The Creation Museum - no, really!

thank god a well rspected muesum of natrual history as an exibat that refutes this bs. the feild muesum of natral histry's evolving planet exibit. and considering its one of the top muesums of the world i really don't think we have to worry about this creasionist mueseum

this is a link to some info of the exhibit i think anyone who belives in creationism or id should visit this link
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I think the creation museum is awesome. I want to go there myself just to mock the exhibits. I wonder how many visitors it will get each year who've come for that purpose, and if they'll just throw them out.
I didn't go there - those are not my pictures (exceot the one Jocariah posted).
I DO think it would be fun, however.

Man, now everytime I talk to you I will imagine that freaky tortured Jesus costume (very cool by the way).
Is strange how the mind works, when you have seen an image of "X" thing, you think of that image everytime "X" is mentioned...
Is strange how the mind works, when you have seen an image of "X" thing, you think of that image everytime "X" is mentioned...

How is that strange lol? So you got some guy talking to you about 'x' (a banana lets say), and you think of a football. Would make for confusing conversation no?
How is that strange lol? So you got some guy talking to you about 'x' (a banana lets say), and you think of a football. Would make for confusing conversation no?

You´re right, is not strange, but its an image created by your brain- so if not strange... mysterious...
Adam was a fattie? :D

Waaaaait..."God provided organisms with special tools to change rapidly"? Didn't Darwin's Theory of Evolution cover this? Or maybe the theists think that animals can shapeshift like Constable Odo?


Suffice it to say that the entire building is a monument to ignorance and blind acceptance and perpetuation of force-fed views.
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Creationists don't bother me
I tend towards it myself on a nice sunny day.

And if people want to say
"I believe it because it is in the Bible and the Bible is my faith"
Good luck to them. I might actually read it one day and agree with them.

What really annoys me is the tame professors they have.
Intelligent people (smarter than I am) with plenty of education
who are willing to overturn everything they have learned
and toe the party line by trying to prove creationism using science.

Why do they do it?
1. There's a good living in it if you have the right opinions
2. There's heaven to come if you have the right opinions, even if they're barmy

Make the trough nice and steamy and the pigs'll come running!
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