The astro-numerical meaning of "I AM THAT I AM"



In the third chapter of Exodus, in the 13th and 14th verses, it is said: And Moses said Behold when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say What is his name? What shall I say unto them? and God said unto Moses -- "I am that I am."

For those who do not know, Hebrew is all numbers.

The numbers of the name Moses are those of "I AM THAT I AM," so that the names Moses and Jehovah are at one in numerical harmony. The word Moses is 5, 300 and 40, and the sum of its letters is 345; Jehovah.

The Hebrew words for I AM THAT I AM are ahiye asher ahiye, and in the value of the sums of their letters stand thus: 21, 501 and 21. This being his (God's) name, the sum of the values composing it are 21, 501, 21 are 543, or simply a use of the simple digit numbers in the name of Moses... but now so ordered that the name of 345 is reversed, and reads 543... So that when Moses asks "Let me see Thy face or glory," the other rightly and truly replies "Thou canst not see my face"... but thou shalt see me behind -- (the true sense, though not the precise words); because the comer and the behind of 543 is the face of 345.

It is strange that if we add 345 to 543 we have 888, which was the gnostic Kabalistic value of the name Christ, who was Jehoshua or Joshua. And so also the division of the 24 hours of the day gives three eights as quotient... The chief end of all this system of number checks was to preserve in perpetuity the exact value of the Lunar year in the natural measure of days.

This is the astronomical and numerical meaning in the secret theogony of sidereo-cosmical gods invented by the Chaldeo-Hebrews, and two meanings out of seven. The other five would astonish Christians even more.
how do you derive the numbers sequences in the words, names, and sentences, are we able to check and verify your findings, or is it another form of the de-vince codes.
for instance: JEHOVAH, how is it that the letters JE and AH equal 21, and how AHIYE equals 21 also.
and HOV and ASHER equal 501.
it all pie in the sky, if you just post all this without giving us tha ability to check it.

and hello and welcome.
what we read as hebrew letters are actually glyphs each glyph is not just a verbal symbol it is also a number and a has a meaning beyond that signified by its name. for instance beth is the number 2 it means container or house, it is associated with the planet mercury. these are standard associations known to most practicing jewish, freemasons and occultists and anyone who care to research the hebrew alaphbeth.
What a load of old dog testicles.

How are you getting any of the numbers? Everytime I count 'moses', I get 5 - not 5,340. I think your calculator's broken.
Tjalian: In the third chapter of Exodus, in the 13th and 14th verses, it is said: And Moses said Behold when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say What is his name? What shall I say unto them? and God said unto Moses -- "I am that I am."

For those who do not know, Hebrew is all numbers.

The numbers of the name Moses are those of "I AM THAT I AM," so that the names Moses and Jehovah are at one in numerical harmony. The word Moses is 5, 300 and 40, and the sum of its letters is 345; Jehovah.

The Hebrew words for I AM THAT I AM are ahiye asher ahiye, and in the value of the sums of their letters stand thus: 21, 501 and 21. This being his (God's) name, the sum of the values composing it are 21, 501, 21 are 543, or simply a use of the simple digit numbers in the name of Moses... but now so ordered that the name of 345 is reversed, and reads 543... So that when Moses asks "Let me see Thy face or glory," the other rightly and truly replies "Thou canst not see my face"... but thou shalt see me behind -- (the true sense, though not the precise words); because the comer and the behind of 543 is the face of 345.

It is strange that if we add 345 to 543 we have 888, which was the gnostic Kabalistic value of the name Christ, who was Jehoshua or Joshua. And so also the division of the 24 hours of the day gives three eights as quotient... The chief end of all this system of number checks was to preserve in perpetuity the exact value of the Lunar year in the natural measure of days.

This is the astronomical and numerical meaning in the secret theogony of sidereo-cosmical gods invented by the Chaldeo-Hebrews, and two meanings out of seven. The other five would astonish Christians even more.
M*W: I find your post exhiliarating! I believed there to be such a connection, but I was not able to put it into words since I didn't understand the connection. I've been studying the astrotheological emphases of the Bible. Truth be known, there would be no Jews, Muslims or Christians! We would all be astrologers just like the ancients were.
how are you getting 5?

m = 1
o = 2
s = 3
e = 4
s = 5

(5 letters in the name)

I know, I know, that's too easy - but I still fail to see how the dude has ended up with 5340.

I am aware there are certain people that would make it known that ancient people had a vast understanding of the cosmos - that their levels of astronomy were far beyond modern day man's ability, but this just isn't so. It's like an urban legend that has absolutely no solid basis whatsoever. And so is Tjalian's entire post with mysterious numbers that appear from nowhere.
the numbers proceed thus 1-9 aleph bayt gimmel daleth he vav zayin cheth teth
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 respectively follow, yodh caph lammed mem nun samech ayin peh tzaddi
the numbers 100 200 300 400 are signified by qoph raysh shin tau.
certain letters have final values when they are accented they would be tzaddi 90 = 900, pe 80 = 800, nun 50 = 700, mem 40=600, caph 20 = 500.

the astrological and elemental associations are harder to remember as are the meanings.
the numbers proceed thus 1-9 aleph bayt gimmel daleth he vav zayin cheth teth
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 respectively follow, yodh caph lammed mem nun samech ayin peh tzaddi
the numbers 100 200 300 400 are signified by qoph raysh shin tau.
certain letters have final values when they are accented they would be tzaddi 90 = 900, pe 80 = 800, nun 50 = 700, mem 40=600, caph 20 = 500.

While that's interesting, what has it got to do with moses?
I am that I am, 'cause thats what I am. I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.

Well, thats another cult for you.
the numbers of his name! you were asking how the sum of the numerical equivelant of moses is achieved. well you add mem + shin + he, which is 40 + 300 + 5 = 345.

out of interest another phrase that has the value of 345 is "god almighty" or "el shaddiah"

the hebrew word for "the name" adds up to 345 too.
there is also "elohim echrim" the closest translation i can get is "god to follow"
but it's all gobbled de gook, how does mem=40 shin=300 he=5 and it does'nt spell moses
and how does el shad diah also come to 40 300 and 5 and again elohim echrim 40 300 5
as snakelord wonderfully put it, " What a load of old dog testicles."
the letter signifies the number. the hebrew spelling of moses is 'M Sh H' similar to the seplling of messiah 'M Sh H' ther are some curious fact about jesus too 'Y H Sh V H' .

although interesting i also find it pointless but masons and jews go mad for it thinking they have been entrusted some ancient sacred wisdom, which in a way it is, but it is pointless ancient wisdom and not very secret.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I find your post exhiliarating! I believed there to be such a connection, but I was not able to put it into words since I didn't understand the connection. I've been studying the astrotheological emphases of the Bible. Truth be known, there would be no Jews, Muslims or Christians! We would all be astrologers just like the ancients were.

I read it in the Secret Doctrine by Helena Blavatsky.

You can read her books online: