The Bible


I'm always me
Valued Senior Member
There have been alot of discussion about how we should interpret the bible and if the statements are true or false etc.

I like to add another angle to this, just because (as we can clearly see) we can't find a path which suits everybody.

Everybody is different, thus everybody will treat the bible in a different way and see it in a different light.

I believe there a common grounds there too though, but they may as well be more or less false, especially if those who choose to go the "common way" don't really bother to find their own truth about it, but believe in it for other reasons - or choose to read it for other reasons (this especially goes out to teachers who don't really believe, but have it in the schedual).

There may be a all-solution to the bible, but we won't see it, cause the bible changes depending on how you feel when you read it. If you feel that you really believe, then you will get insights from reading the bible, where others who don't believe only see plain text.

The bible is visible to the one that can actually experiance all feelings at once, and be able to see all different interpretations at once, but if that one is human then he won't see which one is the correct one at each time, since each interpretation is correct for each feeling. That one wouldn't know where to start, would be totally lost. The secret isn't to know it all, it's to find the right thing in the moment.

Not only the bible changes depending on how we feel, the entire world does. This was a clearly seen truth when we were children, then there wasn't a question if God existed or not (though a few claimed it even then - more because of frustration (thus blaiming Him for own faults) than disbelief though), it was more a question of which way to choose. The hard reality or God? Do we have sufficiant belief to go the way of the law? Or should we surrender to the cold hard fact? Do we have enough wisdom to know that it is a cold hard fact? That is, do society know the truth? Or are they just going a common way?

Most of us that believe choose some kind of middle-way, to join cold hard truth with the law, so that the cold hard truth have meaning once again.

Some of us that believe choose to go with the law and not the cold hard truth, and daily face the ignorance of people that don't believe in believing.

None of us surrendered completly to the cold hard truth (though some came close), there was allways something valuable. We can't take that away.

Though, if we go back to the bible, the cold hard truth is that it is made of paper and ink, that the words used have been used before and aren't special for the bible, the same letters is used in other words than those of the bible.

Perhaps even reading a word in the bible requires something more than cold hard truth though, and perhaps even seeing the bible - being aware of seeing the bible, having the free will to read it.

What I think is the best way (if we need a common-way), is to make up your own mind, find what you can identify with in the bible. I don't think the bible should be read the same way as you read a book when you study. I think that we should read the bible and learn what we learn, feel what we feel, see what we see, if we don't feel anything while reading something, then we aren't going to learn that particular thing at this particular time. Come again later. If we read something and we think "ahh...I think I understand" then the bible got it's message through. Then we have written the words in our heart. We won't forget the insight, or the words. Sure we could earlier have read it and studied it and inprinted it in our brains, but would we understand it? Doesn't it take something more than that? We would miss our feeling of surprise and wonder, for a couple of letters in our brain.