The best argument..

Valued Senior Member
Purely out of interest it is worth asking what each person thinks is the best single argument for the existence of a god. What do you think is the strongest argument in favour?

Same applies to the atheists here. If there was one argument that, ok didn't convince you, but you at least thought was a relatively decent argument, what is it?

The best argument is I talk to Him and He talks to me. I cannot deny your personal experience, (although it isn't very convincing to others).
Purely out of interest it is worth asking what each person thinks is the best single argument for the existence of a god. What do you think is the strongest argument in favour?

Same applies to the atheists here. If there was one argument that, ok didn't convince you, but you at least thought was a relatively decent argument, what is it?


The best argument is that if God exists he will continue existing even if you believe otherwise. And is God doesn´t exists, he will continue "non-existing" even if you believe he does exist.

Really, what you believe makes no difference to God, only to yourself.
You are wrong, I am right.

It works for both sides.

Thats what it always comes down to anyways.
It's easier to talk about some stuff if you've named it, and once you have a name there has to be an entity named, right ?
Either: "It says so in the Bible - so must be true."
or: "There are mysteries in the universe... so God must have done them until proven otherwise."

God is a personification and anthropomorphisation of natural phenomena, be it the origin of the universe, of existence or "the first cause" etc. The personification does not exist other than in the minds of those who use the term "God". There is only the actual phenomena - no god.
For and aganist:

QQ is God.

And there are other little little this and thats to this statement which I have no feeling at at the moment to work out, at all.
I hope everyone looked at the link I provided earlier. Within the video you can find such quality quotes as "Repeat it after me bitch! I come in the name of Jesus!".
"god" and religon were made in the name to explain why the hell things happend. rabbits, deer, lions don't have faith becuase they don't ask why. humans do. and religon was an early explanation, and then there was scieance. the real diffrence, scieance actully gives logical explantion. religon just says"god did it"
Purely out of interest it is worth asking what each person thinks is the best single argument for the existence of a god. What do you think is the strongest argument in favour?

Same applies to the atheists here. If there was one argument that, ok didn't convince you, but you at least thought was a relatively decent argument, what is it?


Perhaps people need to have something other than themselves in which to blame everything on?
I am an atheist who envies theists due to the following.
  • Belief in an afterlife is comforting when one thinks about mortality.

  • Some of my theist friends have the smug belief that they will be able to say: "Dinosaur, I told you so!" An athiest can never hope to be able to say that to a theist.
Both of the above seem like excellent arguments in favor of religion.

I wish I could come up with some believable (to me) theory allowing for an afterlife without an accompanying belief in the existence of a god or gods. That would solve both of the above problems for me.
I am an atheist who envies theists due to the following.
  • Belief in an afterlife is comforting when one thinks about mortality.

  • Some of my theist friends have the smug belief that they will be able to say: "Dinosaur, I told you so!" An athiest can never hope to be able to say that to a theist.
Both of the above seem like excellent arguments in favor of religion.

I wish I could come up with some believable (to me) theory allowing for an afterlife without an accompanying belief in the existence of a god or gods. That would solve both of the above problems for me.

Some questions;

How is "belief in an afterlife" comforting, when the real anxiety is due to death itself, which every sane person understands to be universal?
Also, how can it be comforting not actually knowing whether or not one is eligable for a heavenly existence (this of course excludes those who believe they are automatically eligable)?

second paragraph;

I assume you are a naturalist, or agree for the most part with naturalist philosophy. Why would you wish for an afterlife, as this goes against nature (at least as we understand it)?
