the day has come


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I'm moving out in about a weeks time. Yay. What should I make sure to bring along with me to make my college experience more better?

NOTE: Although I am taking PoliSci, I will NOT be hanging up a Che poster...I opted for the Pancha Villa on velvet :)
Money, a recipe book, air freshener, Febreeze, TV, large stereo, a can of silly string (for pranks), plenty of clean underwear, an alarm clock, an airhorn (for pranks), fake blood (for pranks), and a whoopie cushion (for pranks). :D
It depends on what kind of person you are. Coolness factor is important. You need to bring all the things to boost up your social status and leave home things that doesn't.

Those are what you should bring:

TV, DVD players, A/C, video game console, stereo, couch, table(for playing cards while drunk), bong, weed, beer bottle opener, most of your CD and DVD collections. lots and lots of posters

Since that is a lot of stuff, you need to locate and buy a loft. You can find those easily on campus.

Things you shouldn't bring:

Any instruments that is not guitar, especially violin/cello. Any books that are not text book, especially bible. Porn. CD collections contain lame music...classical and jazz music are no no. I can't think of anything else at this moment, but use your common sense. Don't bring things that lower your coolness attribute. Don't bring any of your high school stuff, like letter jacket or year book. That is very stupid.

If you want people to go to your room and hang out a lot, just do what I say. You want as many chicks to be in your room as possible. Don't bring anything too valuable. You need to feel comfortable with people in your room while you are not there. The worst thing you can do is to kick people out when you have to leave. You need to be ready to give up your privacy. Having too much privacy or being too territorial is uncool.

That is all I can think of.... I was in your boat not too long ago. I still remember how it felt.
No offense Joeman, but Nebula, don't listen to JOEMAN. Coolness isn't what life is all about. Bring what you think will make your room more "at home", and so it better expresses your personality.

Some items i've heard of bringing: Duct tape (fixes anything), Oodles of Noodles, Caffeine pills (all night study sessions), that sticky-stuff for putting up posters.... Bring whatever will look cool (to YOU) and which will be practical, ya know?

Hope i helped a little ;)

P.S. - where will you be attending university/college/school?
I disagree with NenarTronian.

One must experience with the endeavor for coolness before one can convince to self the pointlessness. Striving for coolness and acceptance is the process we all have to go thru before realizing the true meaning of coolness and acceptance. :cool:

Trust me. I am not as stupid as you think. :D

Edit to add: striving to become Mr. Popular can help you obtaining some social savvy and even add a few points to your emotional IQ. ;) Someday it might be a good skill to have. It's not the result that matters but the struggle. :cool:
Cool posters from good movies. My room has Usual Suspects, Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction and Scarface up. And soon to be added is Animal House (the picture of Belushi drinking straight from a whiskey bottle), Casablanca and the original movie poster from Godfather! Um, unfortunatly the effect doesn't work with the 16 year old womens. Comments from women so far have included;
- I haven't seen one of these movies!
- You liked Pulp Fiction?
- What's Scarface?
- You like these movies?

My taste in art is not very helpful with the womens.

Anyway. Bring: computer, some small notebook to write down womens numbers, guitar if you play, plenty of condoms, papers for rolling or a bong, tv. Here's my Tyler's Advise on spending extensive time away from home. A couple friends and I spend 2 weeks a summer last summer and next summer (yes! we can drive!) at my cottage and its pretty much an empty place. Drive around your neighborhood during Garage Sale season and buy a cheap ass couch, a cheap ass chair and a cheap ass desk. I take it you don't have much money to blow, so the cheap ass part helps. Also - before you go away (I've already started this) compile a recipe book of everything simple that your mom or dad makes that you enjoy eating.


joeman, I REALLY wanna bring my classical and jazz CDs!

All i REALLY need is my guitar(s), and well, a few other unmentionables. I have been hitting garage sales, it's where I picked up that sweet velvet painting, straight from the 70s....i hope my dorm has green shag carpet and a brown tweed sofa.

Nenar: I'm going to a small college (Red Deer College) for a year, then transfering to the University of Alberta (if i decide to finish right away, I need some time to travel [backpack europe], don't i?).

Ok, here's that painting I keep ranting about: experience it's beauty!
Sex toys. Pot. Booze. Drugs. Books. Especially Nietzsche. Cool posters. CDs. Easy to cook things. Booze. Clean towels. Always nice to have clean towels. Asprin or tylenol. Booze.
Hey Nebula,
I plan on backpacking/biking through Europe too! :D The summer between 12 and college/university i was thinking would be a perfect time for the trip.

To everyone else,
Once again i must re-iterate how many people on smoke the good herb. Never ceases to amaze me..i dunno why.