The big fish story


Registered Senior Member
<P>Breaking this up for photo limits</P>
<P>Here is a boat amongst the waves of the water</P>
<P><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=525 HEIGHT=307></P>
<P>In it we see six fisherman fishing</P>
<P><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=525 HEIGHT=307></P>
<P>Someone on the shore tells them to cast their net on the right side of the boat</P>
<P><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=525 HEIGHT=307></P>
<P>We highlight the symbol for the fishes that they catch that just fill the net without breaking it</P>
<P><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=213 HEIGHT=365></P>
<P>That fish look familiar? One of the fisherman is so enamored with the helper on the shore that he leaps into the water</P>
<P><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=213 HEIGHT=365></P>
<P>But oops I drew him naked so I better draw him a coat!</P>
<P><IMG SRC="" WIDTH=213 HEIGHT=365></P>
<P>This story is the parable of Jesus and the 153 fish found in ST John chapter 21. According to verse 11 it was exactly 153 fish that he caught, but why? The reason is built into the geometry of the figure by its creator, Pythagoras. This figure was designed long before the story of Jesus by Pythagoras embedded with numerical relationships that he thought were holy as he was both a mathematician and a cult leader. The best estimate for the height to width ratio of the net at his time was 153:265. So he called 153 the measure of the fish. Also, there are 5 big circles bordering the geometry of everything contained. </P>
<P>1 + 1x2 + 1x2x3 + 1x2x3x4 + 1x2x3x4x5 = 153</P>
<P>153 also seemed mystical as it satisfied other neat mathematical properties like:</P>
<P>1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17 = 153</P>
<P>(1)<SUP>3</SUP> + (5)<SUP>3</SUP> + (3)<SUP>3</SUP> = 153</P>
<P>So we see that the Christian fish symbol didn't come from Jesus as much as it was stolen by the Jesus story writers from Pythagoras.</P>