The Chackras and the Dimensions of Spiritual Evolution


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
I would suggest that Light Beings can be seen beyond the fourth dimension. As the speed of light is the limit for the physical existance, it MUST be the beginning of high energetic things like Light Beings, the spiritual existance.

There can be too:
Three dimensions of physical existance
One linking dimension that is the fourth.
Three dimensions of spiritual existance

The fourth dimension is the limit of the physical Universe as the speed of light is the limit of matter. After that, only spiritual "matter" can exist. Beyond the fourth dimension, time, there is no time anymore as we know. There is an eternal present. This "eternal present" is very mentioned in Taoism and other Eastern Religions and Philosophies.

Linking with the chackras and assuming that there is something beyond the Multiverse we draw the conclusion that each chackra has its relation with each dimension.

Let's see...
There are 7 chackras.
There are 7 dimensions.
Assuming that we live in the third-fourth dimension (among space-time) our next step is the fith dimension, the first spiritual one. Those Earth changes will probably affect us by raising us into a new dimension of existance.

There is also connection if the Kundalini and Spiritual Evolution.

(Information from books and links about Chackras)

We live in the Third Dimension. The Third Chackra relates to physical and spiritual birth.

We also live in the Fourth Dimension. The Fourth Chackra realtes to emotions.

The Fith Chackra relates to... conception of time! Since the Fith Chackra, time as we know doesn't exist anymore! Time becomes an eternal present! What relates to the probable Scientific AND Religious conceptions! When we evolute to the Fith Dimension , that is the Fith Chackra within ourselves, time will cease its existance.

The Sixth Chackra relates to clairvoiance, clarity and self-awareness. It's the so called Third Eye. In this stage of evolution, our intuition is highly improved and our connection with the Universe increases astronomically. The Sixth Dimension... I don't know how to explain this Scientifically. Anyone? Banshee, for example... :D I guees it relates to the Multiverse, where the Universes born...

The Seventh Chackra relates to ultimate connection with Universe, Transcedence and what we call enlightment, satori, salvation or nirvana. You are free. You became "like Him". You are Godlike. You became the Universe, you rediscovered your True-Self, your Inner-Self, your Inner-Child. The Seventh Dimension is beyond the Multiverse, the Third Vacuum. It's where the Creator lives, the Spheres. ;)

All this can be connected with my "Theory of Universe Evolution". I'll post it later probably in the Science forums and link it to this thread.

Hope you have enjoyed it. :)

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As the speed of light is the limit for the physical existance, it MUST be the beginning of high energetic things like Light Beings, the spiritual existance.

Syllogism. The conclusion is bogus.

The Sixth Dimension... I don't know how to explain this Scientifically.

You have yet to explain anything scientifically.

All this can be connected with my "Theory of Universe Evolution". I'll post it later probably in the Science forums and link it to this thread.

You mean pseudo-science, right? If it's anything like the nonsense you've posted above, it is NOT science.
My Theory of Universe Evolution is based on scientific facts and knowledge. ;)


... I have this link! :D
But I've never had time to read it...
And still don't have... :(

Anyways... good to see that someone understand... :D

My Theory of Universe Evolution is based on scientific facts and knowledge.

You mean you're interpretation of scientific facts and knowledge unlike those perceived rationaly.

The proof is in the putting.
The Evolution of my Ideas

My Theory of Universe Evolution is based on scientific facts and knowledge.

I began my ideas studing Greek Philosophy. I began with Democritus, Plato and Socrates. That's the base of all my Philosophy, all my Ideas. Then, I passed to Eastern Philosophies. First Taoism and Zen-Buddhism (which are very strong on me since then). Then, I started to study Quantum Phisics and I finished by linking it with Taoism. That's the origin of most of my ideas of the Universe. Then, I passed to Junguian Pscychology. I definetly added us, humans, to the Universe. Then, I passed to Hinduism and my Universe became a Multiverse. After that I finally went to Christianism which recently linked all the Religions, Philosophies and Sciences together. ;)

Nelson: What Q is saying is that, interpreting scientific theories is not the same thing as science.

A theory is scientific if it is testable and disprovable, not if it is based on science.
My Theory of Universe Evolution is based on scientific facts and knowledge

You said 'theory'. It is a theory.

But it ain't science unless it is testable in some way. Sorry.

And if it's a Philosophy? Philosophy is Science, isn't it?

Lets see...
There are 7 chackras
There are 7 dimensions

hmmm, well where to start....? how about BOLLOCKS!!!
Since when have there been 7 dimensions. Oh yes, in your fairytale land where everything is as you make it up to be...

Beyond the fourth dimension, time, there is no time anymore as we know. There is an eternal present

why? explain yourself! are you saying that as you progress to a higher dimensional universe all the other dimensions disapear?

All this can be connected with my "Theory of Universe Evolution". I'll post it later probably in the Science forums and link it to this thread.

Don't. For your sake, don't. For the love of god, don't. Just don't.
On behalf of DrUmbongo...

DrUmbongo is having trouble with his system so here is his reply....

Aside from the fact that I find it hard to comprehend that someone could actually believe the utter rubbish you are proliferating about these forums, with their utter lack of basis in reality and complete deficit of proof, the one thing I find the hardest of all to believe is that you actually have the outright arrogance to refer to yourself as "Truthseeker", whilst you make a habit of inventing your own truths for your own purposes, irregardless of their actual factual basis.
Perhaps rather than developing your own theories regarding dimensions and space-time, you should actually perform some research into the facts surrounding these matters. Before you brand me as a narrow-minded fool, as I'm sure you'd love to do so, I think that you should be aware that I simply require a little hard evidence, I wouldn't think it's much to ask for, but I'd love to see where you get it from ...

I concur...
I question it because it is utter shite.
And answer the question. On what grounds do you base your statement "There are 7 dimensions"?!

To write something teleologically, as you put it is to use the theory of design to explain a particular phenomenon; I do not see evidence of this theory of design in your argument. This is mostly due to the fact that you are making comments on things that have not yet occurred ("Transcendence " for example) - and I doubt they will - therefore, that argument is not logical.

To make a statement that there are seven dimensions contradicts what we know and have of evidence of being true. If you perhaps meant your dimensions to be interpreted as metaphors for these, somewhat bizarre states of consciousness, then maybe there would be a little more understanding. The problem, it seems, is mixing certain scientific truths with your own, very individual ideas, which to some, I'm sure would sound very legitimate, but are, frankly laughable.

In short, your argument is flawed, as is your reasoning, it is neither teleological, nor is does it have basis in reality.
I actually mean it... the dimensions...
It's just an idea... it explains many things considered "esoterci" and such kind of thing... ;)
