The coming of God in the flesh

Do I agree to the removal of offensive violence from humanity by God

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Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
I had a dream a little while ago. It was an amazing dream as sometimes dreams are.

Here goes:

Standing in front of me in a large stadium on a stage in front of the worlds TV cameras was a simple looking man that we have come to know as God.

The world had known for sometime that this event was going to take place, the world’s media had been in a frenzy of headlines for about a month.

There in front of the world stood a man who had become God, his story was well known and evidence to support his title was easy and clear to see.

In other words there was absolutely no doubt about his achievement in becoming “God” not just for here on earth but the entire universe, every culture, every rock, every star.

With out obvious reason the entire stadium fell into a hushed silence and people sat quietly with no sound.

Slowly this man on stage moved to the microphones in the centre of the stage.

With a air of supreme patience he apologised for having to use the microphone as he had a policy that conventional communications were more appropriate for the best part of his work. ( “when in Rome......”)

This was the first time he had addressed the world using this medium.

He said he had just one question that he wanted us all to ponder on.

“As the reason for my success in achieving Godhood was due to my respect for the self determination and freewill of my people, my children, I ask you a question that you are fully free to find an answer to.”

“The world as you know is a very violent place, fear of violence is constant. You have been praying for world peace and I have been listening.”

“As you know I have the ability to remedy this situation, with out any restriction with in 7 days the world could be free of offensive violence of any sort.”

“The capacity to inflict intentional or insanely inspired harm can be removed from humanity. It will become impossible for any one to inflict violence on another simply because there will be no desire to do so.”

“This being achieved by careful changes in the world energy dynamic”
“There is no hidden agenda, and no negative impacts on other aspects or your humanity”

“ I ask you, is this what you want?”

“Or do you wish to continue in your struggle against war and violence on your own with out my intervention?”

“By my grace I grant you full choice in this matter”

“ One thing that is necessary to consider is that humanities participation in Universal affairs in the immediate future would be severely encumbered if you choose to decide to the negative.”

“Another thing to consider is that once violence is can always be restored just as easily.” “Do you wish to be part of an experiment?’
“Your answer is required within 30 days”

“A future is now pending your decision”

Upon which he moved away from the microphone an sat down, the audience slowly stood and noisily made their way out of the stadium.

This dream or vision left me stunned by it’s simplistic ethical dilemma.

How would you answer the question posed by God about violence?
This is a dream about "a man who has become God" and NOT about "God becoming a man" and suggests that a single minded God did not exists prior to this achievement.
I don't think you should look at the person speaking as much as at the question asked.Even in your dreams you can't "picture" God, so naturally it had to be a man speaking.

The question seems to come down to this: do you want to have any say in your future?
Jenya this was not a dream about God ( in your context) this was a dream about a man who had achieved the abilities of therefore I can't see any difficulty in seeing him as he is only a man.
That wasn't my point. You put the emphasis in the wrong place. This was a dream about a question, not about a god... unless you make his example the answer to his own question: that we should respect people's "free will and self determination" by letting them continue with their aggressive and destructive behaviour. Or did he become god by making careful changes in the world's energy dynamic?
unless you make his example the answer to his own question: that we should respect people's "free will and self determination" by letting them continue with their aggressive and destructive behaviour

exactly, the point of offering a choice is just that...... to offer a choice....
It is a bit of a con really..... I mean....what do you think the answer to this question will be......he is obviously asking a question to which the answer is obvious.....however he is at least respecting our right to choose.....even though our decision is not diminishing his perogative.

Or did he become god by making careful changes in the world's energy dynamic?

The world's energy dynamic would have had to be changed to allow his success. After all according to the dream or vision he has been publically known for some time and this in it self changes the world's energy dynamic....he would have to be an energy specialist I would assume.....and so yes I would think to achieve his Godhood he would have had to learn how to change the world's and his own energy dynamic......

The thing that stood out was that at no times was there any reference to religion.......and maybe that was also a key to his athiest God.....
Q from star trek:the next generation was like a god. He had amazing powers but still he was just another life form.

Well should we or shouldn't we get rid of violence? I say we should. Why not? That god guy said that it could be easily restored again. So there's really nothing to lose. All it would be is just a curious experiment. And what's wrong with not havung the capability of violence? We don't have the capability of flight when we flap our arms. Are we any poorer for it? Some would say we are poorer since if we could fly that way then we could escape danger much easier. But anyway, if we, as a society, try to teach everyone to be peaceful and nonviolent, "turn the other cheek" so to speak, and even prevent people from doing violence by locking them up so they can never do anyone any harm, then that is the SAME THING as getting rid of violence by choice like this god guy proposed. We take a away a violent person's ability to harm someone by physical means (restraints or jail) then what's so different than by mental or choice means? Some people can never be violent by choice the dalai lama or mother teresa. Some people just don't have it in them. They couldn't even kill a bug. Are they any worse off for it? I don't think so.

And if you still think that we are lacking some sort of "nescessary" freedom by not having the urge to do violence then how about this. We can think all the violent thoughts we like but it would be impossible to act on them. Just like a total parapalegic having deranged thoughts of shooting everybody. He can still think those thoughts but he could never act on them.
also in the Book by Peter Hamilton...The Naked God, also suggests similar abilities with out detriment. I am sure there are many other examples of successful omnipotence....
Of just what does "offensive" violence consist?

Do you mean saints crusading against heathen and vice-versa, just one of the two, none at all..?
saints.....heathens....sorry you have lost me there.....

Offensive violence is probably what we would call first strike violence.....the need to lash out.......first......The opposite to self-defense violence.