The Bible is an ancient astrology book


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The Bible is based on astrological, cosmological and zodiacal characters. It has absolutely nothing to do with any other kind of religion. Further, the Old Testament including the Torah, is pure Egyptian in its entirety. The Torah speaks of many gods (Egyptian gods) that were allegedly written about by Moses, although it is debatable if Moses himself was a living person.

The New Testament continues the ancient Egyptian cosmology, first with four "gospels." Astrologically speaking, these four "gospels" form a cross-like projection over the sun of the equinoxes and solstices.

It can be better said at this website:
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The Bible is based on astrological, cosmological and zodiacal characters. It has absolutely nothing to do with any other kind of religion. Further, the Old Testament including the Torah, is pure Egyptian in its entirety. The Torah speaks of many gods (Egyptian gods) that were allegedly written about by Moses, although it is debatable if Moses himself was a living person.

The New Testament continues the ancient Egyptian cosmology, first with four "gospels." Astrologically speaking, these four "gospels" form a cross-like projection over the sun of the equinoxes and solstices.

It can be better said at this website:

It would certainly take a lot more than what's presented on that site to convince me of anything.
what did the dot com boom teach us? terrible half-formed ideas lead to short-lived big wins!
Light said:
It would certainly take a lot more than what's presented on that site to convince me of anything.
M*W: Obviously, you have not done much reading or you're reading the crap that perpetuates lies.
I marvel at the strength of Medicine Woman's resolve.

At any rate, unlike the stance that M*W has taken, I consider the parallels found in the Bible with other ideas and practices to be a strength, rather than a weakness. So, whether this site is accurate in its claim or not means little to me.
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Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Obviously, you have not done much reading or you're reading the crap that perpetuates lies.

Actually, I read a great deal. And no, not lies either. They are usually spotted very quickly - just like what you're trying to sell here - and from that point on I avoid the source/person that presented them. I only read your post as source of amusement, not for real information. And I wasn't disappointed. ;)
So why is at all that fantasy crap again?I never understood why?Or is it all just hearsay?I am open minded if there is evidence.
So howcome becasue there are some so called similarities it's right. That's just like saying Humans elvolved from Apes when we are more chemically the same as a horse.
What are you trying to say?I don't get it?The Bible is the way it is. All that Zodiac stuff is of Occult and Witchery....maybe you should read up on that.

So howcome becasue there are some so called similarities it's right. That's just like saying Humans elvolved from Apes when we are more chemically the same as a horse.
What are you trying to say?I don't get it?The Bible is the way it is. All that Zodiac stuff is of Occult and Witchery....maybe you should read up on that.

Sounds just as ignorant to me.
That's just like saying Humans elvolved from Apes when we are more chemically the same as a horse.

1) Can you provide a source for the statement that we are more "chemically" {?} the same as a horse than an ape?

2) Who says we evolved from apes? I think you've made an error.
The species with which Homo sapiens is most closely related is the Pan troglodytes. The genetic distance is a 1.6% difference. To believe that poppycock about "chemically the same as a horse" is to betray one's own ignorance and undereducation. This is a science board. Nonsense need not be tolerated.

Page SL, Chiu C, Goodman M. (1999). Molecular phylogeny of Old World monkeys (Cercopithecidae) as inferred from gamma-globin DNA sequences.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 13(2):348-59.