ThE "aMaZiNg" RaNdI

Will read that when I get time. I have followed some of the challenges on his forum it interesting stuff.
It seems that the fundermental structure of the challenge is still the same. I thought that a rule change might mean that someone had come close to the prise. But each challenge has its own parameters and agreed structure which is the bases of the challenge. So I don't see anything in the rule change that either adds or subtracts from this.

I think the rule change is just a standard cover your arse legal doc.
The changes are:

"in regard to those to who may now apply"

It would appear JREF is getting inundated with material and kooks. They want to narrow the field by making sure you've done your homework:

"Before being considered as an applicant, the person applying must satisfy two conditions: First, he/she must have a “media presence,” which means having been published, written about, or known to the media in regard to his/her claimed abilities or powers. This can be established by producing articles, videos, books, or other published material that specifically addresses the person’s abilities. Second, he/she must produce at least one signed document from an academic who has witnessed the powers or abilities of the person, and will validate that these powers or abilities have been verified."
You know the interesting things about these two conditions is that it must fulfill two conditions that are actually somewhat at odds with each other. The media tends to do stories on the sensational. Whereas, an academic is probably not going to put their name behind a someone who has a show on the sci-fi channel. An academic might however put their name behind something like homeopathy whereas the media is unlikey to cover such a bland topic. Just some thoughts. Nothing wrong with being sceptical right?
It's a shame Randi has to do that, but there are only so many options to sifting through SPAM.
If it were obvious enough to be big news it wouldn't require academic investigation and vice versa. That is my point.
Outside of 'psi', I wonder if there are any claims of human abilities whose demonstration is not obvious (i.e. self-evident)? Can anybody think of any?
If it were obvious enough to be big news it wouldn't require academic investigation and vice versa. That is my point.

Missing the point entirely, that stage magicians are also big news. David Copperfield appears in the media, but he's an illusionist.

Didn't think your response through very well, did you?
Exactly copperfield is in the Media but he's an illusionist (i.e., doesn't claim to be doing anything actually paranormal). Whereas the stuff academics study, to my knowledge, is nowhere near as flashy. The point is that the type of psi that some academics support is not the flashy stage magician type stuff that would get media attention. They seem to be at odds with each other. So, if it is Randi's intention just to reduce the number of applicants why didn't he say either/or instead of both?
It doesn't look like they want 'academic investigation'; just that some academic (perhaps an acquaintance of the psychic) is prepared to put their name behind the psychic's abilities.
Hoax is when someone is deliberately trying to mislead people.

the ablity to give off emotions in a physical energy form.
This is neither possible nor real.