The best comparative of religions



I do not mean, in any way, to overturn the course of things in this comparative. I only hope that by suggesting a rigorous method of information research, I can show how certain modern media abuses us in a very menacing manner!
I don’t appreciate, at all, the:shrug: way some information are over-mediatized, while other information as important if not more being rarely brought up, and other fundamental information meticulously kept hidden!!!
I do not want at all to impose one way of thinking; on the contrary, I struggle to keep the benefit of the doubt, the role of skepticism, the curiosity and the intellectual requirements met.
My objective is not only to provide another comparative, but to provide a real one by letting the 3 religions at study, the historians, the philosophers, the scientists speak for themselves.....
This objective study turned upside down some of my prejudices related to the 3 religions (I am not soft regarding my original religion!!).
This leads me to meditate on the factors that should, nowadays, spiritually unite and not divide Jews, Christians and Muslims

The "founders" ?
Abraham, Moses and many other prophetes before Jesus
Jesus Then Saint Paul who marked a radical rupture with the original Judic christianity
Mattew 5:17 : "the law will not be abolished" appears to refute the abolition of the Law done by Paul
Abraham, Moses and many other prophetes, then Jesus and finally Mohamad

References and their essential caracteristics ?
The Hebrew Bible (or Tanakh –acronym of Thora, Neviim and Ketouviim-), includes:
- The Torah (composed of the written Torah - or Moses law, which we can find in the Old Testament of Christians, more precisely in what is called the Pentateuque : Genesis, Exodus, Levitic, Numbers, Deuteronom-
And the spoken Torah, composed of the Michna (collection of the spoken tradition of the Torah) and the Talmud (collection of interpretations of the Torah and the Michna)
- The Neviim (« The Prophets »)
- The Kétouvim (« The Scripts » or « Hagiographs »)
Hebrew Bible:
For the Liberals, it is a historical and spiritual document
For the Conservatives it is in part the word of God”

The books constituting the Bible were composed at various times; one finds indeed different "literature styles", and, side to side with the subjects of divine inspiration, one can find some assertions which are the translation of certain profane beliefs or traditions of various times.
Changes introduced through different times introducing the innovations and contradictions: which explains many contradictions and incompatibilities with the modern scientific data (cf paragraph Logic)
The Bible (Christian), which includes:
- The Old Testament (of which is the " Pentateuque ", which corresponds to the written Torah, and a great part of books of the Prophets and the Scripts)
- The New Testament (including 4 Canonical Gospels: according to Mattew, Marcus, Lucus and John)
Protestants: The Bible cannot to be taken neither as a book of science, nor as a handbook of history. Thus making it an interpretative and not fundamental reading of the Bible.
The Protestants refer only to the Bible. The catholics practise in addition the customs and the traditions
The books constituting the Bible were composed at various times; one finds indeed different "literature styles", and, side to side with the subjects of divine inspiration, one can find some assertions which are the translation of certain profane beliefs or traditions of various times.
The New Testament is the result of a selection (in 1546 at the time of the Council of Thirty) by the church among the multiple writings recalling the life of Jesus and his teaching, done well after the death of Jesus. The excluded Gospels and censured books are called "apocryphal books" The catholics have more books in their old testament than the Protestants. Ex. the canon of Alexandria
Changes introduced through different times introducing the innovations and contradictions: which explains many contradictions and incompatibilities with the modern scientific data
- Quran.
- The sayings, acts, behaviors and others of facts of life of the Prophet constitute "Sunna" (like are the Gospels concerning the life of Jesus).
The "Hadiths" which are the bases of this "Sunna", relate to the acts, approvals and the words pronounced by Mohammad transmitted by his close relatives then by a chain of recognized transmitters worthy of faith.
Quran: Last revelation; word of God (with no other human contribution)
The Divine revelations transmitted to Mohammad were copied when he was alive; these transcriptions were assembled immediately after the death of Mohammad (during the 2 years which followed) to constitute the Quran
The first collections of Hadiths were written decades after the death of (Mouhammad), like Gospels were decades after the death of Jesus. In both cases, they are human testimonies on old facts. Nevertheless, for the sounna, the transmitters have been listed, and one says "according to so-and-so according to so-and-so "... and not it is said to be (by one does not know who). Islam has in effect a science which studies the life of the transmitters and their degree of credibility. From which results a strict classification of Hadiths according to the degree of reliability of their transmission.
The initial text of Quran in Arabic did not undergo any modification since the revelation (the available translations to other languages and to French in particular, suffer all, at different degrees, from the lack of expertise of their authors in one or both languages)
In spite of the multitude of scientific subjects contained in Quran, it was shown that Quran does not include any information in contradiction with modern scientific knowledge (cf paragraph Logic)

Branches ?
Many branches before JC and much after JC:
Before JC (Sadducians, pharises, herodians, essenians, Zealoies, Samaritans, sanhedrins, publicans, gentils)
After JC (ebionites - of which nazaritens {Jesus Messiah} and Christians {Jesus god} -, rabbinical Judaism, reaction counter-rabbinical Judaism, geonim, Sepharades and ashkenazes, mysticism {gnosticism, kabbala and numerology, hassidism}, haskala)
Orthodox, reform, conservatives, reconstructionnists, hassidism (the )
Zionism (political doctrines related to the religion/Israel)
Catholics (50%), Protestants (40%) and Orthodox (10%) (several branches each one)
Roman catholic church and emanations > 50% (gallican church, catho-copte, Ethiopian, Eritrean, syriaque, malankare, Armenian catholic....)
Orthodox = 10% (copte, Ethiopian, Eritrean, syriaque, malankare, apostolic Armenian....)
Protestants and emanations 40% (Lutherans, Calvinists, Anabaptists - of which Baptists and Amish -, Anglicans - of which methodists -, American millenarists - of which Jehovah’s witnesses....)....
Sunnis (more than 85%) and Shiites

Places of Worship ?
Church or Temple

Universal Religion ?

No: Addresses only to Jewish people
Like Hindouism, the Judaism addresses obviously only one people (one race)... (which explains for Hindouism in particular a strong concentration (+ of 90%) in only one country)... The fact of not being "eligible" no matter what the origin is (except in very exceptional cases very) leads to the following question: Can God be partial or unjust???


Unique God (Monotheism) ?

Jews had built a Calf after their exit from and adored it (worship that disappeared later on)
Jews claimed that Ozaïr (Esdras), a human, was the "son" of God! Reason: After destruction of the first Temple, he was the only one to know the Torah by heart (worship that disappeared later on)
Trinity: according to the majority of Christians (three entities in one): God = The Father + The Son + The Holly Spirit
Jesus - sone of Mary is God.
Since Saint Paul: quarrels, sects and dissensions within the core of evangelic world (on the exact nature of Jesus and his relation to God)"
The trinity is the dominant doctrine nowadays for the Christians. It was born and reinforced by Paul around year 70 after JC even if the word trinity appeared only at the end of the 2nd century, beginning of the 3rd. The Judeo-Christianity of origin (which believed in Jesus as a man and prophet: cf. Acts 2:22 "Israeli man, listen to his words: Jesus of Nazareth, approved man of God sent to you, by the miracles and wonders and signs that God made by him...") was considerably altered by Paul.
Traces of the original monotheism reappeared at the time of reform like Unitarianism "by some dissidents who denied the dogma of the Trinity because they saw an abandonment of monotheism "(Large Larousse Universal) and who believed in the "human nature of Jesus Christ" (Encyclopaedia Universalis)
In the 4 canonical Gospels, Jesus never evokes the current dogmas (original sin carried by all men; Jesus son that God sent and sacrificed to wash this sin; redemption accomplished by only having faith in the sacrifice of Jesus; Jesus is God; the Trinity)
The opposite is even sometimes found (John 5:30; Lucas 11:20; John 8:40 "It is me who told you the truth "according to the Oecumenical Translation of the Bible
which "forgot" a word of the original Greek "me, a MAN
who told you the truth"!!! I am loosing my Latin... forgiveness, my Greek!;
Ezekiel 18:20 "the soul that sins it is the one that will die. The son will not carry the iniquity of his father, and it father will not carry the iniquity of his son...."
Mattew 5:17 "do not believe that I come to abolish the law or the prophets; I came not for abolishment but for achievement ".

Allah = God in Arabic language

Description of God ?
God eternal without beginning nor end
God Almighty but presenting human characteristics or weaknesses:
God prone to tiredness "Because in 6 days the Eternal made the skies, the earth and the sea and all their contents, and rested the 7th day "(Exodus 20:11)
God can be seen: Moses sees (with his eyes) God partially from behind (Exodus 33:23) "then I will withdraw my hand and you will see me from behind, but my face cannot be seen "
God can be overcome: Fight with Jacob (Genesis 32:28-29)"Jacob will not be any more the name given to you but will be because you fought with God and men and you were winner "
God compared with a squatted lion (Numbers 24:9) "He is squatted, He lies down like a lion and a lioness: who will make him raise "
God suffering of regrets for creation of man (Genesis 6:6) "the eternal regretted having made man on the earth and his heart was broken "
"I am God and there is no body else; I am God and there is nobody like me "(Bible, Test 46:9)

God eternal without beginning nor end
God Almighty but presenting human characteristics or weaknesses:
God prone to tiredness "Because in 6 days the Eternal made the skies, the earth and the sea and all their contents, and rested the 7th day "(Exodus 20:11)
Because my father fought for you, he exposed his life... (The Judges 9:17)
God can be seen: Moses sees (with his eyes) God partially from behind (Exodus 33:23) "then I will withdraw my hand and you will see me from behind, but my face cannot be seen "
God can be overcome: Fight with Jacob (Genesis 32:28-29)"Jacob will not be any more the name given to you but will be because you fought with God and men and you were winner "
God compared with a squatted lion (Numbers 24:9) "He is squatted, He lies down like a lion and a lioness: who will make him raise "
God suffering of regrets for creation of man (Genesis 6:6) "the eternal regretted having made man on the earth and his heart was broken "
God incarnated as a man (Jesus)

God eternal without beginning nor end
God does not resemble anything existing, is not delimited (neither by a body nor distance nor time...), is not incarnated in any person or thing, is neither subject to any weakness nor imperfection...

In brief, He does not resemble anything Man can immagine

God Just ?
All men are born sinners from the original sin of Adam and Eve (to be punished for a fault made by others can seem rather contradictory with the concept of Divine justice)
The responsibility for a sin is carried by the following generations / To the Jews, this responsibility is carried during 10 generations for the children born outside marriage. To the Jews and Christians, because of the role of instigator of Eve at the time of original sin, women were held liable to men and were punished by the pains of childbirth; as for the man, he is punished also by having to work very hard to gain his subsistence
Man preferred and much superior to the woman (see the part Women)
God privileges some people over the others (see the part Tolerance and Violence)

All men are born sinners from the original sin of Adam and Eve (to be punished for a fault made by others can seem rather contradictory with the concept of Divine justice)
The responsibility for a sin is carried by the following generations / To the Jews, this responsibility is carried during 10 generations for the children born outside marriage. To the Jews and Christians, because of the role of instigator of Eve at the time of original sin, women were held liable to men and were punished by the pains of childbirth; as for the man, he is punished also by having to work very hard to gain his subsistence
Man superior to the woman (because Eve sinned the first and encouraged Adam)

All the men are born pure
Individual liability: if sin then punishment only of the sinner according to his/her acts
Equality of men and women
God does not privilege no people, no race, no color; only piety is a criterion of distinction

God Accessible without intermediary ?
No intermediate clergy for exercising worship
But in case of conversion to Judaism, a commission of rabbis accepts or refuses the application according to their own criteria and predefined conditions: to consume Kasher, observe the Sabbath, to have an active life with the community...

A clergy classified hierarchically (flawless pope receiving the Holy Spirit and authority of legislation, priests, bishops...) which has the capacity to act in the name of God (to forgive the sins, to bless...)
The Protestants consider Jesus as the only intermediary between God and them. The catholics add to that the Church and the Saints
For the Protestants: No pope, no bishop, no Priest, no theologian can be given an authority which belongs only to the Script (see Logic: Availability of original texts)

No clergy for Sunnis (more than 85% of the Muslims)
For the Shiites: Clergy = Imam = the successors of the line of Mohammad, flawless, and to whom it is obligatory to obey.
PS. The Druz are one emanation of the Shiites
The Druz and the alawetes are emanations of the Shiites, too closed and secretive, mixing the books (e.g. the Druz rest on the Quran, the pentateuque, the psalms and the new testament), with long and complex initiation rituals, with esoteric beliefs (reincarnation, the holly calf), close to a certain Christianity that they encountered (the alawetes believe in a triad Mouhammad-Ali-Salman, celebrate Christmas, Epiphany Easter and Pentecot)!

Confession to whom ?

To God

Catholic : to a priest;
Others : To God or Jesus

To God

Entry of faithful in the religion ?

By birth only if they are of Jewish mother
The other entries are exceptional and difficult
Conversion: commission of Rabbis who can reject or accept a conversion (according to their own criteria and predefined conditions: Kasher, shabbat, active life within the community...)

By baptism: (the Protestants are against the baptism of the newly born. They prefer to leave this choice to their children when those reach an age whereby they are able to have an opinion on the question)
Conversion by baptism

By birth (all Men are born with the faith in Single God)
Conversion by the sincere pronunciation of the profession of faith: "there is no other god but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet "

What do they say about Jesus ?

Circoncised/Adored Single God / Fasted completely/did not eat Pork/ate only sanctified meat or bled (Kosher)/Told his companions "May peace be with you "(or Shalom): Can thus be Juif!
Messiah announced in the texts but Jesus not recognized like the Messiah

Circoncis/Adored Single God/ Fasted completely/did not eat a Pig/ate only the meat sanctified or bled (Kosher)/Disait to his/her companions "That peace is with you "(or Shalom): Cannot thus be Chrétien?
For the Conservatives: birth of a virgin; For the Liberals: normal birth;
It was delivered by the Jews to Romans, it was wounded, humiliated, struck and finally crucifié and killed of humiliating and painful manner
God, Sons of God sent to be sacrificed to save the men, Human nature and Divine
Among Moslems Shiites, there is a concept close to the sacrifice of Jesus: that of the martyr of the Hussein Imam (wire of Ali, cousin of Mouhammad): according to an analysis of Christianty Today published the 30/04/2003, of the evangelists close to the US government, specialists in the evangelization of the Moslems think that the Shiites are of this fact easier to penetrate... Very charming (one would say a market research)!

Circoncis/Adored God Single/Fasted completely/did not eat pork/only ate sanctified or bled meat (Halal)/Said to his/her companions "May peace is with you "(or Assalamou Alaikom): Hence can be Muslim!
Jesus, the prophet, was neither crucified nor killed, nor humiliated… God saved him: Jesus was brought up living to the sky; A man on whom God put the appearance of Jesus was crucified.
One of the major prophets of the divine Revelation

What do they say about Adam ?

First man created by God
Disobeyed God in Eden

First man created by God
Disobeyed God in Eden

First man created by God
Disobeyed God in the subject related to the forbidden tree
God forgave him after after his regret
Considered as one of the prophetes

What do they say about Moses ?




What do they say about Mouhammad ?

Mouhammad announced as the last prophet in the Hebraic bible
Deutronome 18:18&19 "this is a prophet like you -Moses (therefore born normally, having ruled his people and died naturally) that I will give rise to, from the middle of their brothers (not of israël sons -isaac descent- but of the brothers of israël sons -ismail descent); I will put my words in his mouth and he will tell them everything I order him to. And if someone does not listen to my words, which the prophet would have said in my name (all the sourates of the Quran starting with In The Name of God ..) , then they will be accountable to me"
Genesis 49:10 "Coming from an ultimate non-Jewish prophet, to whom people owe obedience" (Mouhammad is the last prophet)
Esaïe 29:12 The prophet Esaïe talking about the revelation of a document "it will be given then to the one that does not know how to read (Mouhammad was illiterate!) while saying: Read therefore this. He replies: I do not know how to read.."

Mouhammad announced as the last prophet in the Hebraic bible
Deutronome 18:18&19 "this is a prophet like you -Moses (therefore born normally, having ruled his people and died naturally) that I will give rise to, from the middle of their brothers (not of israël sons -isaac descent- but of the brothers of israël sons -ismail descent); I will put my words in his mouth and he will tell them everything I order him to. And if someone does not listen to my words, which the prophet would have said in my name (all the sourates of the Quran starting with In The Name of God ..) , then they will be accountable to me"
Genesis 49:10 "Coming from an ultimate non-Jewish prophet, to whom people owe obedience" (Mouhammad is the last prophet)
Esaïe 29:12 The prophet Esaïe talking about the revelation of a document "it will be given then to the one that does not know how to read (Mouhammad was illiterate!) while saying: Read
therefore this. He replies: I do not know how to read.."
Matt 10:7 "the kingdom of heavens approaches" and not "arrived" as is translated poorly by the TOB (Translation Œcuménique of the Bible) from the original Greek text!!
Matt 20:1/16 "thus the first ones will be the last ones and the last ones will be the first ones" (last revealed religion: Islam) John 14:15 prediction of the coming and the mission of another messenger of God / in the TOB: "the paraclet, the Holy spirit, that the father will send…" is a bad translation of the original Greek "the paraclet, the spirit, the saint, that the father will send…" / error aiming to conform the word of Jesus to the trinitary interpretation (while in the Greek text it is a matter of sending a holy man and not of the Holy Spirit..)
John 15: 26 and 27: "When will have come the comforting one, that I will send to you from the Father, the spirit of truth, that comes from Father, he will testify of me; and you also, you will testify of me, because you are with me as early as the beginning"
John 16:12 and 13: ""I still have a lot of things to say to you, but you can not convey them now. When the Comforting one will come, the spirit of truth, he will guide you in the whole truth; for he will not speak for himself, but he will say all that he would have heard, and he will announce to you the things to come."" the messenger to come will teach us everything that the generation of Jesus could not bear at that time

The last Prophet : "the illiterate Prophet whom they find mentioned in the Pentateuque and the Gospil" Quran 7:157

What happens after Death?

Resurrection on the day of the last judgement then Hell or Paradise
The thereafter is a relatively imprecise notion for the Judaïsme that recognizes the immortality of the soul but does not speak in an explicit way of hell or of paradise
The souls of the deaths are in a way in reserve, waiting for Olam aba, the future world under construction by the application of the Mitzvoh, the commandments. The arrival of the messianic times will mark a stage for the advent of the future world
Hell: some sort of passage in which the souls transmigrate after their earthly life, and where the soul is judged by God (but it is a matter of an exclusively spiritual world)
Paradise: spirirtual joy / contemplation of divine majesty and truth

Paradise is the original Eden

The hell is temporary for the believers as long as it takes to pay for the heavy sins (eternal for the non-believers)

What determines the finale destination (Hell ou Heaven)?


No consensus in christianity:
For some, faith in Jesus as God and Savior is sufficient to go to the Paradise (the actions matter slightly)
For others, good actions must be added
For the Catholics, the baptism is necessarily added and the sacrifices for the church (until recently (notably in Vatican II) or the baptism and other sacrifices for the church are no longer the condition sine qua non).

Faith and the Good Deeds
Hell is temporary for the believers as long as it takes to pay for the heavy sins (eternal for the non-believers)
"Whoever does evil will be remunerated for that, and will not find in his favor, outside Allah, nor an ally nor a rescuer. And whoever, man or woman, does good deeds, all while being a believer... Those are the ones who will enter Heaven; and no one will do them any injustice" Quran 4:123 and 124

Racisme ?

The non-jewish in Israël have limited rights private and civil and under checks and no political right / copied from the status of the non-jewish in the bible "the ger toshav" : total submission to jewish authority and payment of specific taxes (otherwise expulsion and confiscation of the lands)
The extract from the Genesis treating subservience of Canaan to its uncles Sam and Japhet served as a principal thesis for putting together the negre treatee. The idea transmitted by the authors of the Torah then resumed by the , was to say implicitly that the Black would have been cursed by God in person (while it is a matter only of Noah in the text). The result in front of the universal history, of these some lines of lost authors: 400 000 000 of direct and indirect victims of the treatee and colonization!
(Genesis 9:24-25) Noah awakened from the effect of his wine and knew what his younger son has done to him; and he said: May Canaan be damned! He will be the slave of the slaves of his brothers. And he sais: May the Eternal be blessed, the God of Sam, and may Canaan be his slave!
Cham, father of Canaan, was always presented by tradition as being the putative ancestor of the black race, this curse justifying ever since the racism and ratifying the position that made the black the servants of the white.
75% of the Israelis refuse that their children marry with Ethiopiens, according to a poll realized by the institute Geographica. 11% of the Israelis consider that the Ethiopiens are primitive, and 10% are convinced that they are not jewish. The supremacy of the Jews is written in letters in the Thora. «The non-jewish are not programed to do big things: it is their destiny, what can you do ! »

Racism: promotion by the Mormon until 1978. Always supported by Christian Identity, KKK, and of others Christian groups. Officially rejected by the majority of the other churches.
The South-African church invented the apartheid
The extract from the Genesis treating subservience of Canaan to its uncles Sam and Japhet served as a principal thesis for putting together the negre treatee. The idea transmitted by the authors of the Torah then resumed by the , was to say implicitly that the Black would have been cursed by God in person (while it is a matter only of Noah in the text). The result in front of the universal history, of these some lines of lost authors: 400 000 000 of direct and indirect victims of the treatee and colonization!
(Genesis 9:24-25) Noah awakened from the effect of his wine and knew what his younger son has done to him; and he said: May Canaan be damned! He will be the slave of the slaves of his brothers. And he sais: May the Eternal be blessed, the God of Sam, and may Canaan be his slave!
Cham, father of Canaan, was always presented by tradition as being the putative ancestor of the black race, this curse justifying ever since the racism and ratifying the position that made the black the servants of the white.
Ambroisis: synagogue = place of cheating, house of impiety, collection of madness, condemned by God Himself, Epistles of Paul: the Jews are the enemies of all men for having delivered Jesus to the earthly death
Until Vatican II: curses and hate against the deicidal people

No difference between races languages or nations
Officially rejected by all sects of Islam
The weakest rate observed in the world
Piety is the only superiority criterion in the opinion of God
"Oh people! Your lord is One! Attention! No Arab is better than a non-Arab! No non-Arab is better than an Arab! No Red is better than a Black and no Black is better than a Red! If it was not by piety… The most noble one of you in the opinion of God is the most pious one" farewell ceremony
of Mouhammad

Tolerance ?

"If your brother, son of your mother, or your son or your daughter, or the woman that rests on your breast, or your friend that you like as yourself, incites you secretly by saying: let us go and worship other gods -gods that neither you nor your fathers did not know, among the gods of the people that surround you, close to you or far from you, from one end of the earth to another, you will not accept that, and you will not listen to him, you will not give him a look of pity, you will not save him, and you will not protect him. But you will make him die, your hand will raise itself first on him to put him to death, and next the hand of the whole people; you will kill him and he will die. .." Deuteronome 13:6

"If your brother, son of your mother, or your son or your daughter, or the woman that rests on your breast, or your friend that you like as yourself, incites you secretly by saying: let us go and worship other gods -gods that neither you nor your fathers did not know, among the gods of the people that surround you, close to you or far from you, from one end of the earth to another, you will not accept that, and you will not listen to him, you will not give him a look of pity, you will not save him, and you will not protect him. But you will make him die, your hand will raise itself first on him to put him to death, and next the hand of the whole people; you will kill him and he will die. .." Deuteronome 13:6

In 1052, decision to expel from Seville and its vicinity the Muslims that would refuse the baptism, provided that they don’t take a road leading to a Muslim territory, in which case they would be put to death.

Talmud and jewish writings post-biblical burnt for impiety by st louis.
John: the some seventy times where he uses the word jewish, almost always in a negative manner, weigh nonetheless very heavy.
This anti-judaism is registered in these texts, the most universally known of christianity" (Marcus 16:16) Go everywhere, and preach the gospel to the whole creation.
The one that will believe will be baptized will be saved; and the one that will not believe will be condemned.
Vatican II: what was committed during His Passion cannot be ascribed vaguely to all the living Jews then nor to the Jews of our time
The Jews are even more guilty for having been unfaithful while they had received the biggest privileges
Decision to expel every Jewish that would refuse the baptism in (while stealing their goods at the same time to abandon them in poverty and need!)
Vatican II: recognizes the injustice of the past of which the Christian education of the West was guilty in the eyes of the Muslims

The Council of Vatican declares that the human person has the right for religious freedom: By virtue of their dignity, all men, because they are persons, meaning they are gifted with reason and free will, and, by consequence, provided with a personal responsibility, are urged, by their very nature, and held, by moral obligation, to look for the truth, the one that concerns the religion first. They are also urged to adhere to the truth as soon as they know it and to regulate the road of their life according to the requirements of this truth.

Quran: "you will find that the people the closest and the friendliest towards those who believe are those who say: « We are Christians! ». It is that among those, are the priests and monks and that these people not at all swell with pride"
"The religion the most liked of God is the tolerant islam" Mouhammad
The Jews are again more guilty for having been unfaithful while they had received the biggest privileges
The Spanish historian Americo Castro praises the coexistence of the Muslims, Jews and Christians in Muslim Spain, calling it “prestigious exampke of Islamic tolerance”
Islam preaches the religios liberty for everyone and protects the framework in which each religion practices its worship.

Segregation ?

You will leave them in inheritance to your children after you, as a property; you will keep them as slaves for eternity. But with regard to your brothers, the children of Israël, none of you will dominate with harshness on his brother (Levitique 25:46)
(1 Peter 2: 18) You domestic, be subjected in all fear to your masters, not only to those that are good and soft, but also to the bad ones.
Refuses all mixed marriage

You will leave them in inheritance to your children after you, as a property; you will keep them as slaves for eternity. But with regard to your brothers, the children of Israël, none of you will dominate with harshness on his brother (Levitique 25:46)
The "Christian" faith was a basic condition in order for someone to become member of the medieval society, and an essential condition to become a citizen. This is the reason why the pagan, the Jewish and the Muslim were on the margin of the society. Not only their legal position did not allow for them to enjoy the minimum of their citizenship rights, but it deprived them totally of it.
Refuses all mixed marriage (the Catholic church accepts at present a mixed ceremony not having value of sacrement! And provided that the non-baptized person be in agreement with the essential elements of the Christian marriage: procreation, indissolubility. ..)

Propose them same rights and obligations to the followers of the other 2, given that that does not offend their beliefs nor their liberty of confession
Accepts the mixed marriages with the two other religions without converting the person (uniquely Muslim man with jewish or Christian woman)

Weapons of massive destruction or non-conventional ?

Majority of inventors of WMD
Some possess WMD
Utilisation of non-conventional and chemical weapons

The only party to have used the atomic weapon against (nearing repetition)
Majority of possessers of WMD
Fabrication, sale and utilisation of non-conventional and chemical weapons

Some possess WMD
Utilisation of non-conventional and chemical weapons

It's ok, you can post links and images now :D


Crimes committed by, because of, in the name of each of the religions (since 2000 years)?

200 000
These figures include:
For the judaïsme, the inventoried deaths especially during the 20th century -the data before the 20th century is not at all
precise- (different israëli wars, slaughter sabra and chatila in Lebanon, "mistakes" in lebanon, slaughter Deir Yassine in 48, invasion of Lebanon in 82 –bombs with fragmentation, chemical gasses and phosphorus. ... the same ones used by the Russians in Afghanistan and provided by US to Iraq against Iran- and dead Palestinians)

Mini : 178 650 000
Maxi : 500 000 000
These figures include:
For christianity, the inventoried deaths since the apparition in the year 0 (inquisition, Indian slaughters, war of the 30 years, the crusades, Rwanda, Malagasy, Vietnam, genocide of the Jews, the World Wars, Iraq wars, the ex-yougoslavia, algeria war, ireland, colonialisme, Armenians, lebanon, indochina, extension in Europe, confiscations).
The two sisters delivered the hidden refugees in their convent of Sovu, and brought fuel and burnt by themselves the place full of refugees. As off August 1994, Catholic Church gives refuge to the two sisters in a convent to the South of Belgium. The European public discovers with stupefaction that the case of the two sisters is not isolated. In Belgium, but also in other European countries, one finds many priests and religious accused of participation to the genocide that enjoy calm days away from Rowanda and International courts, because of the Catholic Church assistance. For example, the priest Emmanuel Rukondo, resident priest in the calm parish of Granges-Canal in Geneva, the priest Martin Kabalira that resides today in Saint-Béa near Luchon (Haute-Garonne). Source: "Le Point" April 20 2001
In 1938, the “Nuit de Cristal”: The SS attack synagogues and stores belonging to Jews. The bishop of
Freiburg, Monseigneur Gröber, declares then: « One cannot refuse to whomever the right to safeguard the purity of his race and to elaborate the necessary measures to this end. »

6 000 000
These figures include:
For Islam, the inventoried deaths since the appearance of this religion in 618 -analysis of almost 4000 events grouped by anti-islamic sites - (Armenian genocide, attack of Qaida, war Iran-Irak, diverse suicidal attacks, Sudan, Lebanon, India, Irak, Iran, Turks, Tamerlan crimes, Sultan Selim, akbar, the Sikhs, the Kurds, assyriens, Mongolians, expansion in Europe, Greeks, events with the islamists, the Kharidists, the koptics in Egypt, Alawites, Afghanistan, Grenade, Ispahan, antioche, etc. ..)

Brought back to the number of followers today (sort of average individual responsibility) ?

1,33 %

Mini : 10 ,21%
Maxi : 28,57%

0,44 %

Holy wars or committed acts in the name of religions (or attributed directly or indirectly to one of them… purely nationalist wars, resistances to an occupation or civil wars) ?

A part of the Jews having delivered Jésus (despite Vatican II) to be executed by the Roman
The Bible, which says on the subject of these opposers: "You will reverse their altars, you will break their statues, you will cut down their idols, and you will burn their pictures". The Bible recommends equally to burn the conquered cities and to kill all their inhabitants: men, women and children.
Slaughter Sabra and Chatila in and of multiples massacres
Crimes against the Palestinian people
Expulsion of the Palestinian poupulation
Confiscation of countries even to these days (several millions of deaths, notably children)
A big party of the decision-makers of the American administration are jewish and influence the external American politics

In the name of a mandate of the Pope Alexandre VI, the conquistadores were sent "to christianize" the Indian. They did it with a great fanaticism that costed the life to 40.000.000 of the natives of the New World all that from 1492 to 1560 (of which a part with the virus of the tuberculosis on the distributed covers)
1572. The Catholics had invited the Protestants to Paris to arrive to a consensus, and then attacked them by night during their sleep. By the next day, the blood of these victims flowed afloat in the streets of Paris. And by that the Pope, the kings and the Catholic personalities congratulated themselves in honor of Charles IX.
The war of Thirty Years destroyed literally the majority of the German people. Some parished killed, others died of hunger. This war of religions burned and transformed to ashes most of the flourishing cities of . Luther ordered his followers: "Let whoever is capable kill, strangle, slaughter, in private or in public. Kill, strangle, slaughter, as it pleases you, these offended peasants."
Some were cultivating the land with corpses of their atheist victims as fertilizers!
The theological divergences gave place to bloody fights: the origin of the death of hundreds of thousands of persons that strived to defend such opinion or to attack another.
Slaughter of Jews in Paris 1182 Killing of millions of Jews during the second war
Confiscation of countries to these days (several millions of deaths, notably children).
Courts of the inquisition: condemned 340 000 persons of which 200 000 were burned alive
Of the millions of killed persons at the time of the expansion of christianity in Europe.
To the XVIth century, the Queen of the Catholic England, Marry Tudor, who declared: "Since the atheist souls will be burned eternally in hell, nothing is more legitimate than to imitate the divine punishment and to burn them on earth".

Fight exclusively as self-defense against an aggression and never to impose faith
Attempts of September 11 2001 in New York (3000 deaths)
and of March 11 2004 in Madrid and of July 2005 in London
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Ok, if this is a comparison of religious doctrine, that's fine.
If you're trying to make a religion look "better", or something, that isn't, not with me anyways.

You should at least also mention that every one of the religious traditions you have mentioned so far, have all managed to develop multiple inter- and intra- religious conflicts (wars, pogroms, institutions that persecute other groups); the three you've covered (so far) are all from the same "parent" by the look, what we call Abrahamic these days, and they've all been hard at it for a while now, haven't they?