The Culture of Pedophilia in Afghanistan: Mums the Word!


Valued Senior Member
The American soldier is being asked to turn a blind eye to blatant pedophilia, child rape, cruelty to women and animals. If the American soldier does not turn a blind eye he/she may be killed by an Afghan friendly for insulting their repugnant culture.

Personally, I am so morally disgusted and indignant that I fear that I cannot be objective, but alas, I must try. Honestly, I will try!:bawl:

The Army is trying to do some village building in the Kandahar region of Afghanistan where pedophilia is rampant in the Pashtun tribes. The American media along with the Army Times reporting on this is almost non existent, and I am assuming it is to keep our soldiers safe while they are doing their duty. But I must wonder, how does the cultural differences effect the psyche of the American soldier? Think about it, you are training an Afghan to be in the Afghan Security Forces and he has brought along his prepubescent boy toy.

What would be ideal is to airlift the women and children out of this shit hole and leave those filthy fecking nasty men in their own sewage!

When does your moral duty outweigh your patriotic duty?
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It’s not only pedophilia; it is how women are treated as well. It’s very disgusting. It is repugnant. But what can our military do that would change these deeply ingrained cultural behaviors that are deeply entwined with their religious beliefs? Remember, the troops are withdrawing next year. If our troops try to change these behaviors, they will just play into the “ugly American” and infidel image of westerners that is held by many Afghani and their Islamic supporters around the world. It will not change the tolerance/acceptance of pedophilia or the deplorable way in which women and children are treated. In fact it could backfire and make those problems worse. The reality is that there is nothing our troops can do to change these deeply held religious and cultural behaviors.

Changing the culture is going to take a long time, a lot of blood, and a lot of money. And I just don’t think anyone outside of Afghanistan is willing to spend the money, the blood or the time to fix it.

Would you be shocked to know that our Soldiers that our currently set to deploy to Afghanistan, have not been briefed on the culture that they will be interacting with yet? In both of their field problems and interactions with real Afghan officers nothing has been briefed to these young boys to get ready for this culture shock!

Would you be shocked to know that our Soldiers that our currently set to deploy to Afghanistan, have not been briefed on the culture that they will be interacting with yet? In both of their field problems and interactions with real Afghan officers nothing has been briefed to these young boys to get ready for this culture shock!

Having been a member of our armed forces, no it would not surprise me.
Maybe they talk amongst themselves in the barracks, IDK. No one that I have talked to in the Army (officers and ncos) can think of anything fruitful that we have accomplished , except for the infrastructure that we built for these bastards. As far as education for those young Afghan girls I do not believe it will persist once we are gone.

Once all of our troops are out, the spotlight needs to be put on these cockroaches. If I owned a network I would demonize them day in and day out.:mad: I resent that we are treating these people like human beings when they are subhuman. Can you say reeducation camps! If I sound outraged well it is because I am looking at a picture of an old mullah french kissing a prepubescent boy. What filthy old men that use religion and culture to protect their perversions. Where the hell is SAM!
It is imperative that women gain some power so that they can protect their young. Maybe in my lifetime this will happen.

i also wonder if pedophilia is a cultural norm what if any are the adverse affects on the children? I was reading somewhere that a New Guinea tribe has an adulthood ritual for males, where the elder males give the younger males fellatio to welcome them into manhood. They only do it once and according to psychologists and anthropologists it seems to have no adverse effects on the young men.
Maybe they talk amongst themselves in the barracks, IDK. No one that I have talked to in the Army (officers and ncos) can think of anything fruitful that we have accomplished , except for the infrastructure that we built for these bastards. As far as education for those young Afghan girls I do not believe it will persist once we are gone.

Once all of our troops are out, the spotlight needs to be put on these cockroaches. If I owned a network I would demonize them day in and day out.:mad: I resent that we are treating these people like human beings when they are subhuman. Can you say reeducation camps! If I sound outraged well it is because I am looking at a picture of an old mullah french kissing a prepubescent boy. What filthy old men that use religion and culture to protect their perversions. Where the hell is SAM!

I am sure once we leave, the country will seep back into nothing more than a grouping of feuding individual warlord states and fiefdoms. I don’t think the Karzai regime will last long after US troops are withdrawn. He will probably be toppled by a general as previous Afghanistan leaders have been. Were it not for Karzai’s mercenaries, bought and paid for with US dollars, I am sure Karzai would have succumbed to assassins long ago. I think it likely Karzai will find a home in some western country after the US withdrawal. I don't see Karzai as a very courageous fellow.

What did we gain by invading Afghanistan? Well, there is no question; the invasion and subsequent occupation was bungled for 8 years. Money and blood was wasted in abundance during those years which severely limits our options going forward. The question is where do we go from here? When US troops are withdrawn, it doesn’t mean the US presence will disappear. It will just be underground. We will continue to work with the war lords, and hopefully over time, some changes can be made. But change will be slow and difficult, if at all.
It is imperative that women gain some power so that they can protect their young. Maybe in my lifetime this will happen.

It is imperative that women attain some degree of power to protect themselves as well as their children and the “bastards” that are abusing them. As much as it pains me to admit it, women have been and continue to be a very powerful force in our societies and their labors and political and economic participation in our societies have greatly benefited us all.

Now my opinion on this issue might vary with the time of month or wither I have left the toilet lid up or not or have failed to be as attentive as I should have been.