditions, not mysterious, sun+water=life)
Plankton competed with plankton, millions of different tiny crustaceans and molluscs evolved from plankton, as did the first plants that were actually algae(not a big leap, plankton are half animal half plant organisms, we can tell from this they are the ancestors of all life on earth, they range in appearance from blobs to crustacean like)

This early primitave life evolved into many different crustaceans, anemones and molluscs, predator and prey relationships formed, forming eco-systems and speeding up the evolutionary process for all the players involved.
Crustaceans were branching out, some were getting better at swimming and their armour plates were becoming more streamlined, turning into scales, becoming fish. Fish became lots of different fish, all the old things were still around(molluscs, crustaceans, anemones) in fact there were more species than ever, but less individuals in each species due to heavy competition from many different animals.

A famous fish went upstream, hanged around the banks of rivers, and found a crafty way to avoid predators, jumping out onto the dry land, and waiting for the water loving predator to move on before jumping back in the water. We've all seen mudskippers, this is their ancestor, it is also every land animals ancestor.
Some mudskippers got better and better at breathing air, being able to stay out of the water for longer and longer, eventually they managed to move around on land and needed the water less and less.

Different groups of mudskippers went there different ways. They formed amphibians and eventually reptiles. Reptiles were perfectly adapted to land. They blossomed and took over the land, forming new predator and prey relationships and thus eco-systems. Reptiles evolved and changed for a long time, some went back into the water(crocodiles, turtles etc), crossing over and interlocking the water and land ecosytems, but most remained on land feeding on plants which had also made their way to the land but that is another equally as illustrious story.

The "dinosaurs" we hear about were now in full swing, one little dinosaur developed started digging burrows, males and females of this dinosaur found that forming life bonds and sharing the responsibility offspring to be beneficial. They started giving birth to live young because they could afford to, they were the first. This dinosaur was the ancestor of mammals. It remained a sort of half reptile half mammal type creature for quite some time.
Meanwhile a different dinosaur started climbing trees and found that jumping off the tree was a good way to avoid tree climbing predators. It got better at jumping and eventually evolved basic wings for gliding to make the landing softer, and much later it learned to flap its wings and actually fly.

This was the birds ancestor but both the mammal ancestor and the bird ancestor remained reptiles until something catastrophic happened.

Something suddenly(relatively suddenly, probably over a period of more than a million years) started wiping out vast numbers of the larger dinosaurs. This is a mystery, the one thing we can't be sure of yet. There is evidence for comets, but there is also evidence for disease and el-nino. It was probably an unfortunate combination.

When the dust settled the survivors found huge niches unfilled, reminiscent of what the mudskipper found. Again evolution was kickstarted into a drastic change. Mammal ancestor and bird ancestor and small reptiles started freely branching out and forming new species. Bird ancestor became thousands of different birds, mammal ancestor became thousands of different mammals.
No, not the mammals we see today, humans were still millions and millions of years away.

But you can see how it works, humans are no stretch.
Mice become rats, rats become possums, possums become lemurs, lemurs become monkeys and apes, apes become homonids (humans and neanderthals), humans outcompete neanderthals, humans make up absurd concepts in their free time(ie god), humans take over the earth. Humans destroy eco-systems faster than any comet etc etc etc.

Any questions?
So you're saying that two nonliving things can combine and make a living thing. Even if that were the case wouldn't something somewhere down the road have to create that sun and that water, or at least provide the ingredients to create them? In my opinion, it takes more faith to believe in what you do than to believe what I do.
Yep. You are attributing life with too much romance, its just a natural reaction to conditions. And if you read my post you can see how it can become more and more complex over a long period of time.

Edit: And who said the sun wasn't living anyway? If you want to worship something I recommend worshipping the sun and the earth, they are what made you afterall.
you didn't answer my second question, wouldn't something (cough...God)have to come along and at bare minimum provide the ingredients to create sunlight and water?
The history of earth is my specialty, ask the astronomy types about the creation of stars and planets.
I guarantee this, the "god" you are thinking about isn't real. No living organism on earth has heard from, seen or spoken to a god.
There could be one, but no-one in history has known anything about it, and for all we know it might not even know we exist, let alone care what we do.
You contradict yourself, you first not only say, but guarantee that my God doesn't exist. Then you say there might be. Which is it? And don't hide behind your "history of earth is my specialty." Surely one of your intellect could go outside his comfort range, if I--a 15 year old can-- then surely you can.

No one has ever heard of a God? I've heard of a God Just because you don't believe in a God doesn't mean that no one else has.

I also have a question for you. Do you only believe only that which you can comprehend?
I'm 15 as well, :m:

My proof? If I remember right there is something lost in the Hebrew translation of ,"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth." "created" presents a connotation of something being there beforehand.

This is in no way or form proof of anything. I can write "god does not exist" on a piece of paper this doesent verify that he does not exist.

Dr Lou Natic
I guarantee this, the "god" you are thinking about isn't real. No living organism on earth has heard from, seen or spoken to a god.

You can determine that by what. You must be god to know that all organisms don't believe in you :p

you didn't answer my second question, wouldn't something (cough...God)have to come along and at bare minimum provide the ingredients to create sunlight and water?

Sigh good friend with that argument you also in-the-process end theiest arguments. If something had to come along and create the sun than something must have come along and created god.

Why can god exist without being created and the sun can't?
Haha - how can we measure if we weren't there??

Haha - it's effing sick how stupid theists are.

I literally cannot believe that in the same time period of EVOLUTION (aww, did I hurt your feelings?) two people could be so different in intelligence.

Man oh man - It's like they were literally born without anything but a brain stem ........

...I feel like I"m in that movie "time machine" where the smart creatures live above and these dumb smelling animals live below.

Haha - it's effing sick how stupid theists are.

I literally cannot believe that in the same time period of EVOLUTION (aww, did I hurt your feelings?) two people could be so different in intelligence.

Man oh man - It's like they were literally born without anything but a brain stem ........

...I feel like I"m in that movie "time machine" where the smart creatures live above and these dumb smelling animals live below.
And your ability to throw insults at others somehow makes you smarter than them?

Now if you could demonstrate a reasoned argument appropriate to the topic without resorting to infantile profanity then maybe you might earn some respect, which for now you've lost.
Heh - Here we go with the theist nut-cases.

Yeah, name-calling is infantile - sure......

.......sorry I don't converse with your kind.
Originally posted by jcarl
You contradict yourself, you first not only say, but guarantee that my God doesn't exist. Then you say there might be. Which is it?
I'm not contradicting myself. The god in the bible, the quaran, etc, the god that says "thou shalt not kill" and burns bushes and parts seas, the god that created humans in his image, the god that watches over earth in a pissed off state over the way things naturally operate DOES NOT EXIST.
A god of some sort, may or may not exist, one that kick started existence for some unknown reason. Some god like entity may be in control of the universe. What I'm saying is no human has any reason to assume one does, no human in history has met god or been given orders by god. It is a concept humans invented. Either from scratch or by making assumption on what people had said before them.

I also have a question for you. Do you only believe only that which you can comprehend?
You obviously can't muster any more than that. You can understand how some magic man could create earth and people but evolution is obviously way to complicated and cold for you so you disreguard it. Thats your problem not mine. I can comprehend the concept of god, its just I have learned enough to tell me it doesn't make sense in oh so many ways. I suggest you do the same.
Dr. Lou you seem to know alot about god don't you.
Yeah Crystal seriously, lighten up :D
And I only believe what I can comprehend.

So you're saying that two nonliving things can combine and make a living thing.
Why not? What is the difference between something living and not living? Not to be confused with dead things (i.e. things that were once alive). If you look very closely at a single cell (biology 101 will do fine), you will find that all the ingredients are made up of simpler molecules and they in turn consist of simpler elements, i.e. non-living things.

Life is a grouping of non-living elements in a state of animation, i.e. are in a permanent state of cooperative reaction.

Even if that were the case wouldn't something somewhere down the road have to create that sun and that water, or at least provide the ingredients to create them?
Why does anything need to be created? In basic physics and chemistry you should have learnt how forces are attractive or repulsive, and how elements can form natural bonds with other elements. All the time the environment is in motion then over time elements that can easily bond with others will do so.

The primary distinction here is time. If things were instantly created by say some super power then no time would be required for complexity to appear. However, what we observe is that all the lifeforms we have been able to categorize have been adapting, mutating and changing over many millions of years. Clearly that is not consistent with the claim of a creation event.

In my opinion, it takes more faith to believe in what you do than to believe what I do.
Why? What is it about the proven actions of basic physics and chemistry that lead you to believe that something else is required?

Note that the laws of physics are observable and identifiable, whereas theist claims for something super powerful are without any factual basis. If you disagree then all need do is show a proof for the existence of a god.