The B-1 Bomber


mors ante servitium
Registered Senior Member
I recently heard that viatamine B-1 (in doses of 50mg and up) will reduce emotional stress. Someone has developed a multi-viatamine called the B-1 Bomber and their claim is that V. B-1 is the key to reducing emotional stress. I know B-1 is good for 'physical stress' but is it effective for 'emotional stress' too????

Help please...
Everyone experiences stress. Work, relationships, money issues, health problems, etc can cause it. Regardless of the source, stress can cause the body to tighten up and force the nervous system to react in various ways. Arteries constrict, which can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. The lymphatic system is affected, leading to decreased immunity, which can translate, into disease. The digestive process becomes sluggish, which may cause liver problems and digestive difficulties, such as gas, bloating, malabsorption and fatigue. Muscle tension affects joints, causing arthritis, inflammation, disc problems and low back pain.

The nervous system uses B Vitamins as its main defense against stress. If we are overwhelmed with anxiety, the nervous system is quickly depleted of essential B Vitamins. Muscles clench around nerves, which results in stiff neck and shoulders. Many people feel nervous and jittery and do not realize that their muscles are tensing until they feel sharp muscle pain.

Vitamin B1 (thiamin) is one of the most vital nutrients for the nervous system. In addition to stress, many common substances such as caffeine, alcohol, and certain medications use up the supply of B1 Vitamins. Vitamin B1 (and all B Vitamin cannot be replenished alone, but must be added along with other vitamins and nutrients to maintain a proper balance.

B1-Bomber was developed specifically to deliver appropriate doses of all B Vitamins, which help the nervous system. It also includes a support nutrient blend of other vitamins and minerals to ensure maximum absorption into the nervous system. These support nutrients, like Vitamins C and E, manganese and trace minerals, are not supplements. Their primary function is to assist the absorption of the B Vitamins into the blood stream. These nutrients are depleted naturally by B Vitamins and help create a stable environment so B1-Bomber can work quickly.

B Vitamins are water-soluble and are therefore not easily stored in the body. Any excess B Vitamins are eliminated. Many people who take either B Vitamins or B complexes may have experienced unpleasant urine odor after taking these supplements. This odor results from inexpensive B Vitamins ending up in the urine rather than the blood stream. High quality vitamins do not smell. B1-Bomber uses only quality B Vitamins and support nutrients in this 100% natural formula. It maximizes the absorption of vital B Vitamins without causing the unpleasant odor.

Many serious physical and mental conditions >MAY BE< helped with b Vitamins:

Circulatory difficulty
Leg cramps
Multiple Sclerosis
Sciatic difficulty
Heart disease
Alzheimer’s disease

Remember there's no proof that it will do anything like you want it to do.

I recently bought some complex B vitamins that contain:

B1 (mononitrate)
d-Pantothentic Acid
(all at 50mg ea.)
and Folic Acid 0.1mg

What can you tell me of this vitamin concoction?
Thanks again.
The nervous system uses B Vitamins as its main defense against stress. If we are overwhelmed with anxiety, the nervous system is quickly depleted of essential B Vitamins. Muscles clench around nerves, which results in stiff neck and shoulders. Many people feel nervous and jittery and do not realize that their muscles are tensing until they feel sharp muscle pain.
A doctor told me once to come off an asthmatic drug called theophylline that I was taking in high doses because it is found to have too many unwanted side effects. Apparently i didn't need to be on them coz I was still fine afterwards but I did some research on the drug. It is one of the most effective drugs out there to lower most of the B vitamins!!! A deficiency in 6 and 12 result in high blood homocysteine levels which is the major cause of areterial sclerosis, heart disease and permanent damage to the heart muscle (fibrosis). I am so dissapointed that they left me on this drug for the first 20 years of my life!
Can anyone explain the b vitamin system to me....There is b 1 to b100 what's the difference between them? Does this mean that b100 contains all the b vitamins?