The Beginning of the Beginning: The Hijra


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
The first day of the Muslim new year, Muharram 1, 1425, is expected to correspond with Sunday, February 22, 2004 . Although Muslims do not actually celebrate the new year, it is a legal holiday in many Muslim countries.

The year 1425 is counted from the year of Prophet Muhammad’s flight from Makkah to Madinah in September 622 CE, known as the Hijrah (or hegira in English from Latin from Arabic). This journey is one of the most important events in Islamic history.

The early Muslims in Makkah were harshly persecuted and tortured by the ruling pagan Quraysh tribe. The Muslims were few in number and many of them were slaves. With no power to repel their persecutors, they could only wait patiently until Allah (God) opened a way for them.


In the twelfth year of the Prophet’s mission, 12 men from the city of Yathrib (later to be known as Madinah) came to Makkah during the Hajj season and met with Muhammad at Al-`Aqabah. Having heard of his mission, they became Muslim and pledged their faith in the first covenant of Al-`Aqabah. The Prophet sent Mus`ab ibn `Umayr back to Yathrib with them to teach them the religion. Mus`ab succeeded in converting many of the people of Yathrib to Islam. The following year, in June 622 CE, 73 men and 2 women from Yathrib came to the Prophet during the Hajj and pledged allegiance to him in the second covenant of Al-`Aqabah. They promised to protect him and help the Muslims of Makkah to resettle in their city....
Proud_Muslim said:
The first day of the Muslim new year, Muharram 1, 1425, is expected to correspond with Sunday, February 22, 2004 .

Kol Sanna Wa Enta Tayeb (May all your coming years be blessed).
Thank you so much, your egyptian is so sweet...happy new blessed Hijri Year my dear sister, Allah bless you.