The Blasphemy Challenge

Afraid of what exactly? Afraid that a bunch of YouTubers are engaging in what is ultimately a pointless exercise?
Hmmphhh. I not only deny the existence of any sort of god or jesus-type thingy, if they did exist I'd do my best to help physicists find a way to get at them and butt fuck them to oblivion with a rusty, explosive-tipped rasping file.
It was quite entertaining but I am disappointed. Its an anti-religion movement. Religion as a method of human relationship can be the most powerful positive (and negative) force in anyones life and is likely necessary to the psychological well being of a large population.

Magical thinking is the problem... separate that from religion and something sustainable might result.
Actually, that's the thing. I don't care. Even if I had a webcam, I wouldn't bother with the Blasphemy Challenge. It's just not worth my time to make a spectacle of my atheism like that with such an antagonistic tone. I'd rather leave antagonism to the theists.
Do you think the exercise is worthwhile to get Atheists out of the closet and say "I am not afraid of you... theists"?
Well I'm with foxx on this one, I don't need to make an ass of myself in youtube, I'd rather watch theist sexy bitches dance on that site! LOL..
Jackass want to be's, and some good comedy. Basically I rather see theist make an ass of themselves!
Do you think the exercise is worthwhile to get Atheists out of the closet and say "I am not afraid of you... theists"?

Worthwhile? Probably not. I'm not overly familiar with the Rational Response Squad, but this whole exercise seems more to do with advertising themselves and jabbing at theists than actually extending a helping hand to atheists that are afraid to admit they are atheists. In fact, I'm willing to bet that very few of those taking part in the Blasphemy Challenge would fit that "closet" atheist description. The whole thing comes off as preaching to the choir at the enemy's front gates.
Worthwhile? Probably not. I'm not overly familiar with the Rational Response Squad, but this whole exercise seems more to do with advertising themselves and jabbing at theists than actually extending a helping hand to atheists that are afraid to admit they are atheists. In fact, I'm willing to bet that very few of those taking part in the Blasphemy Challenge would fit that "closet" atheist description. The whole thing comes off as preaching to the choir at the enemy's front gates.

You might be right. If you are an atheist (as you seem to be), you probably value truth over the psychological benefits of fantasy. There are likely people out there whom want to and are afraid to embrace such a value system. Do you think the presence of this little 'stunt' and results of it might influence the real "closet" Atheist?
Perhaps. Closet atheists are usually just that though, for reasons that extend beyond simply never having bothered espouse their disbelief in gods. They are already over the threshold of disbelief, they simply haven't bothered with the YouTube video proclaiming publicly that very thing. They either don't want to disappoint their parents or offend them, risk being fired by a devoutly religious employer, or any number/combination of reasons.

The Blasphemy Challenge appears to be more than just a proclamation that any given person does not believe in a god, but specifically that they don't believe in the Christian god by uttering the "unforgivable sin". This seems to do little in way of displaying atheism, but more of an antagonizing "raspberry" to Christians.

It's basically the YouTube equivalent of saying "Bloody Mary" in the mirror three times to show that there's no such thing as ghosts. It's just not worth my time to take part in such an exercise. And I don't see the real benefits of any atheist, let alone the closet cases, doing it either.
In truth I think most closet atheist, are some who may be deseivers, they don't hold the values of being honest, for the sake of their prominent positions. Do you think, that the mentality of a Pope, all the rigourous deals, and will of that church certainly is not done, by some lunatic believing in farie tale, neithe is all the powerfull relgious leaders or politicians. These are the true closet atheist, who will never come out!!