“ While the bacteria have adapted, it has come at a cost. For example, all the lines have lost the ability to catabolize ribose (a sugar).1 ”
<That's not a cost in their environment where there is no ribose. It's an economy. Shutting down the useless ribose machinery makes the bacterium a more streamlined glucose-eating-machine. This too, is evolution and of a type seen in blind crayfish.>
You may called it “evolution” if you wish, I will called it an adaptive mutation. The issue here is no new information has been gained which could be used as an example of molecules to men evolution, so we are left with nothing but “change”. Change fits nicely in the creation model of origins as why would a creator not build an adaptive system into his created organisms? A blind crayfish has lost information which is no longer needed, this is not a gain. It did not add sight where none existed, but lost sight were it was not needed. No one would deny such change, and only a fool would argue this helps evolution along from fish to fibbing atheists.
“ Originally Posted by mynameisDan
The article you offered suggests that E. Coli cannot metabolize citrate in the wild. However, this is not true. Previous research has shown that wild-type E. coli can utilize citrate when oxygen levels are low. 3
3. Klaas Pos, et al., “The Escherichia coil Citrate Carrier citT: A Member of a Novel Eubacterial Transporter Family Related to the 2-oxoglutarate/malate Translocator from Spinach Chloroplasts,” Journal of Bacteriology 180 no. 16 (1998): 4160–4165. ”
<Reference 3 does not make the claim that E. coli can grow on a citrate-only substrate in aerobic conditions.>
That is not the point and you know it. I stated “when oxygen levels are low” above (anoxic). This means that the ability is to utilize citrate is already present in E. Coli in the wild in some conditions, so what Lenski has done is really not novel and it certainly has not increased information in this organism!
“Thus, E. coli is classified as "citrate negative" as every worker in taxonomy knows. Lenski is perfectly aware of this, and cites the same article. In fact, Lenski is a co-author of (31) (your reference 1), (33) (your reference 2), and cited (43) (your reference 3). Did you do any original research of your own?”
Look, the article is available online.
First sentence:
“Under anoxic conditions in the presence of an oxidizable cosubstrate such as glucose or glycerol, Escherichia coli converts citrate to acetate and succinate.”
“ E. coli is able to ferment citrate under anoxic conditions if a cosubstrate is available for reducing power (40). The only known barrier to aerobic growth on citrate is its inability to transport citrate under oxic conditions (41–43). ”
<Which is why the lab work is an actual demonstration of evolution.>
The labwork is a demonstation of adaptive mutation. No new information was gained, some information was lost. This is not the kind of change we need to created a biosphere from a single cell. But one thing is interesting about this discovery. It has been touted as the “first example of evolution”. So you can understand why evolutionists are clinging to this with the fervor of a religious zealot. It is all they got!
Provide a step by step example of true information gaining evolutionary change observed in any laboratory in the world in the germ cell, or admit that no real observations of information gaining evolution have ever been observed and thus we have a belief about the past and nothing more.