The Big Universe Idea


Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
The "Big" Universe

My Universe has four types of Vacuum, which are their central focus:
First: the one we live in, air
Second: the outer space
Third: where the Universes are formed, the Illusion
Fourth: Complete Vacuum, the Conscience, God, ALL THAT IS...

It's based on Taoist and Hinduist ideas of Vacuum. For those who don't know, in the Hinduism there are four kinds of Vacuum. I based it on the Hiduist Philosophy. The first three ones are the Illusion or Taoistically speaking, the Dualist World. The Fourth one is the Nirvana or Tao.

Imagine a big boiling pool. From this pool, many bubbles appear. They represent the Universes. Outside this pool is where the Light come. The Light touches the water and heat it up. That's how the Universes are created. The Light is outside the Universe and at the same time within (note that all those things are actually WRITTEN in many Religions using different metaphors and in different contexts...).

The Big Universe is like a boiling pool. The Third Vacuum is the water (it has the same qualities). The second are the bubles from the water (same qualities...) The first is too little to see in this picture.

The Fourth is out of the Big Universe. Is the Conscience, the Creative power, God, the Spirit, Tao, Allah, Spheres, All That Is or whatever the name you use... It is the Light that iluminates the Universes. Our Universe is just one among billions of them...

Nirvana: Is when you get "out of the pool"...
Dualist World: Is the pool. Where Light and darkness exist.
Tao: Outside the pool.
God: The Light, which is outside and inside the pool, everywhere, omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent...

PS: Please note I post it in Pseudoscience. Just speculating... Give me constructive ideas instead of trying to prove me wrong...
