The DeviL (the Beast) claimed to be Jesus


Registered Senior Member
One of the requirements of being a christian is that you MUST believe that it was Jesus that came Saul on the road to Damascus, but I discovered that it was the Devil claiming to be Jesus that came to Saul.

Ask any christian out there, "If a person believes and claims it was the Devil claiming to be Jesus that came to Saul on the road to Damascus, is this person a christian?

Peace with you, Paul
M*W: "I would ask him if he had any comments about Paul?"

Battig1370: He would say, "Have you heard about the One that came to Saul on the road to Damascus, who said, "I am the Jesus of Nazareth", that wasn't me, he was the Devil pretending to be me. We sure got a mess to deal with now, don't we!

Peace be with you, Paul
battig1370 said:
M*W: "I would ask him if he had any comments about Paul?"

Battig1370: He would say, "Have you heard about the One that came to Saul on the road to Damascus, who said, "I am the Jesus of Nazareth", that wasn't me, he was the Devil pretending to be me. We sure got a mess to deal with now, don't we!

Peace be with you, Paul

That makes absolutely no sense Saul was killing Christians and trying to destroy it wich is what the Devil's goal is so why would the devil change Him to do the opposite of his goal.
One of the requirements of being a christian is that you MUST believe that it was Jesus that came Saul on the road to Damascus
There were Christians before Paul.

but I discovered that it was the Devil claiming to be Jesus that came to Saul.
Why do you say it was the Devil? Why would the Devil want Paul to stop persecuting Christians?
Warrior61 said:
That makes absolutely no sense Saul was killing Christians and trying to destroy it wich is what the Devil's goal is so why would the devil change Him to do the opposite of his goal.

Now, now... what would be more devil like? Simply letting paul continue to kill christians or insiduously having paul convert christians from those who follow the teachings of christ to a militant cult hell bent on destroying the world (i.e. modern day christianity.)

Or maybe we can all just grow up and realize there is no "devil." You might even get a seat at the big persons' table.
Battig, it's an interesting hypothesis, but please show us the evidence that points to this discovery. Otherwise, we'll have a stagnant discussion on our hands, and that's just messy.
top mosker said:
Now, now... what would be more devil like? Simply letting paul continue to kill christians or insiduously having paul convert christians from those who follow the teachings of christ to a militant cult hell bent on destroying the world (i.e. modern day christianity.)

Or maybe we can all just grow up and realize there is no "devil." You might even get a seat at the big persons' table.

lol yay I get to sit at the big person's table with you!!!!

lol no jk.

well since you believe there isn't a devil then is there evil?
Warrior61 said:
lol yay I get to sit at the big person's table with you!!!!

lol no jk.

well since you believe there isn't a devil then is there evil?

Evil? yes. I'd say Hitler was quite evil. Stalin too. America has been evil at times throughout history. And of course the Bush family is quite evil.

This in no way means there is a physical or spiritual manifestation of evil that convinces these people to do what they did. The only thing that makes a man evil is the choices he makes.
top mosker said:
This in no way means there is a physical or spiritual manifestation of evil that convinces these people to do what they did. The only thing that makes a man evil is the choices he makes.

And I don't see why some people can't realize that.
Everybody got off the topic. It's probably my fault for not clarifying the question. There is all kinds of beliefs and claims out there that don't make sense. The question was not that my claim makes sense.

Athelwulf says I'm a christian. The first question I like answered is: Am I a christian when I make the claim that it was the Devil claiming to be Jesus that came to Saul on the road to Damascus? Keep on topic.

Athelwulf: "Battig, it's an interesting hypothesis, but please show us the evidence that points to this discovery."

Battig1370: It's very important that the first question is dealt with first.

Peace be with you, Paul
battig1370 said:
Everybody got off the topic. It's probably my fault for not clarifying the question. There is all kinds of beliefs and claims out there that don't make sense. The question was not that my claim makes sense.
Ah, so now "sense" bears nothing on a rational conversation. In that case, answer this question:

Why does the toaster eat hair from a llama? Is it peanut butter? A gyroscopic tire?

Athelwulf says I'm a christian. The first question I like answered is: Am I a christian when I make the claim that it was the Devil claiming to be Jesus that came to Saul on the road to Damascus? Keep on topic.
I guess. You can call yourself whatever you want. Southern Baptists and other fundamentalists claim to be christian although I think Jesus rolled over in his tomb sometime a while back.

Athelwulf: "Battig, it's an interesting hypothesis, but please show us the evidence that points to this discovery."

Battig1370: It's very important that the first question is dealt with first.

Peace be with you, Paul
huh? :bugeye:
I wouldn't know how to answer this question, battig. I don't know much about "requirements" one must meet to be a Christian, other than believing in Jesus.

But isn't this thread about yer hypothesis? I'm very convinced that it is, since ya made this thread after I suggested that ya start another thread about it. If this thread is about yer hypothesis, then yer hypothesis should be addressed; yer question can be answered in another thread. If this thread isn't about yer hypothesis, then I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
I think Jesus rolled over in his tomb sometime a while back.

Oh man, that was like a kick in the crotch of pure joy. Just came out of no where and left me quaking, with tears of happiness in my eyes.

Thank you.
why are you picking fault with the devil.
there are I believe over 650 evil deeds directly and indirectly caused by god and about 200 good deeds, in the kjb. and just over 50 that pertain to the devil, and none of those 50 killed anyone, tempted deceived etc.
you've got your evil back to front.
top mosker: "Ah, so now "sense" bears nothing on a rational conversation"

Battig1370: What religion do you know of that makes sense? The religions that I know of, it's matter of faith, NOT what is rational or what make sense.

Does it make sense that a deity came to Saul/St.Paul as an angel of light saying "I am the Jesus of Nazareth"

Peace be with you, Paul
battig1370 said:
What religion do you know of that makes sense? The religions that I know of, it's matter of faith, NOT what is rational or what make sense.

one has to be pretty much out of his mind to believe things that doesn't make sense. all religions are rational, otherwise people wouldn't believe.

Does it make sense that a deity came to Saul/St.Paul as an angel of light saying "I am the Jesus of Nazareth"

yeah. that diety was probably in pauls mind (doesn't make it less real)
Yorda: one has to be pretty much out of his mind to believe things that doesn't make sense. all religions are rational, otherwise people wouldn't believe.
M*W: What makes sense to one person may make an idiot out of the next. There is no such thing as a "rational religion." Religions are not based on rational concepts, because they generally promote that which cannot be seen nor proven to exist.
Yorda: yeah. that diety was probably in pauls mind (doesn't make it less real)
M*W: I agree that who/what Paul envisioned on the Road was most definitely a figment of his own imagination due to an epileptic seizure with following hallucinations (i.e. as in the normal case of a grand mal seizure) which would make it seem to be real in Paul's mind but in no one else's.

You've made contradicting and illogical statements in this post (as well as in others). Where are you going with this?
M*W: There is no such thing as a "rational religion." Religions are not based on rational concepts, because they generally promote that which cannot be seen nor proven to exist.

Battig1370: I very much agree with you, but Yorda must not be from planet earth fot what he said, "all religions are rational, otherwise people wouldn't believe."

Peace be with you, Paul
Religions are rational for me because I understand them. There are many things that can't be seen but you believe in them because you see the effects, and you see them in your mind. In the same way, you can see that which the religions talk about, but maybe not with your physical eyes. That which is in the mind is probably more real than what you see in the 'material' world.
Yorda: Religions are rational for me because I understand them.
M*W: I, too, understand why religions were created and why they seem 'rational' to their believers, but they are not rational to me.
Yorda: There are many things that can't be seen but you believe in them because you see the effects, and you see them in your mind. In the same way, you can see that which the religions talk about, but maybe not with your physical eyes. That which is in the mind is probably more real than what you see in the 'material' world.
M*W: Yes, too me, but I don't assume that what I see in my mind can be seen or understood by others. You seem to be a person who has been blessed with great faith and understanding. If you're interested, I have some ocean front property in Colorado that you would find lovely.