The Afterlife?


The purpose of this topic is to investigate & learn what people of different religions & cults expect after death.
I've been cursed a couple of times for following the teachings of the Bible, a book which speaks of two possible destinations:

** Heaven(seventh dimension) a blissful dwelling place of God& angelic beings. A place in which human beings who overcome Satan & his angel's are granted the( ultimate power) of Infinity.

**Hell(fifth dimension) outerdarkness; terrifying place of imprsionment for those who rejected salvation. A place of destructive fire and brimstome orginally created for Satan & his angel's.

As I mentioned before I am curious on what you expect after death?
Well... I'm not sure. I don't really expect anything after death. Maybe there is nothing, maybe something. I'm quite content to wait and see, or not, as the case may be.
I expect to return where I came from. Nothingness. I don't think I'll ever know it's over. I'll know I'm dying, and that will be my last thought. I'll never think "I'm dead, now what?". That's what I'm expecting... Imagine if I was proven wrong, what a feeling that would be!
Lady, it's unfortunate to hear that you've been cursed for your beliefs.<p>I neither believe nor disbelieve in the presence of the afterlife. We simple humans couldn't possibly know everything, and I expect that we'll know the truth when the time comes. Personally, I think it would be sad if you were immediately transported to some fantastic paradise upon your demise. Your loved ones would be left behind, struggling in the physical world. <p>I think that the belief of the Seventh Day Adventists is inspiring: that you go into a state of "hibernation" until the day when all souls are united. I don't know much about the Seventh Day Adventist religion, so I won't be able to answer any questions any of you may have. It just happens that I attended funeral services at an SDA church.