The Best Conversation In 2000 Years


Shake it loose, baby!
Registered Senior Member
The year of 1947 was a classic year. On July 9th of that year, there was a special meeting of the UN “Committee on Palestine.” At that time Rabbi Fishman, the chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, was interviewed by Sir Abdur Rahman, an Arabian-Englishman.

And right there in that committee, placed in Biblical history that was prophesied more than 2000 years before it took place, a scene erupted that should have shocked the socks off of more than 57 nations gathered together “against the Lord, and against his Christ” (Acts 4:26, Psalm 3). In doing this, God allowed the UN to sponsor more than 88 wars between 1945 and 2007. Not one of them “got the message.” But here is the message. It took place when a Karaite Jewish Rabbi was “put on the spot” by a British member of the House of Lords:

A.B.: “When was the promise of God?”
R.F.: “The promise was given to Abraham, Issac and Jacob around 4000 years ago.”

One hundred percent correct. God promised Mohammed and the Popes NOTHING .

A.B.: “When was it confirmed by God?”
R.F.: “It was reaffirmed in Moses.”

One hundred percent correct: see Deuteronomy 12:2, 5, 11, 13-14, 17:8, 10, 16:2, 6, 7, 16; Exodus 34: 10-14; and Leviticus 25:2, 23, 38.

A.B.: “Did God also promise that ten tribes would arise out of ISHMAEL [Look out! Bombs away! Here comes the bear trap! Mohammed said that he was the seventieth from Ishmael!], the son of Hagar and Abraham?”

Ishmael would only become “a” nation (Gen. 21:8, 13); he was not promised ONE INCH of Palestine in ANY direction.

You tell 'em, Rabbi! No Moslem has any business in Palestine unless Jacob invites him in! Now! Now boy! Now, does the UN ever have a mess with which to deal!

The Rabbi, continuing: “The promise was that it would be the twelve tribes, and they would arise only out of Jacob (Isa. 44, 48, 54, 60 and Num. 23-24) the son of Issac” (Gal 4).

A.R.: According to the Jews, was not their return to this country to take place with the appearance of the Messiah?” (It is, according to 2,000 deluded postmillennial and a-millenial “Christian” “scholars” in America and Europe.)

R.F.: “NO.” (Sic 'em, Rabbi! Kick 'em, Rabbi! Put the old two-edged sword [Psalm 149] on their throats.) “In accordance with Jewish tradition, the Jews should return to Palestine BEFORE he comes; only then, AFTER the return of the Jews, in accordance with the tradition, will Messiah arrive.”

A.R.: How long AFTER the return of the Jews to Palestine will the Messiah arrive, according to you?”


In that same year (1947), in an “ad hoc” committee meeting on Palestine, before the UN General Assembly (Zeph. 3:8), the Rabbi declared “Jerusalem is the ancient capitol of the Jewish nation.”

One hundred percent correct: flawless, not a hole in it. That one statement was in direct violation of what every Pope believed and taught since 500 A.D. and was a blatant contradiction of every Moslem that supports the late Yassir Arafat’s notion of a “Palestinian State.”

“We strongly urge [contrary to fifteen centuries of Roman Catholic theology and fifty years of Moslem terrorists and President Woodrow Wilson in 1920 and Clinton in 1998 and Bush in 2005] that the Jewish section of Jerusalem outside the walls be included in the Jewish STATE.”

A Jewish King (Matt.2:2) said it would be (Matt.5:35) and that He Himself would occupy a throne there (Matt. 25:31) since God Almighty had placed Him there (Ps. 2:4-8).

Slam bang! Off went that bear trap! This time it clamped shut on 56 nations in Lake Success, New York, in the twentieth century, and set the pace for their work for the next 60 years.

In December, 1947, the Jews bowed to the partition demands of Pope Pius XII, Hitler’s buddy, and gave up Jerusalem as their capitol, for the time being. The Moslems stated flatly that Jerusalem or no Jerusalem, if the partition passed, they would attack Israel: they would initiate a shooting war. This simply meant that if they lost that war they still would not lose any real estate if the Jews gained any by defending themselves. That is not exactly how all Americans looked at such matters in 1776, 1812, 1865, 1918, and 1945! When it came to Moslems attacking Jews, America, for some reason, reversed her 200 year “convictions” and pretended that an aggressive enemy who attacked a defensive nation was entitled to as much of the defender’s real estate as they wanted, even if the attacker had LOST!

Such are the ways of sin, death, madness, and Hell in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
"God promised Mohammed and the Popes NOTHING . "

This isn't the place for proclaiming what it is claimed that God hath promised/not promised to anyone. Hie thee to the Religion forums. Nutter.
First off:

The Jews don't deserve jack shit. The Romans took that land and the land eventually was lost to the Arabs.


It isn't Roman Catholicism. It's Catholicism. Roman Catholicism is one rite within the Church.


According to Christianity, Jesus did give the pope (Peter) everything.


Mods, move this to religion.
According to Christianity, Jesus did give the pope (Peter) everything.


Please provide Biblical citation of this, Jesus never promised the Pope any thing, and as a Christian I have never given authority to the Pope, as to the Salvation of my soul, and neither have any of the Christians Believers that I know, Jesus never even took the Pope into consideration, he was not concerned with the powers of and in the world, he was concerned with the salvation of the world, and salvation is with Jesus, not the Church, and the Catholic Church didn't figure in this at all, the Catholic Church became a worldly power, as did Islam, under Mohammed, and the worldly powers fail.
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These ancient stories mean nothing. The Jews wrote the same bible they use as proof of a claim.

The Jews and Palestinians deserve their own states by virtue of practical, secular considerations.