The aliens have landed


These things started taking over decades ago, and are like weeds in the lawn now.
They are known to be frustratingly difficult to communicate with, and have 15 levels
of vocabulary with composed verbs and noun clauses, that double-up in different levels.

Learning the entire vocabulary, with over 3 million words, is a daunting task, but don't worry, you will be assimilated.
It may already be too late...


They also carry a universal code, which it's possible to unscramble, but nobody has yet;
it's a really, really big number, with your larger-size aliens. The sample is just a shrimpo
in the pack, really. I'd like to learn some of the language, but the declensions and verb
clauses are like, a big headache; you can reset them to the start of the dictionary, with
a simple algorithm but this only gets them started again.
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I knew a guy who once tortured one of these poor creatures. He peeled off their photo-communicative scales to force the creature to speak a strict, standard phrase of solidarity. It was the same phrase of solidarity we humans have made it's countless brethren speak. We have been so cold as to physically manipulate and torment these poor creatures to a state we simply address as "solved", as if their creative expression was a "puzzle", or worse, a "problem". We are a sick, demented species. We delight in harassing these harmless creatures the same way we delight in harming ants with a magnifying glass, rabbits with BB guns, and even worse, ourselves.

I am hereby founding an organization to help these enjoyable, yet misunderstood, and hopelessly defenseless creatures. I am seeking donations to go towards my new motherboard, er... I mean... a spot of land these creatures can migrate to and live free. Free for the torment of an evil mankind. Free form a beautiful planet we devastate to our own delight, at least for now... Give me your money. With only 30 easy monthly payments of $99.00 USD to my Swiss Bank account (that's less the one large latte a day!), you can show your love for them, and for a vision of a better humanity.

Dreams can come true! Make this happen!

*k, seriously, just a joke, don't ban me for fund raising or anything :D *
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If you're confused, that means the invasion is well under way.
These things might be further ahead than I realized, at first...
For god sakes, people, he even put a picture of a rubik's cube here. He's talking about teh rubiks cube. They're "they creature", that can "talk" with "phrases", which are the many possible arrangements one can be twisted into.

Man, we gotta spell it out?! lol. Give me your money. :D

I managed to decode some of the message from this one recently. It was something like: "Hey, that tickles".
Or it might have been: "You're really cracking me up".
If you're confused, that means the invasion is well under way.
These things might be further ahead than I realized, at first...

Dude, don't break your noggin trying to figure out a conspiracy that none of these "aliens" will ever admit to.

You can't catch them.

You can't get photos of them.

You may as well forgot about it all and go find yourself a mate. lol


That image was posted by NASA originally. A strange object near Saturn, supposedly a demon-alien offering eternal life to all those who find the correct religion. Pretty annoying if you ask me, eternal sleep is better.

I estimate it is about the size of Earth.
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Uh oh, I think I've been handed a message again, it's a bit puzzling:

"An algebra of the geometry corresponds to the following composition: A set of intervals over a linear space S, each interval a slice s with an index i; Group 12 intervals s.t. two areas a,b are the boundary (of a ruled surface).
Assume each s(i) intersects a curve y:= f(x) defined somewhere in the integral of S, monotonic and increasing as i.

Assign a and b to a "doubling function", s.t. 12 intervals $$ s_1,s_2,...,s_{12}\; $$ are a function of "2" apart.
If a is the "square root of 2" and if $$ k_a,k_b,...,k_e\; $$ exist, use an algebra of octaves, in groups of 2,3,4,... for 8*k. The interval of 1 octave will have a k(i) which is the centroid, where the doubling is "least" and the adjacent k(i) will divide the "scaling" into two groups, $$ \{G_1,G_2\} $$.

Construct a set of Turing symbols that correspond to intervals in S, for sets of k(i) as a graph G(S,{Aij}), with areas s as nodes.
Use the symbols to compose a modal logic that descends into G, using k(t), for intervals in S,T.

...message ends
Once we see that there are others on our plane, we will know exactly how to bait their earliest astronomers, like the others have been baiting us.
Suppose I assume that the aliens are trying to communicate in a language that corresponds to a certain composition of "harmonics", a la the movie by Speilberg.

In fact, that last missive appears to describe the diatonic scale of 12 intervals over an 'octave' of eight notes; the center of which scale is the note between the 6th and 7th intervals, so two groups - the G_1 and G_2, are the four notes in each half of a major scale on the 8 keys.

The twinned groups are two intervals apart, or the middle note is excluded from the harmonic structure of the scale - except for transformations to another mode than major, like a minor diatonic, although modes with different permutations exist, e.g. dorian mode and the transposition of fifths around a "circle of fifths".

Diatonic refers to the two groups {4,4} of notes either side of the center; the center is a flat or diminished 5th in a major "doublet", from the root of the interval; add another flat 5th to get to twice the root - the factor of two or the "doubling function" is the frequency doubling at 12 intervals. Since the root to the 4th (the 5th interval) is perfect ("4" as a perfect harmonic number, twice diminished from the center), and the maj 5th is a double-interval higher than the 4th, as the 1st note of the 2nd doublet. Both doublets are perfect 4ths.

Ok, so how does music theory help out, if I have say a 3x3x3 cube in some configuration. Can I tell how many moves to a solution? I can do this if I start with a "whole" cube and count moves, remembering the sequence so I know the inverse sequence, in essence "playing" a set piece backwards, on the "keys".

I also know that the group or stack of cube elements is an analog of the su(3) algebra of quark colors and spin-orientations. You can't twist a single corner, only pairs of corners; you can't flip a single edge either. The corner twists correspond to quark interactions. Actually it's surprising how many things the stack or group does correspond to, starting with Euclid, for instance.

I believe it also demonstrates Dedekind's notion of a 'cut' - the quotient spaces are "fractionated" separate spaces or subgroups of the large number (> 43 quintillion in the original Rubik's cube). It is difficult to pick up a scrambled one and decide which fraction of the total space it's in. Then there's the domain of computable numbers, and the "stack-ability" of the elements; in fact Thistlethwaite's algorithm uses a corner of the 3x3x3 as a "stack register", which is the approach I used to first solve the puzzle.

Which means the "assume $$ k_a,...,k_e $$ exist" is a reference to the auxiliary register of 5 digits, on each hand. I can handle a piano, but is it a "space of cubed elements"?
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However, they speak "algebraic geometry", and I suppose "geometric algebra". That's ok, so does my piano, and my 6 string (even when I take one string off).

Which is cool, since it means my guitar is the open ball on R, the length and gauge of real steel strings.
That's SWG, or metric to you...
The Rubik's group is algebra and geometry on a stick. If you look at the symmetries shared by the octahedron and icosahedron, relative to the cube and tetrahedron; the R group is the "deep structure" of solids, or what happens when you slice them up and they don't collapse.

Scary stuff..
I knew it!
The Subgroup (of R) is the gauge group. Crossings go left over right, or right over left exclusively, so there's a direction to the path through G.

This of course, vanishes when you uncross or "de-torque", or inclusively, if you double the crossing #, only in the gauge group again!!