The Catholic Church Killed...


Valued Senior Member
The Catholic Church is truly a tool to controll and confuse the masses. They lied about everything. Jesus never preached a church, he would have said the opposite. The churches founders assited in hunting Christ, they killed Jude as he hovered a very dangerous enemy to the church as the faithful. Mother Mary, wife of Jude also was a powerful enemy of the church, they both died martyrs. I belieive that Jude Thaddeus, was the same man as Judas Iscariot. Jesus knew the impending danger of his own church, so he had his clossest companion Jude give him up to the Romans, so that 20 years later he could identify these men again as they formed their church. Judas, the betrayer, Jude, the faithful. He was both these men at the same time.

He was the grandson of Joseph, father of Christ. At 20 years old Jude came accross an 18 year old virgin beauty, and lo and behold she was preggnent, Jude knew what this mean immiediatly. He brought the woman to his grandfathers out post, and he personaly kept a watch on the woman, all the while Jude courted her and gained her heart. After the birth of Christ Joseph played the role as father of Christ, and Jude posesed as the captain of the fake millitary outfit protecting him durring the flight into Egypt. Joseph died in the flight into Egypt, Jude is the father of Jesus, and husband of Marry.

Jesus dying order to Jude was to protect Mary and to hold off the church for as long as possible. Jude sent Mary the second to western Europe, and he took former Viring Marry, both of them now in their 40's into the Persian Empire leading the corrupt Romans on a goose chase for upward of 40 years. Jude, Mother Mary both met their ends holding ground in a Persian outpost, standing against the Roman empire. The Catholic Church has record of Jesus Christ, and Jude. Including Jesus birth, with the completly unrelated Jude/Judas present for the entire thing. Yea, the church did it.
What are you talking about? Sources? Dates? Anything that constitutes reasonable evidence? Who are you calling Catholics? This term did not exist in the time of Christ. Is this your own invention or does it come from some anti-papist group?
What are you talking about? Sources? Dates? Anything that constitutes reasonable evidence? Who are you calling Catholics? This term did not exist in the time of Christ. Is this your own invention or does it come from some anti-papist group?
Thanks Aqueous. I was about to get abusive.
That is certainly alternative - but more like alternative fantasy.:bugeye:
....they killed Jude as he hovered ....

well, they would wouldn't they? i mean doing something like that in those days would get you labeled a witch or something equally bad.
Jesus did not preach a church, simple and plain. My theory is Jesus was considered a rebel leader, and Jude was gathering arms to fight unwavering empires. The Catholic church was formed by Jews who are not Jews while Jesus was still alive... Why would Jesus wait and have a unfaithful apostle, Peter set up a church based entirely on faith? Why do they bare him dead on the cross, a false idol before God, no?

Jesus knew inevitably his own church would overcome him and he would be a slave to it. He knew about the Jews who were not Jews seeking to find and kill him, so he had Jude/Judas accept gold coin to betray him and give up his location. Jude then identified the perpetrators during the founding of the Holy Roman Catholic church. He attended as a Saint, and later he would seek out the men who had the first Christ put to death.

Its said that Jesus joined the movement of John, that would make John the true Christ of the Catholic church, no? It was John's movement, Jesus was its messiah. It was not a movement to get on your knees and take it up the ass from the Catholic church, it was meant as a empowerment movement for the faithful and the down trotted.The movement was to give homage to God, after we get every one sheltered and fed. The church of Jesus, is not at all the church of God. It doesn't even exist, because Jesus didn't establish such a thing. Revelation identifies twice all churches as blasphemous. First, Jesus says he who hath a ear let him hear what the spirit saith to the churches of Asia. The churches of Asia are the 7 spirits that stand before Jesus. And then again in verse 21:22 An no temple was found in New Jerusalem.

Jesus Christ does not condone Murder, Molestation, or Deception all crimes of the Catholic church. God is a fan of ricoh, repent for your Christianity before you enter my city.
That is certainly alternative - but more like alternative fantasy.:bugeye:

All religion is fantasy, im claiming to have a first hand account of Jesus' time which was given to me by God. I asked God to kill me if I blasphemy his name with lies, so a faithful either must oblige to my statements, or they must claim God either A does not exist, or B does not give a rats ass about human civilization.
Say we worked under the assumption religion was fantasy, why does this particular type of fantasy persist for thousands of years over a wide range of population and demographics? One explanation is it reaches a part of the mind/brain that is very conservative and collective, sort of like the instincts.

If this only reached the intellect, it would only persist for moments for some people, since they could reason it away. To last even after that for some people, it needs to touch something deeper in the psyche that is not as easy to dismiss.

A loose analogy is a traumatic situation like battle fatigue. This can impact one at all levels of the psyche. One may reason that it is over and will not happen again. However, it can still have residual effect at the level of instinctive fear, so deeply, even the mind cannot reason the residuals aways. Religion appears to be an ancient way to touch deep levels of the psyche.

This could explain why the religious can achieve such drive. They are more in touch with the deeper aspects of the mind that are not under conscious control.
All religion is fantasy, im claiming to have a first hand account of Jesus' time which was given to me by God. I asked God to kill me if I blasphemy his name with lies, so a faithful either must oblige to my statements, or they must claim God either A does not exist, or B does not give a rats ass about human civilization.

I think that you should consult a health professional.
All religion is fantasy, im claiming to have a first hand account of Jesus' time which was given to me by God. I asked God to kill me if I blasphemy his name with lies, so a faithful either must oblige to my statements, or they must claim God either A does not exist, or B does not give a rats ass about human civilization.
And in what form did this information come to you? :)