The Bill Gates Conspiracy


Registered Senior Member
Bill Gates is trying to take over everything.
He practically owns the computer with his
Windows Schemes and owns the Internet with
Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Bill Gates is even trying to place Internet
in Tvs.
If Bill Gates could, he'd even own the
english language.
Heck, he practically owns everything and
in a few years, he'll be richer than
a lot of countries combines.

Soon enough, he'll own everything.
You wanna know why?
It's because he buys all his opponents
out of the market.

Actually, I disagree. Of course, he has a bit too much. But his power won't last long. he could lose his power in the next decade. There are so many new projects, which could sink the Microsoft empire. Linux, for example, is doing great. And all windows users I know are very disappointet with windows and office so there are ready to switch to other products, when such arrive.
Maybe Bill is powerfull today, but not tomorrow.
here you guys are talking smack about someone who took advantage of free enterprise, and at the same time using the stuff he developed to voice your stupid theories. schmucks.
Actually, I think old Billie has done a good job. His wife is also very cute n' curvy. His windows based software is the best virus goining. Just think about it...what else regularly crashes your system, gives you constant memory errors, stalls your processor and doesn't recognise your hardware but a virus? Uncanny also that his systems are not perfect but are in constant need of upgrades - which also are not perfect....I say good on him. I would like to give him a bif kiss Ü
I think we just need to remember, the next time we choose to push the physically weak around that their brains can make our lives hell.

If social competition and its resulting alienation don't instill some sense of vicious competition, what in the world does?

Leave a man with nothing but his vision, and his own reflection will change with time and necessity.

Don't like Bill Gates' business practices? Vote, for heavens' sake. We elect congressmen who pass dumb laws, we vote for or against local laws that allow disgusting commercial disasters to happen.

Don't blame Bill Gates for his success. Blame us for making him so damn successful.

After all, the product sucked when Win95 hit the streets, and we all still bought it.


"Let us not launch the boat until the ground is wet." (Khaavren of Castlerock)
My, my, my.

You're all still debating on this topic???
Wow! I never thought such a stupid and
silly thread would escalate into something
around 10 posts.
Hmmm, by the way, I never intended
this to turn into a serious discussion.
I do admire the old man for his good
successes and that he's going to be
the first trillionair in a few years
or so.

By the way, a friend told me that
Win 95 or Win 98 crashed on him when
he was showing it off for the first
time on TV (something like that).

I also read somewhere that someone
threw a pie at his face. :)
Ha, ha, ha! What a social clown he is.

I was watching the simpson's and I
saw an episode a long time ago where
he guest starred in it. Homer had
an internet service company going
and Bill Gates bought him out with
a cheap offer (as he does to many,
many other companies).


Oh, I admire him especially for his vision that everyone will own a home PC. I don't feel sorry for IBM who did not, rather stupidly with the power of hindsight. But his company and its policies, I dislike. It is ironic that americAns generally dislike Gates for his success and his company's buying out of competitiors and implementing their policy and their will on weaker others - when this is the very nature of americAn foreign policy, which they whole heartedly support -as "leaders" of the Free World. You big bully....

As much as it pains me, there is truth in the little Win 98 demonstration Xeno mentioned. The computer locked him out! I am not sure about the pie in the face though. It also happened in England when the Chancellor of the exchequer turned on the new computer systems for the Stock Exchange too. Ironic huh?

One thing though, if his income makes him something riddiculous like the 5th or 6th richest COUNTRY in the world - why not retire, relax on one of his islands......

You know it to be so

Beautiful point about the American foreign policy. Though one must wonder, in the world full of ex-empires hungry for their lost power and little guys dreaming of greatness -- what methods could really work besides brute force? On the international stage, just as in free-market business, you are either the hunter or the prey.

Concerning the pie incident, it is indeed true. Gates was pied at a Comdex show, I believe it was. Soon after, the San Francisco mayor Willy Brown was pied in public, and got mad enough to pursue legal action against the perpetrators. There was something of a mini-uproar in the press about that latest string of pieing. Pieing people is actually an American tradition stretching centuries back and regarded as part of the right to free speech. The recent attitudes, however, have been inclined to view pieing as assault and harrassment. Yep, some people need a rehabilitation course in sense of humor.

As for Gates' involvment in Microsoft's misdeeds, I hardly think he deserves as much blaim as people dish out for him. Microsoft is an enormous company these days. It is a public company with a board of directors and a vast corporate structure. I doubt very much that Gates is involved in micromanagement of such a behemoth (I don't think it's even humanly possible.) As for the reason he doesn't quit, I don't want to be his spokesman, but apparently he simply enjoys his work more than he would idling his days away on some tropical island.

I am; therefore I think.
Just for the fun of it. I am not a user of MS products.. Ever heard of BeOS? Gates can have his Windows. You know.. My computer hasn't crashed ever? I haven't rebooted in 3 months.. Get something that works... everything other than MS Vaporware..

"We didn't inherit this world from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children".
Yes, Bill Gates WAS pied in the face, a complete and utter beauty.

You can download a "Pie Bill Gates" screensaver from:

In my country (UK) there was a talk show where they set up a publicity stunt to have this really poor down and out to wear a T-shirt with "World's Poorest Man" go to a Microsoft Production demonstration for Windows 2000 and give Bill Gates a T-shirt that read "World's Richest Man." The guy went to go and give it to him, and Bill's body guards pulled their snipers on him.
Boris, thanks for the pie info. Must have been quite amusing. I am not sure an american tradition can go back centuries though, unless you are cheating and counting 2 centurieS? - but I get the picture. Several politicians have egged in Britain recently and one even had a can of red paint thrown over him. Were the pies version 3.1 or 95 i.e did they hit him or suddenly crash to the floor for no apparant reason beeping error messeges?

You know it to be so
I read in an article in the province
that Bill (with hundreds of billions
of dollars) has no true interests.
Well, he's gotta have interests,
but he doesn't intend to spend much
of his money. Even so, when he dies
or whatever, members of his family
won't even get a quarter of it;
something like $10,000,000.

What's bill gonna do with a trillion
dollars in 2010? Gamble it away?
I heard that he helped out Kosovo,
but if he wants to help someone,
why not pay off the U.S. budget?
Why not pay off the Canadien budget?
I'm sure that if he does, people
will have a change of heart for him.

Then maybe he can reach the metaphysical 10th dimension of asexual pure energy being. Like the one described on various web sites.

You know it to be so
Bill Gates was pied in Brussels, Belgium, about a year ago. He was there to close a contract (selling Windows95/98 operating systems to the Flemish governement), and three people pied him with a whipped cream pie. Afterwards, it turned out that all this was organized by some French guy that likes to throw pies in known people's faces (this is no joke).

About the Comdex incident: One of Bill's little, rich, slaves was showing Windows98 on the bigscreen. His exact words where: "When I plug in this scanner Bill, Windows is going to say 'Hey! I see a new device', and .... wow" (the wow was the blue screen ofcourse).

Anyone interested in MPG's of those incidents, drop me a mail at :)

Bill Gates is the genious who gave the world Copy&Paste, for this contribution to the human race, we earthlings must be eternally grateful.

Long live Bill!!!!!