The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster


Registered Member
I'm not too religious a person. Well, I'm hardly religious at all, with only a small vague belief in a God but that's besides the point. I'd like to present a religion known as the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster religion, found at is funny and illuminates an interesting side of religious action within government. I agree that it is important for their theory of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as Creator should be taught in schools everywhere. I wouldn't give it serious consideration as a scientific theory, but maybe an interesting metaphor used in some kind of political studies or religious studies course.

If their ara any believers of this religion on this site, please explain your religion further. I'm actually quite ignorant about the Spaghetti Monster, but I love what he could represent.
Great news for all you believers out there! The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster are releasing their first Bible! It is going to be released on March 28th, 2006 and is Called "The gospel of the Flying Spagetthi Monster" by Bobby Henderson.
This epic tale of the Truth is a must have for all those looking for an Alternate theory to typical Christian Intellectual Design Theory. i think there might be creation theories from other Religeous groups then christians, but I don't currently know any details from those so they're ok.
Wouldn't it be ironic if the FSM bible in a few hundred years lost its satire and actually gained devoted followers?
I can tell you that the creationists here in Kansas do not like the flying spaghetti monster at all. They are as quick to poke fun at it as I am to ridicule them. "How can anybody believe such nonsense"
I love it
KennyJC said:
Wouldn't it be ironic if the FSM bible in a few hundred years lost its satire and actually gained devoted followers?
it's not satire it's true, let the truth be known praise the lord, the Fsm came to me in a dream, and told me of his truth.there is no other god he' is the one god, all hail the Fsm, how dare you mock the Fsm, you heathen, devil worshipper, atheist. gawd damn.
be carefull what you say hethen lest you be smited.
it is well known that the invisible pink unicorn is a tool of the devil, to lure us away from the one true god, and his son: the slightly hovering parmesan covered meatball.
my god is bigger than your god, you should convert or die you heathens, the Fsm is just a myth.
the one true god is the IPU.
I think we can all look forward to the time when these three theories are given equal time in our science classrooms across the country, and eventually the world; One third time for Intelligent Design, one third time for Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, and one third time for logical conjecture based on overwhelming observable evidence."
I love this :D
I think it's really good to see that their are other people out there that believe in Faiths like the Invisible Pink Unicorn. As mentioned above, I'm not really a hard core believer of the FSM, but I aprove whole heartedly of it's teaching. Right or Wrong, all religions should get to have their say, and if I was to support FSM without respecting IPU then Very few potential Gods would love me. Seriously, Most god theories want us all to love, or at least tolerate one another. So yeah, Tolerate!

And in response to KennyJC's comment, I don't think it would be ironic at all if in a few hundred years there exists a very serious core of believers. I'd love to meet people that live everyday in hopes that their stingy moral standards will deliver them to a heaven with a beer volcano. And looking around me today I see millions of People with little or no morals at all, and they act the way they do without believing in a rocking awesome heaven. The future religeous group would be a group of average people from this era, wearing pirate clothes and eating high pasta filled diets. Not to different or hard to believe.
Recently I discovered a Flying Spaghetti Monster shrine in my University Campus. In one of the Arts buildings connected to the Library there is a hallway with a large 5 meters by 2 or so meters of billboard dedicated to this noodly master.
It was cool, so yeah, go FSM.