The Boeing 747 Crash. Can Religion Disentagle Its Spiritual Meaning?


Registered Senior Member

People burning alive, broken bodies and living, indescribable horror... That last experience of their lives happened in order to achieve spiritual growth:eek:?
If all of them had to pay that karma debt; How all of them coincided in the same space-time? Is it not extremely improbable?
It's part of Gods plan, they must have been sinners! The burning wreckage is symbolic of the fires of hell.
And this statement is stupid, but there are those who believe this sort of crap.
I don't think that events like airplane crashes have any inherent 'spiritual meaning'. Different people might draw their own lessons from events like that, though. That's meaning of a sort, I guess, however various it might be.

That last experience of their lives happened in order to achieve spiritual growth

You mention karma in the next sentence, so I'll say that I don't believe that the Indian-derived religions always imagine karma as having an aim or goal. (They argued among themselves about that.) The Buddhists seem to explicitly deny that idea and simply see it as an endless wheel of rebirth.

If all of them had to pay that karma debt; How all of them coincided in the same space-time? Is it not extremely improbable?

Karma is kind of an ancient idea of causality, in which physical causality and moral causality are basically identified with one another. So all the individuals in the airplane were on that particular plane because they all had prior chains of causality that put them there.

Modern science probably wouldn't give a tremendously different account in that respect.

The difference with the karma theory is the additional idea that the moral quality of an individual's prior actions have some causal effect on the quality of the future events that befall that person. But people who hold to this probably don't see it as any more unlikely than the idea that all those people would be on that plane for causal reasons that have nothing to do with morality.
With all the respect, you are not clarifying the problem.

When younger I wanted to have a baby, but now i feel terrorized to think my child could ask me that question and then I can not answer anything decent.
Titanic, twin towers, boeing 747 so many massive hell-like hecatombs.

help me brainers, my faith in God is completely destroyed.:(
Help me for God sake! I love a woman and I'm losing her because I'm unable to give theologic responses to a child
I'm becoming crazy!!
With all the respect, you are not clarifying the problem.

When younger I wanted to have a baby, but now i feel terrorized to think my child could ask me that question and then I can not answer anything decent.
Titanic, twin towers, boeing 747 so many massive hell-like hecatombs.

help me brainers, my faith in God is completely destroyed.:(

Shit happens, is one of the most poignant observations of the 20th century. Believing in God, Gods and Deity's is just a natural primitive attempt of thinking beings explain the universe / reality with sketchy information. We fill in the blanks of our knowledge with superstition.

Because the idea of being cast adrift in a universe of uncertainty is terrifying, and people have a problem dealing with the notion of their own mortality.
Also, establishments foster religion to control their societies, it gives false hope to those who have the least, offering a reward in an afterlife for worldly suffering. And IMO is a lunacy this world can no longer afford.
With all the respect, you are not clarifying the problem.

When younger I wanted to have a baby, but now i feel terrorized to think my child could ask me that question and then I can not answer anything decent.
Titanic, twin towers, boeing 747 so many massive hell-like hecatombs.

help me brainers, my faith in God is completely destroyed.:(

As the Lord Jesus said "the rain falls on the righteous and the unrighteous" so you can guarantee that when a plane crashes the people on board were both righteous and the unrighteous.

Jesus also is recorded saying in his day, comments about a tower falling down and killing a lot of people (similar to a plane crash) and told his followers that those killed were not just those that deserved it.
I just don't remember the actual words but it might help to look it up sometime.

PS: Looked it up on Google and got the answer quick enough to edit.
"Tower of Siloam" Luke 13:4
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

Does that mean he saw everyone as sinner? No not really but warned his followers to remember not to think they are protected in some way.
Because the idea of being cast adrift in a universe of uncertainty is terrifying, and people have a problem dealing with the notion of their own mortality.

Inmense malignance!
yeah, the death can't be so confortable as inexistence. Since a do-it-yourself euthanasia book is widely available.