The Brave Athiest


Registered Member
Hi All,

Someone said to me today that "it takes a brave man to not be religious." What are your thoughts on this?

Best Wishes,

it takes a brave man to stand for their cause/belief

this is not about religion or no religion...its about standing up to all the ni&&&z out there
Hi All,

Someone said to me today that "it takes a brave man to not be religious." What are your thoughts on this?

It's a common thought from those who believe Pascal's Wager to be correct.
As to if the statement itself is correct or not then I imagine it all depends on if you believe Pascal's Wager correct.
Someone said to me today that "it takes a brave man to not be religious." What are your thoughts on this?

No more so than it takes a brave man to not believe in leprechauns. Of course I suppose it depends on where. Bible belt or muslim countries it probably does take a brave man to not be religious, but over here it merely takes an intelligent man, bravery is not an issue.
Hi All,

Someone said to me today that "it takes a brave man to not be religious." What are your thoughts on this?

Best Wishes,



If a person truly believes that there is no God then where does the bravery come into it?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

If a person truly believes that there is no God then where does the bravery come into it?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

because not believing in religion is accepting that you will die.

that was the hardest part for me to make me stop believing, the fact that the truth meant it is inevitable that I will die and be forgotten about.

as much as I hate religion, eternal life on clouds with hot naked chicks sounds pretty nice. :rolleyes:
because not believing in religion is accepting that you will die.

that was the hardest part for me to make me stop believing, the fact that the truth meant it is inevitable that I will die and be forgotten about.

as much as I hate religion, eternal life on clouds with hot naked chicks sounds pretty nice. :rolleyes:

I accept that i will die too. And i accept that i could very well die in a most unpleasant manner because of my trust in God.

Where does the bravery come into it when one believes they will cease to exist. :shrug: Ceasing to exist is nether a thing to look forward to or something to fear. Ceasing to exist means, well means you will be nothing.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Hi All,

Someone said to me today that "it takes a brave man to not be religious." What are your thoughts on this?

Best Wishes,


Really, religious and non-religious are not much different... What really makes a man brave is admitting he was wrong; another sign of bravery is to have no beliefs at all, but that is not the case of the atheist.

The atheist beliefs there is no god, and the theist beliefs there is one; I don´t see much difference, those two are both beliefs.
I accept that i will die too. And i accept that i could very well die in a most unpleasant manner because of my trust in God.

Where does the bravery come into it when one believes they will cease to exist. :shrug: Ceasing to exist is nether a thing to look forward to or something to fear. Ceasing to exist means, well means you will be nothing.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I don't know about you, but to me, the idea of going ceasing to exist is a little scary. And in general, scary to most people. Bravery comes into place about being able to face that fear and go for the truth.

But if you supposedly have no fear of ceasing to exist, no fear of an atheists version of death, then I guess this thread is not for you.
I don't know about you, but to me, the idea of going ceasing to exist is a little scary. And in general, scary to most people. Bravery comes into place about being able to face that fear and go for the truth.

But if you supposedly have no fear of ceasing to exist, no fear of an atheists version of death, then I guess this thread is not for you.

Your fear makes no sense. I can understand how someone who thought they would continue to exist after death but where not sure what lays beyond death would be fearful. But there is no logic in fearing death is one believes that Death means their non-existence.

Fear can only come from the unknown. Or from knowing something fearful. If one knows they will cease to exist then how can they fear death? What’s there to fear?

Seems to me that deep down something is telling you that death is not the end.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
There's all kinds of possibilities:

Wing nuts like ADStar could be 100% correct. There is some overlord power that made us and has absolute control and power over us, that every detail of our lives are to be splayed in in minute detail and we are to be judged against some rules written in stone long ago. I still don't really want to hang out in eternal "bliss" with said overlord for well...eternity. Prison is prison, doesn't matter how nice it is. I suppose that attitude might be considered "brave". I have a version of Heaven, I wouldn't mind, but with all the crap out here written my MEN, If "God" can't understand how pissed off I am with religion, well then hey, I guess I'm starting to understand why the "devil" is so pissed off.

We could just cease to exist...forever. That's it, one shot at life no matter how shitty the cards you got dealt are. This can be very comforting if you think about it long enough...

We could be an alien experiment, gone horribly wrong. I like this one, it's funny, so is the universe in my opinion.

We could be bound in the hourglass of existence, turned end over end, grains of sand falling a little differently each time. This is what I think might be possible. A deep sleep of 8 hours can seem like a minute, whats a few billions years when in death's slumber...
sometimes telling out your opinion cost alot

i was 7 years in prison. in a europe country just having spoken out and publishing my opinion..but thats doasnt matter.

having the right to say an any opinion is not a gift from the systen or constitution, or democratic etc. its my own will and natural right.

people are scarred to open up. this has to be changed. its depence from us.
Fear can only come from the unknown. Or from knowing something fearful.

If one knows they will cease to exist then how can they fear death? What’s there to fear?

This seems psychologically naive in the extreme. Surely at some point in your life you have been afraid of losing something you love. Someone who believes death is the end could be afraid of, for example, never seeing the person they are married to again. They could be afraid of losing the joys they've had in life. They could be afraid of never seeing their children again. And so on.

I actually do not think death is the end, though I do not believe in your highly sectarian and sadistic God.

I can easily understand why people would be afraid of death even if they believe it is the end.
Hi All,

Someone said to me today that "it takes a brave man to not be religious." What are your thoughts on this?

Best Wishes,

Nicola takes a lame man not to be religious.

Einstein's famous quote "Science without Religion is Lame and Religion without Science is Blind"
Actually, if being an atheist means your brave then not being one means you're a coward, & vice-versa. Being lame and blind are conditions that can be shared by theist and atheist. takes a lame man not to be religious.

Einstein's famous quote "Science without Religion is Lame and Religion without Science is Blind"
Of course, he also said:

"I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. "