The cross and the electric chair!


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If Jesus had died in the electric chair would you wear and electric chair around your neck? Surely this is a sick joke?

Why is the cross so important especially as Jesus said not to worship symbols?
c7 any chance you could back up these claims with some proof? These aspects are new to me.
The cross is not important to me. I have never worn a cross and never will.

But i understand the thinking behind many people who do wear crosses and have statues and other religious paraphernalia.

Sadly many people seem to need symbols to remind them of what Jesus went through for them and to give them something "real"??? to focus on when praying.

Many people need something "physical", some object or relic, which they like to think is infused with special spiritual power.

The truth is that no physical object should be used as a focal point of prayer. We do not need symbols to remind us of the suffering of Jesus, nor do we need bloody statues. All we need is the Word.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
c7 any chance you could back up these claims with some proof? These aspects are new to me.

the proof sank with atlantis million years ago but if ur smart u can still find it in scriptures.

man's spirit is crucified in matter by his bodily desires, but the death is not final. at some point the divine self undergoes resurrection and saves the suffering human being (cube/matter is made of triangles/god):

god's symbol is a triangle because he is 3 in 1, 3+1=4, 3.14 (pi)

man is like a cube. he does not know that the divine tetrahedron, god is within him. he seeks happiness from outside, and complexifies the geometry of the cube. only when he starts seeking within himself he may discover god/triangle.

Triangles are not pi. Circles are. Triangles have virtually nothing to do with pi.
Everyone wearing the cross (and building them everywhere) is a way to prevent Jesus's second coming. Sort of an Anti-Jesus defense system if you will.

Think about it. Every time Jesus thinks about coming down back to earth, what does he see on top of every church and around people's necks? Crosses! I'd be scared shitless to come back too.

Looks like something drawn by someone with left temporal lobe epilepsy.
Everyone wearing the cross (and building them everywhere) is a way to prevent Jesus's second coming. Sort of an Anti-Jesus defense system if you will.

Think about it. Every time Jesus thinks about coming down back to earth, what does he see on top of every church and around people's necks? Crosses! I'd be scared shitless to come back too.

This is a very good point. Maybe the cross will evolve as well? You could have a standard inscription on it that says "and next time we'll stick it up your ass".
WE are the second coming, WE are saviours of OURSELVES and transform ouirselves beyond that old paradigm of a need of some messiah to save us. Save us from what? Ourselves?
If Jesus had died in the electric chair would you wear and electric chair around your neck? Surely this is a sick joke?

Why is the cross so important especially as Jesus said not to worship symbols?

M*W: Fuck, no!