the biblical flood

Your statement assumes that there is evidence, so that would be one reason to believe.

But there isn't. Other civilizations of that time seemed to miss the event, and there's no geological remnants, and a whole bunch of other issues against the flood as a worldwide event.

Maybe you meant, why worship a god that would commit genocide?
Your statement assumes that there is evidence, so that would be one reason to believe. But there isn't. Other civilizations of that time seemed to miss the event, and there's no geological remnants, and a whole bunch of other issues against the flood as a worldwide event.

Maybe you meant, why worship a god that would commit genocide?

well why ?
So that means, yes, that's what you meant?

Fear, survival, maybe. Although if he's omniscient too and knows you're worshipping to save yourself, then you're probably screwed anyway.
So that means, yes, that's what you meant?

Fear, survival, maybe. Although if he's omniscient too and knows you're worshipping to save yourself, then you're probably screwed anyway.

look this god who created man , would commit genocide towards Humanity

it was Enki that defied Enlil

and warned Ziusudra of the flood
Your statement assumes that there is evidence, so that would be one reason to believe.

But there isn't. Other civilizations of that time seemed to miss the event, and there's no geological remnants, and a whole bunch of other issues against the flood as a worldwide event.

Maybe you meant, why worship a god that would commit genocide?

Would you believe there was a melt of glaciers in Europa Asia and America and perhaps in Austral;ia and in South America ?
Beside Noah was only in a particular section . Would you believe the world was relatively small in those times compared to our time . Could the statement wipe man of the earth is a human statement and not Gods
If there was an impending catastrophe e.g. a huge meteor/asteroid heading toward Earth, and God inspired a man to do something to save himself and a few of his favourite animals that would be a good thing don't you think? And to be that man, you might have to be in someone's good books don't you think.
This seems to be only a guise for the problem of evil, which is addressed by free will.
if god is trying to wipe Humanity off the planet by a planet wide flood , why believe in this god ?

Fear. The purpose of the myths found in the bible are meant to scare people into the desired behavior.

(Notice I did not say good behavior.)
if god is trying to wipe Humanity off the planet by a planet wide flood , why believe in this god ?

Here is an equivalent question.

Volcano's erupt and cause huge devastation to the surrounding countryside. why believe in volcanoes?

What God does and does not do have never been a factor in arguing His existence or otherwise.

Yes atheists continue again and again to bring these issues up. Showing that the foundation of their current state is disagreement with God not pure disbelief.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
God wasn't trying to destroy man, he was creating the seas so we may have water.
Your statement assumes that there is evidence..but there isn't
What about the oceans? :bugeye: will.
A contradiction in terms: if something WILL be, then it has already been determined. :rolleyes:
This seems to be only a guise for the problem of evil, which is addressed by free will.
That pretty much sums up the perposes fo cults and religons around the world. the explotation of fear of things that cannot be explaned rationally or fear of what happens to our " souls" after we biologically expire from this tiny bule world. The explotation and manipulation of human behaviors and fears is the biggest scam out there. Religon just puts it under a postive veil.
God wasn't trying to destroy man, he was creating the seas so we may have water. What about the oceans? :bugeye:

That both suggests the bible is complete completely wrong in what it says about before the flood and the reason for the flood, yet is right about the flood occurring. That's quite a contradiction there.

Plus it suggests that God is either incompetent or not caring at all about the results of his actions.

Plus, there's still no evidence outside the bible of said flood, just from archaeology alone.
if god is trying to wipe Humanity off the planet by a planet wide flood , why believe in this god ?
In my view, the Flood story contains both literal and figurative elements. So there literally was a flood, and a Noah, and an ark with animals. But the extent of the flood is a figure for the extent of sin, and of the offer of salvation. It was not a local flood; it was a worldwide flood -- but not so extensive as to cover all the land, nor kill all human persons, not kill all animals. And the animals on the ark were there as a figure for all life on earth. We need not believe that every species on earth was represented, because the animals who were literally on the ark were a figure representing all species.

Other stories in the OT also have both literal and figurative elements.

The Exodus story is mainly literal, but certain elements are figurative, such as the waters turning to blood. This is a figure for the waters becoming undrinkable, so that to drink would be deadly (hence the use of the term blood).
Here is an equivalent question.

Volcano's erupt and cause huge devastation to the surrounding countryside. why believe in volcanoes?

erm, that is hardly the equivalent. Do we really need to point out the flaw?

Yes atheists continue again and again to bring these issues up. Showing that the foundation of their current state is disagreement with God not pure disbelief.

Atheists are in disagreement with any God argument (not just your God of choice) because the the theories themselves break down. A worldwide flood would leave many implications, perhaps your God is hiding the clues and evidence. Perhaps it's a sick twisted game ey?

Why wouldn't we bring something up that is illogical? We do it in our everyday lives. If something doesn't make sense, we question it and try to solve it. We approach alleged supernatural deities in the same way. We do not discriminate. Neither should you.
There's so many problems with a literal flood story, even if you cut it back to a localized one. I'm sure it's been hashed out here as much as anywhere else, and if you're determined to believe it, facts won't stop that.
erm, that is hardly the equivalent. Do we really need to point out the flaw?

Yes you do. And it is an analogy. People arguing non existance because they dislike something.

Atheists are in disagreement with any God argument (not just your God of choice) because the the theories themselves break down. A worldwide flood would leave many implications, perhaps your God is hiding the clues and evidence. Perhaps it's a sick twisted game ey?

God does not want to be proven by science. God wants to attract people by His message.

Why wouldn't we bring something up that is illogical? We do it in our everyday lives. If something doesn't make sense, we question it and try to solve it. We approach alleged supernatural deities in the same way. We do not discriminate. Neither should you.

Of course people discriminate, if a person does not want to believe something that is unprovable by scientific method they are happy to remain in disbelief and non-acceptance. God lets those who hate the Love of the Truth to go their own way to oblivion.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Yes you do. And it is an analogy. People arguing non existance because they dislike something.

God does not want to be proven by science. God wants to attract people by His message.

Of course people discriminate, if a person does not want to believe something that is unprovable by scientific method they are happy to remain in disbelief and non-acceptance. God lets those who hate the Love of the Truth to go their own way to oblivion.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Dude, I am sick of your ignorance. Tell me why you believe in the Bible and not in Santa Clause or any other made up story? No one believes your shit, so why continue to troll? You assert that there is a God but provide no evidence. Would you trust someone who promises you a million dollars if you write him a check for a thousand? No. Because there is no evidence to back that up. There is no evidence to backup God, and for you to say you need blind faith is no different than saying to believe that the end of the world is coming in 10 days. Do you believe that?
In my view, the Flood story contains both literal and figurative elements. So there literally was a flood, and a Noah, and an ark with animals. But the extent of the flood is a figure for the extent of sin, and of the offer of salvation. It was not a local flood; it was a worldwide flood -- but not so extensive as to cover all the land, nor kill all human persons, not kill all animals. And the animals on the ark were there as a figure for all life on earth. We need not believe that every species on earth was represented, because the animals who were literally on the ark were a figure representing all species.

Other stories in the OT also have both literal and figurative elements.

The Exodus story is mainly literal, but certain elements are figurative, such as the waters turning to blood. This is a figure for the waters becoming undrinkable, so that to drink would be deadly (hence the use of the term blood).

You can make any story come true by that reasoning. Santa Clause is real, his elf's are real, but him brings gifts to kids is just figurative for the holiday spirit of giving freely. See what I did there? There is no reason for the writers of the Bible to write figuratively. If you want to say somethin say it.