The Bible Is A Political Tool


Registered Senior Member
i believe this wholeheartedly. it may contain some interesting conglomerations of older mythology and maybe some of it really happened. but it's used as a political tool to create a society that bows down to it's ruler unquestionably. take the U.S. for example. what is the one thing that brings so many people together in this country? going to war in the name of U.S. ideology. and who gets us all riled up for it? our rulers.

(i didn't write this with an ounce of conviction, so no flames please :D )
This makes perfect sense. If there is no religion for people to argue over, then there is very little to argue about..........

My point is proven by the many arguments that this site facilitates between members of different religions.......

you can make up for your lost faith and sense of emptyness by trying to enjoy the good things in life...........

all i'm saying is that the christian bible itself is a politicial tool, used to manipulate the masses with its "do as i say, not as i do" and "anything you do that i don't approve of is evil" tactics from God.

i'm not too sure if taking away religion would solve the world's conflicts. there's always something that people disagree on, and in fact, i think religion makes the world an interesting place. i may not agree with every last doctorine of Christianity, but it still has a place. i.e. if Christ was a real dude, he was pretty cool. (not too sure he was the son of God, but he was cool.)

:D Invisible dictator?

I'm beginning to think that our world is visited by God every 1000 years.(Alien to us?) If you take into consideration the time dilation, all the ancient texts that have been written all were brought about by having that visit, needing to explain it, and spreading the message-which seems to be for peace?

It's too bad that most of the authors were tied up politically to the power game. They might have felt that, in their position, they had power to influence by representing some said God.

Lack of hope, people. The message was lost. Is it wrong to stand up for something you know in your heart to be true?
*-by that I mean living peacefuly and having hope.
What in this hell is so wrong with that?!
i don't think there's anything wrong with having hope and wishing for peace, but when you're willing to do something in the name of a church, and that something is against happiness and peace and stuff, then you're acting like a brainwashed fool.

i should have said earlier, though, that i think it's more ideology than religion that causes war. lots of people live peacefully among people of other religions. in fact, for the most part, i think domestic America is pretty civil when it comes to religious tolerance. it's more race and class barriers that keep people apart.
This makes perfect sense. If there is no religion for people to argue over, then there is very little to argue about..........

You might say that, after all that is what ultimately defines the laws. For those of you who also said something like that, I believe the bible says it more plainly.

Romans, chapter 4
15 Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.

With that I think you would be right. It is a truism. I don't know if you fully understand the implacations or not, but if there were no laws to govern conduct, than no one could be punished for breaking them, could they? Of course, there also wouldn't be any such thing as good or standards, and no justification for the establishment of a goverment. To rebel against law, is to denounce the existance of right.
Originally posted by Binary
To rebel against law, is to denounce the existance of right.

this is a very good point, i think. because rights only exist when someone establishes them in a doctorine. otherwise, our rights extend far beyond that of some set of standards.

so, why don't we just burn our bibles? :D