the destruction of history. part I


free thinker
Registered Senior Member
i dont know how many of you were aware that there were several ANCIENT ARTIFACTs in the 'holy lands' of babylonia and iraq, where the war on terrorism is being fought. Within these troubled lands there are Murals, Paintings, Tablets, Artifacts- numerous items of ancient history. these items are not only valuable but they HELD within them FACTS/TRUTHS and evidence about the ancient world, and about the beggining of MANKIND. some of the documents dated back years and years before christ- and from some research i found they even have found some anient tablets that had accounts of different things going on back in the day.
(not what we perceive as our past)

WELL- you can forget all that i just wrote because they have DESTROYED these ancient temples, because of idiot terrorists turning them into their 'war base' or barracks or whatever. You can also blame George Bush for the destruction of these priceless artifacts, because our troops are the one who blew these buildings down, crushing all evidence and history with it.

This is really an act of EVIL, hidden beneath the lies and coruption of modern-day politics. Bush's pre-emptive attack only adds to the suspicion that something evil is going on here, but no one wants to acknowledge it.
Truth in stone was destroyed to hide the evidence, and now its been done.

I post this here because it is of World Importance. History is being destroyed. We may never know our true origins.
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zonabi said:
...and from some research i found they even have found some anient tablets that had accounts of different things going on back in the day.
And some examples of sources for your research would be?

:m: Peace.
well, firstly there are summerian tables that clearly show our solar system is arranged. remember this was years before even christ, heck they didnt even have Glass Lenses to make a Telescope.
-this suggets that advanced life was present long before we thought. catastrophes may have caused civilization to start over ?

the sumerians spoke of a 12th planet (10th planet to us, because they counted the sun and moon) and guess what? there is proof about "planet x" as people are calling it now

some murals show lizard-like humanoids, very very strange drawings.
some drawings even suggest interbreeding between humans and these wierd looking creatures. (dont shoot me im just a messenger!)

heres some excerpts:
In 1938, archeologist Chi Pu Tei discovered a strange alignment of graves in the Baian Kara Ula Mountains, near the Sino-Tibetan border. Also found were cave drawings illustrating beings wearing helmets, the stars, sun and moon. There were also reports of the discovery of small, frail skeletons with unusually large skulls. In 1962, a strange record-like disk found among the graves was translated by professor Tsum Um Nui. The translation tells an eerie tale of how a group of beings crash landed on the third planet in this star system approximately twelve thousand years ago. Repairs to their craft were appearently unsuccessful and so attempts were made to befriend the local mountain tribes. But instead, (out of fear) the beings were hunted down and killed for their nonhuman appearance

Interpretations of Babylonian and Sumerian writings speak of how man's early history was greatly influenced by visitors from the twelth planet in our solar system. Ancient Sumerians called this planet Nibiru, while the Babylonians refer to it as Marduk. This implies to some that our solar system may contain a tenth planet, since the Sumerians counted the sun and moon also as heavenly bodies. In 1983, the Washington Post News Service reported, "A heavenly body, possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to earth that it might be part of this solar system, has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope called the Infrared Astronomical Observatory".

furthermore, ongoing research and open-minded skeptics have began to wonder about Egypt. These civilizations were FAR ADVANCED, as you guys have probably heard about their mummification processes, their intricate tombs full of secrets, and the most obvious- the Pyramids themselves.

There were two Commanders. One was called En ki and the other En lil.
Enki was given dominion over the planet and along with his sister Nin Hag Sag,
created workers after genetically using their own DNA.
This appears to be around the time that humans became Homo Sapiens.
Any questions so far ??

<LadyNada> so Enki and his sister mixed their own DNA
with Homo erectus? to make Homo Sapiens?
<Gina> so the Sumerian tablets seem to imply
This appears to be around the time that humans became Homo Sapiens.
Why we can ask, was there a need for intelligent workers and to what purpose
were the newly created humans put to.

When we go further into the Sumerian
tablets we find that the Gods started to war against each other. " An" (which
means Heaven) was father of the Gods, changed his mind and gave En lil and his
half sister Nin Har Sag the Earth.

Here we find the first succession to ruler ship.
To keep the genetic purity of their race the Gods had to marry and produce
their off springs through their own line. While we do not consider this a good
practice today, the Egyptian Pharaohs emulated the practice.

En ki means "Lord of the Earth" and En Lil means "Lord of the Wind"
along with Nin Har Sag which means (Lady of the Head Mountain)
divided the earth into 4, leaving one zone as neutral.
I think that it is interesting that we have three main blood factors on the
planet with a 4th that is a mixture of A and B
u can view the entire conversation with 'Gina'

i dont want to hog up too much space but i will compile more data and store it in a text file if u want more.
some of these tablets are already GONE like the wind, because of the War in Iraq, the place where babylon was, and not to mention Jerusalem.

the world is in turmoil, its time for change, wouldnt you agree?

all i ask is you consider this post with a open-mind.
I just watched a documentary tonight about the looting of antiquities in Iraq.

US forces left the Baghdad museum unguarded for 8 days after they arrived, during which time countless treasures were looted. Most likely these have found their way into the hands of wealthy foreign collectors.
James R said:
I just watched a documentary tonight about the looting of antiquities in Iraq.

US forces left the Baghdad museum unguarded for 8 days after they arrived, during which time countless treasures were looted. Most likely these have found their way into the hands of wealthy foreign collectors.

James R, that's actually a myth.

I was watching a documentary with a famous radical-left reporter and after visiting the museum after the war he saw that very little had been taken - scores of galleries strangely left untouched - and came to the conclusion it was an inside job with full knowledge of regime-friendly museum staff. I say "radical-left"; when I started watching the programme I assumed it would be a rabid ill-informed spew of misdirected hatred and was pleasently surprise by the objectivity. In all probablility this reporter wanted to spew his rabid ill-informed rhetoric but the facts didn't allow it.

What looting there was in the museum was highly selective. Further illustrative of this, he accompanied American forces into the locked up storerooms, in the basement, where 1000s of artifacts had been stored. In one room, amongst 1000s of ancient valuable items, only a corner - representing a particular time of history - had all its items missing. In another that had been blocked off they hammered through and found a storeroom with rocket launcher, grenades and spent cartrigdes - some Iraqi forces had used the cover of the museum to shoot at Allied forces, as the Americans said.

So, first, the reason Americans gave for belatedly protecting the museum - after the "looting" - existed; the museum did contain hostile weapons and that initially made it dangerous for troops to be near the museum. It is a myth that US delayed to enable "looting", they delayed because they were getting shot at. Second, only specific parts of the museum, and its basement, had pieces stolen so the "looters" were educated enough about the artifacts and about the layout of the museum to know what to look for and what to leave. It is a myth the galleries were ransacked and trashed by the common Iraqi - Sunni Six Pack and his mates in the toyota pick-up - like some ministries of government were. The theives were - judging by what little was lost - a small group of persons who knew what they were doing.
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The documentary I saw agrees with much of what you wrote.

I was watching a documentary with a famous radical-left reporter and after visiting the museum after the war he saw that very little had been taken - scores of galleries strangely left untouched - and came to the conclusion it was an inside job with full knowledge of regime-friendly museum staff.

Yes, there was evidence of an inside job. Particular objects had clearly been selected for removal. Apart from that, though, there was a considerable amount of random looting.

In another that had been blocked off they hammered through and found a storeroom with rocket launcher, grenades and spent cartrigdes - some Iraqi forces had used the cover of the museum to shoot at Allied forces, as the Americans said.

The documentary I watched disputed that. Apparently, when the Americans were first informed that looting was occurring, the person in charge was not even sure of the location of the museum.

It is a myth that US delayed to enable "looting", they delayed because they were getting shot at.

Again, the documentary I saw did not suggest that Americans were in any way complicit in the looting, or delayed to allow it to occur. It was more a case of the museum not being considered a priority for protection.

It is a myth the galleries were ransacked and trashed by the common Iraqi - Sunni Six Pack and his mates in the toyota pick-up - like some ministries of government were. The theives were - judging by what little was lost - a small group of persons who knew what they were doing.

I get the impression both elements were present. Items have since been turning up in markets across Iraq, too.
"In another that had been blocked off they hammered through and found a storeroom with rocket launcher, grenades and spent cartrigdes - some Iraqi forces had used the cover of the museum to shoot at Allied forces, as the Americans said."

The documentary I watched disputed that. Apparently, when the Americans were first informed that looting was occurring, the person in charge was not even sure of the location of the museum.

I suspect the programme I saw post-dates the one you watched.

The reporter - Dan Cruickshank - accompanied American investigators fly-on-the-wall on their first look round the museum. We saw tv footage of him going round the museum. It wasn't messed up at all. He and we witnessed the moment the blocked off sections got the hammer and the moment the weapons were discovered in the storeroom. It's very clear.

here is a news report that covers the story and may help up-date some disputed facts,9959,973663,00.html

The museum officials told the reporter not more that a few dozen important objects were taken and they were very specific objects from specific parts of the museum. The reporter challenged the officials on consistency of the original claims to the world media that tens of thousands of objects had been stolen and the museum turned upside down by hordes of black market criminals but they denied making any statement to that effect. Perhaps the journalists made those claims. Many items were not actually displayed in the galleries because prior to the war staff had closed the museum and stored 1000s of items away in locked rooms. You'd thought that would have protected them. According to the same plan, many other important items were taken and stored around Baghdad; some have turned up unharmed (and not nicked) in the vault of the Central Bank next to the dead bodies of gangs of looters.

Again, the documentary I saw did not suggest that Americans were in any way complicit in the looting, or delayed to allow it to occur. It was more a case of the museum not being considered a priority for protection.

The tin-foil hat brigade love to catch an American "lying". In fact, the documentary footage showed there were weapons in the museum that were in a room with a window in a position to shoot at Allied forces. You don't normally expect to find armour piecing shells and automatic weapons strewn amongst ancient babalonian artifacts.

We can suggest that the "looters" had inside access to the museum, and shot from the museum while taking their loot in order to get themselves the time they needed. Looting there is evidence for at the museum was in the administrative parts of the grounds - computers, chairs, papers etc. Perhaps this is what you mean when you say both elements were present. The US troops did not stop this looting.

This is a quote from the reporter, which I think sums up the case nicely:

"It is simply not true that the people of Baghdad looted their own museum ... They have far too much respect for their own heritage to do that".
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