The brain & what's happening in 2003?


Registered Senior Member
"The impact of solar changes on humankind's evolution was the central theme of Native America's oldest pyramids north of Mexico City, Teotihuacan." [TimeStar Forecast published in 1999.]


"Please translate the [prediction for August 1-13, 1999] as to how our species will be affected. In other words, what does this all mean in an everday sense for us."


Solar eruptions and sun spots will increase along with magnetic storms for the next three weeks. Aztec prophesies for the native civilization to rise from its ruins are initiated August 13, the last day of this window only two days after the August 11 solar eclipse.


The impact of solar changes on humankind's evolution was the central theme of Native America's oldest pyramids north of Mexico City, Teotihuacan. Constructed by unidentified builders circa 300BCE who subsequently departed the Mexico Valley in the 6th Century AD, the pyramid complex was built in four preplanned quadrants to model the brain. The precise center of the complex was an opening to an extensive cave system corresponding with the subterranean world of the subconscious.

A human head with frontal lobes and central fissure of the brain (brow chakra) represented the sun in the center of the "Sun Stone". This 25-ton megalith was actually carved by Toltec craftsmen associated with Teotihuacan after the pyramid builders departed and represents a history of five ages of the sun. It is more correctly called the Sun Stone but is recognized as the Sun Stone of the Aztecs assimilated it in their conquest of the Toltecs.

Although the precise dates for the beginning and endings of the previous ages of the sun are still debated, it is clear that the sixth age, or Sixth Sun, began in 1991. A 755AD prophecy specified that a new era of Cosmic Awareness of Consciousness would begin with the Sixth Sun on July 11, 1991. This provides the first real correlation date for the Native American and European calendars. Although dates for past eras are not resolved, the July 11, 1991 correlation date offers a stable reference point for the beginning of the Sixth Sun because of the accurate prediction of the solar eclipse on that day.

Although many things about the future species of humankind on Earth are not clear, the fact that the species does survive these cyclic solar change which is in process is clear. And as earlier evolutions -- Homo erectus, Neanderthal and Cro Magnon -- served as the chrysales from which Homo sapien was birthed, we serve the future. Our present human existence is the chyrsalis from which the future race emerges.

The rule of thumb for evolution among the many branches of the human family is that as brains grew larger, stomachs grew smaller. (This quick index was proffered in a National Geographic.) The brain is the central feature of human evolution that distinguishes us from all other species, and the most important changes resulting from the coming solar change will be brain function. The brain is an electromagnetic biocomputer that is influenced by electromagnetism and light.

Full spectrum light activates the pituitary and there are indications that ultraviolet activates the pineal. Positions for the pituitary and pineal glands are marked in the pyramid complex at Teotihuacan. Activating these glands have been focal points of esoteric traditions for millennia, because their activation enhances the perceptual range. The activations produced with esoteric disciplines in the past will occur with the species as a whole. Some individuals are better prepared for dealing with evolutionary changes in brain function than others, thus the parameters of survival are changing to reflect the cosmic clock.

The Aztec prophecy that "their" civilization will rise from its ruins is an echoe of the civilization that seeded the calendar, the pyramid builders who built Teotihuacan 1,000 years before the Aztecs appeared. The theme of the complex itself as well as the pyramids was the brain as the instrument of human perception. This message was lost in Rome's thrust for world conquest but can no longer be ignored. Thus humankind's growing perceptual capacities will elevate the message of human sentience to its premier place in human affairs regardless of religion, race or creed. A world community based in human achievement and cooperation will be realized with growing awareness of humanity's truth.

A goal worth its effort.

The source of change in cosmic cycles was reflected in extraordinarily high light levels in May and June, 1991, preceding the July 11, 1991 solar eclipse. During May and June, 1991 light curves measured as hard X-rays on satellite equipment reached levels. For instance, an Class M solar flare on August 3 was measured as 3725 C/S but the Class X solar flare on August 2 was 394,838 C/S. Although the Class X flare looked like any other X flare on soft X-rays, its relatively low energy characteristics were reflected in hard X-rays. For comparison, a single light curve reached 1,315,962,880 (1.3 billion) C/S on June 4, 1991 followed by another 1.3 billion C/S emission two days later on June 6.

Far more than a fanciful prophecy, the July 11, 1991 solar eclipse occurred in a period of extraordinary activity in this solar system. And July, 1999 represented the completion of the second four-year solar cycle since 1991 and the beginning of another four-year cycle. The four years from July, 1999 to July, 2003 will be a time of releasing the past, cleansing the planet and unburdening the soul followed by four years of evaluating and balancing from a point of neutrality from July, 2003 to July, 2007. A new future will begin in the four years from July, 2007 to July, 2011. The future world will be set in motion with the Mayan long count's end in 2012.

These events represent collective experiences based on cyclic changes in the cosmos from which humankind was birthed and to which it will return in time.

Join the evolution...

The rule of thumb for evolution among the many branches of the human family is that as brains grew larger, stomachs grew smaller.


The brain is an electromagnetic biocomputer that is influenced by electromagnetism and light.

Is that the theory of birds on powerlines in day time?

Just checking....:D
...four years of evaluating and balancing from a point of neutrality from July, 2003 to July, 2007. A new future will begin in the four years from July, 2007 to July, 2011.

That says a lot. I thought we all evaluate and balance our crap all the time....

A new future will begin...what happened to the old future? And what is going to happen? Who can tell? Even the stochastic volatility binomial methods wont work....right?
I've prepared the candles, and because I'm so horrified of this I am going to commit suicide! Goodbye, world, wish I could've lasted longer, but it seems that based on an old mayan myth living on earth won't mean anything anymore!

(joking, joking)
Were the Aztecs truly accomplished at making predictions of any kind -- non-astronomical, of course -- they'd have been able to deftly avoid their own demise.

Were the Aztecs truly accomplished at making predictions of any kind -- non-astronomical, of course -- they'd have been able to deftly avoid their own demise.

Or perhaps the forces they used to help make their predictions brought about their downfall.........

Banshee, thank you for the information! You are truly enlightened! :)
Or perhaps the forces they used to help make their predictions brought about their downfall.
Or perhaps not. Perhaps there were no "powers" to power their predictions.

Either way, there is no record that the Aztecs ever predicted their own demise. If they missed foretelling that most significant of events, they likely missed predicting events of lessor significance, too.

:bugeye: Oh, that fuckin' freak..My, I can't keep track of all the names of every damn fool who is floating on the internet. You, of all persons, should know that G... :bugeye:
heyya all

hey kmguru

just a cheeky thought

if thier stomachs are getting bigger then maybe they are not the ones whos brains are getting bigger.

just a little thought.
junk food for the body is junk for the brain!

preaching to the preacher is just for preaching practice :D he he
as i feel im doing :D

but i rarely get the chance :D

keep groovin
Originally posted by Ripleofdeath
if thier stomachs are getting bigger then maybe they are not the ones whos brains are getting bigger.

LOL!!! :D
Humans are not designed to sit on a chair 10 hours a day. So, we need to find that stomach gene and turn it my horror, my stomach is growing is so hard even with walking and electronic muscle stimulator.... :D
urgonomic chairs that distribute the weight through the knees and feet
they look kinda funny

oh and the real change will be voice activated software because then you can walk around doing the house work or planting a garden at the same time...
at least thats what i would try and do :)

not to say it would work just a little crazzy thought from a
"little crazzy thought guy"
reducing carbo's and increasing body fexability will definitely help.
assuming you eat like a fanatical health food junky "to boot"
SORRY to go off topic Banshee.
i just hate the 'diet sales people' soo much making money while perpetuating missery and missinformation!
one thing we might see change in the future.

mother earth WILL have the LAST say!

groove on all missery to all greedmerchants.
The rule of thumb for evolution among the many branches of the human family is that as brains grew larger, stomachs grew smaller.

that says a lot about general americans I presume;):D

btw, I sit 10 hours a day (and often a lot longer, but I also exercise atleast 1 hour a day. smtimes 2). The result is- 1.74 m and 55kg. less than some girls:bugeye: :cool:
Your waistline is 1.74 meters? and that is less than some girls? What type of girls your country has? Cows?