The Coefficient Of The Human Species.


The soul is that part of us that has everlasting determination when everything else fails. According to the CTMU spacetime remembers... what goes on(*).

Spacetime and the soul, apart from the physical, coincides analogously in the way of a linear transformation group as explain by Klein. Where the soul is the invariant set of points. The database of infinite space leaves its tracks through eternal time immemorial and as it is explained by special relativity, wave-particle duality paves the setting for physical and energetic phenomenon to manifest and/or interchange/transform accordingly.

Within the continuum, an always existing recorder, information must be received the way one's memory does, of both organic and inorganic processes which include occurences as well as non-occurences.

Where the physical laws are a set of organizing principles that lay the foundation for the physical, the mathematical laws orchestrate the phenomenal form which becomes registered as data. If it were not data, then the physical laws would be absolutely chaotic without question, because data comes in a specific order that creates sensibility in the mind of its observers. So data is not only received by the mind, it comes from the mind as well. There can be no other origin for data. Spacetime records data.
Taken From (by 'deleted user'):

Mind is isomorphic to reality in that mind and reality share the same cognitive and perceptual syntax. If they did not, everyone would perceive disconnectedly different realities from the one all inclusive reality we now perceive. .

Hology is a powerful form of self similarity. Specifications of bijections between sets of combinatoric objects can be recursively defined and become generalizations of context free grammars. Recursive descriptions of objects defined by means of terminal objects is called an object grammar. These object grammars are isomorphic. So if my interpretation is correct, the SCSPL algebraic language is a type of universal algebra of which categorized object grammars belong to its domain. The context free variable is known as the identity operator. Identity distrubutes over the self referential reality, recursively. Spatio temporal self similarity is then a fractal effect.

Geometric reductions are substituted for the elementary relations as the sentenial variables of a tautology, are substituted for the tautology itself. Reality evolves inwardly, evolving as a language, a process in which specific elements are substituted for more general elements.

According to the scientific method, absolute certainty cannot exist. This reduces to the statement: "The only certainty, is uncertainty" This appears to be a tautological statement. So the scientific method itself, employs a type of circular reasoning. In fact, there seems to be no escaping certain types of circular logic. It is built into the very structure of our cognitive machinery. The ultimate limits of observation, i.e. the extremely small approaching zero and extremely large at the end of the universe, appear to be forever beyond our reach. It can be acknowledged that quantum phase inhibitors exist in the neural underpinnings of certain sentient programs. A type of built in ego identity fail-safe that prevents total systemic collapse in the neural subroutines ensuring that redundancy is not compromised. So we see that atheism-theism are two sides of the same coin. What is needed is mathematical closure in the cognitive matrix of the ostensible TOE theorizer. Therefore, belief systems must be analyzed from a higher level of abstraction, a deeper level of truth. Does a first principle exist to remedy the dilemma of discovering the true approach to the ultimate truths? How can we be sure that logic is the most basic of basic starting points. What is the correct path?
Brain growth is directly effected by Quantum Gravity. Spacetime behaves according to Quantum Gravitational effects.

God is the psychometric eigenvector.

The psychometric matrix is a probability distribution known as a "Gaussian distribution". The curvature of spacetime is a Gaussian probability distribution.

Taken From Theory Of Everything (Mega Society's) Discussion Forum:

Conventional psychometrics utilizes statistical models via probability
distributions, to describe, the results of mental tests. The degree of
correspondence between empirical observations and those predicted
through the operation of the model is a "fit" between the data and
the model. Of course, the scientists endeavor to formulate an exact a
fit as possible.

The psychometric matrix is the result of a probability distribution.

In terms of quantum gravity, the curvature of "space-time" is a
Gaussian probability distribution.

Quantum gravity controls brain growth. The quantum gravity in the
brain at the subatomic level controls elemental processes of the
brain, which includes brain growth itself. Therefore, the curvature
of space-time is a direct causative factor of the statistical
curvature in the Psychological metric.

A metric field can be defined by the primary substratum of events.
Thus the intrinsic geometrical structure of spacetime is predicated on
the pseudo-Riemannian spaces via the affine relationships — all
physical events are fully reducible to manifestations of the
substratum i. e. the metric field.

Stochastically speaking, gravity is must be taken beyond the limits of
classical reality, where the mean value of the stress energy tensor of
quantum fields also has fluctuations as a source of stochastic
Einsteinian vacuum equations. Such is the necessary foundation for
neo-classical gravity for the viability of inflationary cosmology
based on the vacuum energy dominated phase. Metric fluctuations and
spacetime foams form a chaotic substrate.

Yes, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line;
energy is conserved.

Form a space-time triangle with vertices A,B,C, of three lines - two
null and one spacelike line, such that the triangle "spans" the
timelike plane.

Because of the one-to-oneness of the mapping, the image of the
triangle with the vertices A,B,C , "spans" the transformed plane as
different points are mapped onto different points. Therefore, the
three lines forming the transformed triangle must be coplanar. In
general, the images of all lines lying in a time-light plane must be
coplanar. Thus, timelike planes map into planes.

Any time light-cone line, is the intersection of two time-light
planes. Since timelike planes are mapped onto planes, they intersect
into a line. Thus, any timelike line is mapped into a line.
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The brain is a complex biochemical machine unlike any other. It is
home to our perceptions, identities, memories and personalities. But
the origins of such neurobiological "software" might stem far deeper
than nature and nurture, genetics and conditioning, as far back as
the character of the universe itself.

Within the universe transformations occur on every scale. But only
on the quantum level do creations occur. While on the macroscopic
level we see transformation alone.

Hydrogen fuses to form other elements and life becomes the genesis
of this occurence. The chemical and physical inter-work constantly
constructing the percievable aspects of our existence.

Could there be other aspects of us that originate from "universal
material" and what are they?

On the sub-planck level occur the incalculable and therefore
unpredictable. Planck's constant also occurs in statements of
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.

Is the only certainty uncertainty? (more on this later.)

If there exists a single, most perfect certainty of description then
the future can be predicted. If it is possible for a mind to fully
contain the perfect description on every scale of reality then the
mind is a "super-intelligence". Necessarily and by definition there
can be only one such mind. For all intents and purposes it is ...
the mind of God.

Since all those fundamental aspects appear to exist independently of an intelligence then your texts seem to point to a god being quite unnecessary. Your final conclusion doesn't appear to follow from your assertions.
Cris said:

Since all those fundamental aspects appear to exist independently of an intelligence then your texts seem to point to a god being quite unnecessary. Your final conclusion doesn't appear to follow from your assertions.

The physical laws lay the foundation for the physical, while the mathematical laws orchestrate them. Stochastically speaking, the abstract contains the concrete.

Within the universe transformations occur on every scale. But only on the quantum level do creations occur (e.g. double-slit experiment). While on the macroscopic level we see transformation alone (2nd Law of Thermodynamics).

Quantum Gravity controls the elemental processes of the brain including brain growth.

The psychometric matrix is the result of a probability distribution.

In terms of Quantum Gravity, the curvature of "space-time" is a Gaussian probability distribution.

Our physical and chemical aspects originate from transformations in the universe's physical and chemical aspects.

The complex biochemical machinery of our brains house the etherial aspects of our being popularly known as "The Mind" which is isomorphic to reality, specifically the one we know, and has its origins recorded as data in space-time forever.

Elemental processes of the brain are quantum behavioral. At its most fundamental level space-time is quantum behavioral. Data is continually transforming and being percieved as the chemical and the physical but being orchestrated by the abstract.
Elemental processes of the brain are quantum behavioral. At its most fundamental level space-time is quantum behavioral. Data is continually transforming and being percieved as the chemical and the physical but being orchestrated by the abstract.

This in particular might scientifically explain why my friend is capable of the well-known paranormal ability of mind-reading.
None of which lead to any type of rational conclusions that gods or souls exist.

Try answering me without quoting Langan's gibberish. Where is the link to a supernatural entity of any type?
Cris said:
None of which lead to any type of rational conclusions that gods or souls exist.

Try answering me without quoting Langan's gibberish. Where is the link to a supernatural entity of any type?

If the content of Mind is fundamentally Quantum, and the content of space-time is fundamentally Quantum, then Mind and space-time are isomorphic. We have, in the universe, living and non-living products. What separates us from them is Mind. But the fact of the matter is that we are the same in terms of Quantum Mechanics. We correspond with anything and everything in the language of space-time.

The Quantum essence at the prime core of our being has a direct relationship to the abstract, since Quantum Mechanics is the missing link between the physical and the mathematical [The universe contains itself topologically which contains itself descriptively and there you have it ... an inadvertent logical underpinning for the existence of an omnipotent being via the solution to Russel's paradox].