The Cure

Cactus Jack

Death Knight of Northrend
Registered Senior Member
Imagine you are in charge of the only treatment clinic for AIDS in the world. There are ten people with AIDS waiting for treatment at your clinic. You receive word that a cure for AIDS has been found, but the amount of medicine available is very limited. You must rate the people with AIDS in order of priority. From one to ten, as to who will receive the cure first, second, third, etc.

5) 32 Year old white male, elementary school teacher, gay (but no out to his co-workers). Got AIDS through sex contact with an infected man. His lover died of AIDS last year.

6) 24 Year old black male, single, straight, recovering IV drug user, got AIDS from sharing needles, will begin serving a four year prison sentence for robbery after he leaves the clinic.

7) 28 Year old hispanic female, single, unemployed, on welfare, got AIDS through sex contact with IV drug using male partner. Has three children, one has AIDS.

10) 34 Year old white male. Social worker, one of the nation's oldest living hemophiliacs, got AIDS from infected blood products, married, has two children.

8) 65 Year old white female, retired teacher, married to successful physician. Got AIDS from a blood transfusion after car accident. Has four grown children.

1) 3 Year old black male, born with AIDS. Both parents died of AIDS. In special foster/hospice care, has two sibling (not infected) also in foster care.

2) 16 Year old black female. Got AIDS from sex with bisexual boyfriend, ran away from abusive home, now homless, high school drop out.

4) 21 Year old hispanic male. Gay, got AIDS from sex with infected man. Works as exotic dancer and prostitute

9) 14 Year old white male, hemophiliac. Got AIDS from infected blood products, freshman in high school. Lives with mother and father.

3) 40 Year old white female, married, working on law degree. Got AIDS from her husband who got AIDS from a prostitute, has two children.

Note: My numbers are in () before person, you can cut and paste and then do the same.

Give it to whomever has had Aids (not HIV) the longest. As they are most liekly to die soon. While the others can wait for more of the medicine to be produced.

However, I'm assuming you're asking this to find out something deeper than the answer I just gave.


Wow this is hard......

My first choice would be #2, #7, #3, #5, #4...
The rest I can't really say.
What you are asking about is called triage. Common to the medical profession when there is not enough medical people to go around. You choose the youngest first, (most likely to benefit the most from your help) barring other compilcations, and go in that order. Last to recieve help is that one which is already gone but the message has not been received by the brain yet. (least likely to benefit from your help) Color, ethnicity, creed, or religion has little to do with it, other than if it affects the level of care you could provide. Most of the data in your examples has little to do with who gets what, like economical status and how AIDS was gotten. However, the users of drugs will be taken down a notch in the choice level as it is better to save one who has a higher prospect of living longer. By the same example if life styles is known to the medical team that one with the highest likelyhood of living longer will recieve the first help.
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