The basis of morality/ethics


Registered Senior Member
What is the basis of moral/ethical systems? Philosophically, without some form of absolute (eg. god) moral and ethical systems eventually contradict themselves, and if they are indeed hypocritical, is that necessarily a problem?

When it comes to fields such as bioethics, I believe it is a problem because research and application in fields such as stem cell research is prohibited, whereas lives might otherwise be saved.

Care to discuss?
basic human morality (as well as some other animal morality), in general, tends to be based on what is beneficial to the group and what is detrimental to the group. if an action of an individual causes harm to another individual, or harm to the efficiency of the group, it is deemed as a morally bad action.

this definition doesn't really shed much light on the stem cell argument though because some believe embryos to be no different than a grown human. i would tend towards saying that stem cell research is a good thing though but that is my own opinion.
The definition is not bioethical per se, I'm just wondering how ethics/morality can be applied to social/political arenas when it's so arbitrary. Also, in terms of "the efficiency of the group" then it is thereby moral to exploit smaller groups in a cruel fashion to further your own group.
Azael said:
The definition is not bioethical per se, I'm just wondering how ethics/morality can be applied to social/political arenas when it's so arbitrary. Also, in terms of "the efficiency of the group" then it is thereby moral to exploit smaller groups in a cruel fashion to further your own group.
yes, but it all depends on what the individual has been raised to think the group is. a lot of more educated people would say that the group is humanity in general, while some who are less educated might only think about their local community. and there are many instances, both in the past and present, where groups of people have taken advantage of weaker groups of people and thought that it was right (obviously, because they did it without remorse).
Azael said:
What is the basis of moral/ethical systems? Philosophically, without some form of absolute (eg. god) moral and ethical systems eventually contradict themselves, and if they are indeed hypocritical, is that necessarily a problem?

When it comes to fields such as bioethics, I believe it is a problem because research and application in fields such as stem cell research is prohibited, whereas lives might otherwise be saved.

Care to discuss?
philosophy, mythology, religion all have to be looked at. IF you propose philosophy is some kind of ground from which we thn explore 'what is ethical?' the i strongly suggest you dont deny looking AT 'philosophy'....what bias/prejudice and so on does it premise---which may go unacknowledged

at the moment millions of animals round the world are incarcerated and tortured in the name os science. why? so as we humans can live longer and not have so many diseases

at the same time. people who DO have TERMINAL disease--n UK anyhow, are not allowed to end their lives

weird huh?


it all seems to me a pile of absurd chapos if i'm gonna be frank wid ya. the world seems fukin mad.
they p-rohibit cannabis that some people NEED forchrnic pain--their only relief, ad then push to MAKE'cannbis medication' so aas to paten it. hint hint. is THA ethical?

how can you trust tese people who are all over the place. torturing animals. lockin people up for simple growing plants, not allowing people to end their lives.....?

one has to step away from all this schumkery, and observe it.

ETHICS and VALUE etc was deliberately left OUTof the proceedings of science since Galileo!