The Brass Crescent Awards


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
...are given to the best blogs in the Muslim blogosphere.

The awards were just announced for this year, and I thought this would be a good opportunity to link to the kind of discussion that goes on in Islam within and with Muslims at present.
"The Brass Crescent Awards, a joint project of altmuslim and City of Brass, is an annual awards ceremony that honors the best writers and thinkers of the emerging Muslim blogosphere (aka the Islamsphere). Nominations are taken from blog readers, who then vote for the winners."

The winning blog:

"On his journey to sacrifice his son Abraham was plagued by, and eventually overcame, the Devil. Pilgrims exorcise their own devils by throwing seven symbolic pebbles at stone satans, one pebble for each flaw they wish to erase. People throw their pebbles passionately, and their intention to wipe away previous shortcomings is buried into their muscle memory and DNA. The symbolism of ritual has a ripple effect into real life, and this is one of the great lessons of the hajj."

I don't see any "thinking" going on here. :shrug:

Must just be a popularity contest. Oh yes, it appears it is just that.

"the panel of judges will select, on a consensus basis if possible, final sites out of the nominee pool based on the following criteria:

* Number of nominations
* Popularity in the blogosphere (as measured by comments, links, Technorati score, etc.)
* Suitability for category
* Previous participation (i.e. no past nominees in the "deserving" category)
* Nominations in other categories (limit to three total)"
I'm wondering why you bothered to post the results of a popularity contest for blogs? Was it a "No News" day in the propaganda department and you were scraping the bottom of the barrel?
Its a segment of the blogosphere that represents the popular ideas in Muslims. Not all, but its just started a few years back and is getting bigger every year. Surely you want to know waht the cultists are thinking? :p
Its a segment of the blogosphere that represents the popular ideas in Muslims. Not all, but its just started a few years back and is getting bigger every year. Surely you want to know waht the cultists are thinking? :p

That's the point exactly, they AREN'T thinking, they're fantasizing.
Yeah and all over the world. You need to keep up with their latest and most popular fantasies. Hence the link.