The Bible is word of God!


Registered Senior Member
Scriptures of the Bible are born from the influence of God. The message of the Bible is condensed in this:

God announces Himself to mankind. He has prepared salvation for sinners through Jesus Christ. Through His word, God teaches basic values of life, according to which it is good to live. God announces coming events by way of His word. God announces in His word the way to the source of eternal life.

Central to the Bible is the Description of Jesus Christ

The Bible describes the phases of the nation of Israel and the life wandering of individual persons and their relationship to God. The Bible also includes the feelings and thoughts of people, including their pleasures, griefs, failures, successful choices, and so on. However, in all these different dimensions we can see God and His will. The Bible announces the Word of God to mankind, because the Bible is His word. The centre point of all in the Bible is God and salvation, which He has prepared. This salvation is in Jesus Christ.


When it is a question of events mentioned in the Bible, we can often read and hear how some researchers doubt the historicity of these accounts. This is especially so concerning the initial accounts of the fall, the Flood and the tower of Babel and miracles which appear in the gospels. These are matters, which researchers regard as unreliable. They may regard them only as legends, and they think that those accounts aren’t worth taking seriously.

We are going to examine this difficult matter in this study by looking at many examples. This study has been directed expressly at such persons as who sincerely want to research this area and who struggle with this matter. In other words it has been targeted at such persons who want to know whether the events mentioned in the Bible are really historically correct.

In this writing we will also try to bring out archaeological finds, because they have often confirmed those events, which are mentioned in the Bible. They have confirmed the information found only in the pages of the Bible many times:

"Generally, archaeological research has undoubtedly added confidence in the truthfulness of the Bible. More than one archaeologist has noticed that his respect towards the Bible has grown with excavations carried out in Palestine (1). The archaeological evidence has, in many cases, proved the modern critics to be wrong. It has been proved in many case that these views have been based on incorrect hypotheses and unreal, fictitious views. There is no reason to belittle this genuine help from archaeological resources." (2)

"It is important to understand that archaeological resources have provided a large body of evidence through diggings which indicate clearly that the Bible is not mere pious faking. To this day, none of the historical points of the Bible have been proved to be false on the basis of this evidence obtained by archaeological research." (3)
PetriFB said:
Scriptures of the Bible are born from the influence of God.
Evidence, please.

PetriFB said:
The message of the Bible is condensed in this:

God announces Himself to mankind. He has prepared salvation for sinners through Jesus Christ. Through His word, God teaches basic values of life, according to which it is good to live. God announces coming events by way of His word. God announces in His word the way to the source of eternal life.

Central to the Bible is the Description of Jesus Christ

The Bible describes the phases of the nation of Israel and the life wandering of individual persons and their relationship to God. The Bible also includes the feelings and thoughts of people, including their pleasures, griefs, failures, successful choices, and so on. However, in all these different dimensions we can see God and His will. The Bible announces the Word of God to mankind, because the Bible is His word. The centre point of all in the Bible is God and salvation, which He has prepared. This salvation is in Jesus Christ.

The message of "The Lord of the Rings" is condensed in this:

Gandalf announces Himself to Hobbitkind. He has identified salvation for everyone through Frodo Baggins. Through his advice, Gandalf teaches basic values of life, according to which it is good to live. Gandalf announces coming events by way of his ability to see into the future. Gandalf announces in his word the way to the source of salvation from the hordes of Mordo.

Central to "The Lord of the Rings" is the Description of Aragorn.

The Lord of the Rings describes the phases of the impending fight against the hordes of Mordor and the wandering of individual persons (the "Fellowship")and their relationship to Gandalf. The Lord of the Rings also includes the feelings and thoughts of people, including their pleasures, griefs, failures, successful choices, and so on. However, in all these different dimensions we can see Gandalf and his will. The Lord of the Rings announces the advice of Gandalf to mankind, because the Lord of the Rings includes his words. The centre point of all in The Lord of the Rings is Gandalf and salvation from the hordes of Mordor, which he has identified. This salvation is through Frodo Baggins (and his helper, Samwise).

As with your explanation of the Bible - it adds nothing, really.

PetriFB said:
When it is a question of events mentioned in the Bible, we can often read and hear how some researchers doubt the historicity of these accounts.
Blah blah blah
"Generally, archaeological research has undoubtedly added confidence in the truthfulness of the Bible. More than one archaeologist has noticed that his respect towards the Bible has grown with excavations carried out in Palestine (1). The archaeological evidence has, in many cases, proved the modern critics to be wrong. It has been proved in many case that these views have been based on incorrect hypotheses and unreal, fictitious views. There is no reason to belittle this genuine help from archaeological resources." (2)

"It is important to understand that archaeological resources have provided a large body of evidence through diggings which indicate clearly that the Bible is not mere pious faking. To this day, none of the historical points of the Bible have been proved to be false on the basis of this evidence obtained by archaeological research." (3)

Noone is denying that events in the Bible, such as the flood etc, are possibly based on real events.
Just as a fictional thriller set after 9/11 might describe the events of that day, this does NOT add weight to the rest of the story as truth.

If you do not realise this then there is little hope for you... :rolleyes:
Sarkus said:
Evidence, please.

The message of "The Lord of the Rings" is condensed in this:

Gandalf announces Himself to Hobbitkind. He has identified salvation for everyone through Frodo Baggins. Through his advice, Gandalf teaches basic values of life, according to which it is good to live. Gandalf announces coming events by way of his ability to see into the future. Gandalf announces in his word the way to the source of salvation from the hordes of Mordo.

Central to "The Lord of the Rings" is the Description of Aragorn.

The Lord of the Rings describes the phases of the impending fight against the hordes of Mordor and the wandering of individual persons (the "Fellowship")and their relationship to Gandalf. The Lord of the Rings also includes the feelings and thoughts of people, including their pleasures, griefs, failures, successful choices, and so on. However, in all these different dimensions we can see Gandalf and his will. The Lord of the Rings announces the advice of Gandalf to mankind, because the Lord of the Rings includes his words. The centre point of all in The Lord of the Rings is Gandalf and salvation from the hordes of Mordor, which he has identified. This salvation is through Frodo Baggins (and his helper, Samwise).

As with your explanation of the Bible - it adds nothing, really.

Noone is denying that events in the Bible, such as the flood etc, are possibly based on real events.
Just as a fictional thriller set after 9/11 might describe the events of that day, this does NOT add weight to the rest of the story as truth.

If you do not realise this then there is little hope for you... :rolleyes:

Evidences are behind of the links ........
spidergoat said:
So are the ravings of Jerry Falwell.

What about the Gnostic Gospels?

No revelation there........Hey, what's that on your head son..? A towel?
That's the Arc of the Convenient, where I keep my Saint Ides 40 oz. Holy Grail.