The Audible Voice of God


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Registered Senior Member
I have read quite a few times that if God would speak to them in an audible voice, then they would believe. I have a couple questions.
1. If God spoke, what language would you want him to speak. If he spoke english, then the mexicans would be pissed. If he spoke Arab, Americans may try to bomb him....You get my point.

2. Second, since God created the universe, would he be limited to what we know as audibly speaking to us? Why couldn't God speak in colors or in music. Why couldn't God speak directly to our mind so that no one else hears, but we know he spoke. I believe he speaks to us daily, but alot of times, we think he should speak like a man speaks audibly to another man. Wouldn't it be a bigger feat to speak indirectly through his creation or directly to your mind.

Any thoughts or comments?
Well, if he wants to speak to me thru signs, he only has to make it in a way he knows ill understand, and not make me have to start believing in stuff only because I see a rainbow and stuff like that.

I believe that if you truelly want to see a sign, then God will show you a sign. Just don't let the signs pass you by, like that religious joke:

This pastor is flying a small airplane that crashes on a deserted island miles and miles away from land. He starts to pray that God would save him from this deserted island. A boat comes along and says come on we'll take you back to land and he said, no God will save me from this island. Then a helicopter comes along and again he refuses their help, then a sub-marine comes out of the water to help take him to land and he says again, no God is going to save me. Well the man dies and when he gets to heaven he asks God, God I mean, Why am I here, why did you not save me from that island. God replies, I sent you a boat, helicopter, and a sub-marine and you didn't take any.
There are lots of versions of that joke, but anyway, I am sure God will give you a sign.

I mean, even Gideon in the bible asked God to show him a sign.
Judges 6:37-40
And God did, I believe it was two times that God proved himself.
I had a friend once who was facing some hard times in her life. She said out of desperation she grabbed the Bible and asked God to give her a sign. She opened the Bible and the first verse
she read was about Judas hanging himself.

Don't take everything as a sign, if my friend did she'd be dead today.
Don't take everything as a sign, if my friend did she'd be dead today.

Certainly not bad advice.

She opened the Bible and the first verse she read was about Judas hanging himself

Couple of interesting things come to mind here. Number one, I wonder if your friend read any of the parts before or after Judas' death?

I suppose any regular idiot could read into a particular verse or chapter if they so desired. I know I once read an account of some whack-job who killed his son because he thought God would stop him like he did with Abraham when he was about to put the knife to Isaac.

Wouldn't it be ironic if your friend was feeling remorse or guilt about something during that particular time in her life? At any rate, hope she's doing alright now.
Any thoughts or comments?
The point is that a sign from God should be unambiguous.

I imagine that if s/he chose, God could speak any language. No need for anyone to get pissed.

If God wants to speak in colours or symbols that's OK too, as long as it's unambiguous. A vision in the sky would do.

But if something is not unambiguously a sign from God, then why would I choose to believe it's a sign from God and reject the natural explanation?
Pete, I guess the whole point is that God speaks to everyone on an individual basis. He can and has spoken to people and given signs to multiple people. You may not be able to explain a lot of stuff that God does, because God is supernatural, he is not limited to the laws that are in place on the earth.(elemental laws, natural laws.) I have personally seen God heal a lady that was in a wheel chair and had been for years. I knew this lady. I can't explain how this naturally occurred and neither could you. To those that were there, we sure believed though. You may not believe me or believe that things like this occur, but whether you believe it or not, it happens.
I was wondering, what do religious people say about people who go on a murderous rampage or whatever and say they heard voices from god, that god told them to?

What right or reason would they have to say it wasn't so?
Macz, well, murder is a direct violation of the law of God. So, they have every right to say they were hearing from God, but God will not contradict himself.
I think if God speaks, it is through symbols, like something we see and it reminds us of a thought that inspires us.
If god existed than I hypothesize he would recognize all the languages and forms of communication assuming, hes omnipotent.

But apparently he no longer talks and his abounding voice was recognized by a whole lot of people during the bible. I suppose he does not feel the need to stay in touch, coinsidense? no
I have read quite a few times that if God would speak to them in an audible voice, then they would believe. I have a couple questions.
1. If God spoke, what language would you want him to speak. If he spoke english, then the mexicans would be pissed. If he spoke Arab, Americans may try to bomb him....You get my point.

No, I don't get your point. God could speak to each individual in their own language. Your argument here is ridiculous. If God wanted to say one thing to the whole world at the same time and have each person hear it in their own native tongue we would have to assume He could.

2. Second, since God created the universe, would he be limited to what we know as audibly speaking to us? Why couldn't God speak in colors or in music. Why couldn't God speak directly to our mind so that no one else hears, but we know he spoke. I believe he speaks to us daily, but alot of times, we think he should speak like a man speaks audibly to another man. Wouldn't it be a bigger feat to speak indirectly through his creation or directly to your mind.

Any thoughts or comments?

Obviously God would not be limited to audible sound. However, as to speaking in colors, our ears are not capable of detecting color, and assuming we saw I color I don't know how we would interpret it or it would be beneficial. The easiest way to communicate to a human is through human language, written or spoken.
But apparently he no longer talks and his abounding voice was recognized by a whole lot of people during the bible. I suppose he does not feel the need to stay in touch, coinsidense? no

I know people who have claimed to hear the voice of God. People that if you met you would consider normal and probably like. Do I know that is really what they heard? No. Maybe it was an auditory hallucination, maybe a dream, who knows? However, when someone changes their life plans because they hear a voice that says "Tom, get up, I have work for you." Well, I know he was convinced it was God.
The first comment of mine wasn't serious, of course God can speak any language, He created language.

The next comment is to Spoilsport:

Why do you assume that hearing is linked with communication?
You will hear something and your brain translates what you hear into meaning. I guarentee you speak more in a day in what you don't say verbally, then what you do. God talked to moses through a burning bush. All communication that humans make is not limited to sound. "The easiest way to communicate to a human is through human language, written or spoken" I dont agree. Sometimes you can say a million words, but an action would be understood a million times better. All of your senses can communicate to another human. It is all about the brain processing what is being communicated.