The Brain, Matter, and what does Matter really Matter?


I have started my biology course, and i am enjoying very much. It's hard mind you, harder than what i found physics. But one thing has always been ponderable on my simple mind, and that is,

''does the brain matter really induce being?''

A serious question, because so far, there is no ultimate evidence that can link consciousness and being straight down to the brain matter.

How many people here share my own ''pet'' view that perhaps the self and being seeps from spacetime itself?

I'm not the first (apparently) to suggest this, and has not yet been disproven.

What do people think?
A soul could be an answer, but not a fundamnetal answer (at best), despite what booms you read, (if you have read any i speak of). It may lye in the behaviour of quantum physics as a fabric, rather than a fluctuation, is what i speak of.
In the same way a bunch on on-off electronic signals combine to form Gordan Freeman and his environment on my computer, I have no reason to doubt that a bunch of on off electrical signals in my brain combine to form what I call "me."

If you damage the brain, a person's personality and the sense of self can change. That seems more likely with a brain centered theory of the self as opposed to the belief in an immutable soul pr in some quantum background self that is attached to my brain.
Yes, but, does about a million electrons in a wire give rise to intelligence?

According to rules of quantum mechanics, it does not.
The damage as well, from a statistical viewpoint, if you are to adopt the idea that these bits of matter in our heads take control, then ''damage'' takes the form of a dilluded self, not a disfunctional one.

It begs the question how disfunctional something needs to be to have zero-effect of propogation of consciousness. To note again, i am not the first scientist to admit non-material intimate interactions.