The Afterlife


I have read many books about the afterlife but I read one of the best books a few weeks ago, in the book the author wrote that the afterlife exists in the fourth dimension and that everything on earth survives into this fourth dimension after death.

Just wanted to know any thoughts about this. What does science exactly have to say about a fourth dimension?
It would be pretty crowded there. Lots of insects.

Good point, but maybe their lifespan in that dimension is equally short, or even shorter, or does the theory involve eternal existance in that particular place?
Roots of early Judeo-Christian eschatology vary, but it does seem that one of the earliest notions of an afterlife was connected to the fear that the winter sun would leave (at solstice) and never come back. It does seem that the Persians exported the notion of an afterlife and of heaven, hell, angels and the devil, among other things.
I have read many books about the afterlife but I read one of the best books a few weeks ago, in the book the author wrote that the afterlife exists in the fourth dimension and that everything on earth survives into this fourth dimension after death.

Just wanted to know any thoughts about this. What does science exactly have to say about a fourth dimension?

I think Michio Kaku touched on it in "Ten Dimensions and Beyond," if I am not mistaken, but it was at least 8 years ago I read that book.
Essentially, there is no basis for such a claim. Not scientifically, anyway.

When Kaku mentioned it, he was referring to how conjurers and magicians would cite that- simply because the common person wouldn't think much on it and it sounded nifty.
When you die you continue on but only exist in a single dimension - geeze, how freaking horrible!
The fourth dimension is time.

If one were to go into time itself they wouldn't exist for time allows for nothing but itself to exist within it.
Time can be treated as a dimension in some models. But there can be 4 dimensions, all spacial, and time not be anything but the measure of change.
The fourth dimension is presented as a physical dimension not time. You might want to check out first The Fourth Dimension by Rucker..

The Fourth Dimension guides you on a mind-expanding journey; the book is designed to alter the reader's perceptions of the universe through the exploration of a fourth dimension (a fourth physical dimension, rather than the simpler notion of time as a fourth dimension

Also see the book Exploring the Fourth Dimension: Secrets of the Paranormal by John D. Ralphs

The basic premise of the book is that a physical Fourth Dimension exists (as opposed to a mathematical abstraction.)

Ralphs launches into the book's greatest strength: A qualitative, non-mathematical explanation of what a spatial Fourth Dimension might be, and how it relates to the three within which we here on Earth are imprisoned. Think of a water bug floating on the surface of a pond. The pond's surface is all he knows. If someone thrusts a business card into the water, the bug sees not a rectangular object but a *line,* where the card intersects the water. If someone were to thrust the corner of a cubical solid into the water, the bug would see a triangle (think about it!) and nothing suggesting a cube.
I have read many books about the afterlife but I read one of the best books a few weeks ago, in the book the author wrote that the afterlife exists in the fourth dimension and that everything on earth survives into this fourth dimension after death.

Just wanted to know any thoughts about this. What does science exactly have to say about a fourth dimension?

Sounds like a guy trying to pretend he knows what he's talking about by hiding it within something else he knows nothing about.
The mystic P. D. OUSPENSKY wrote some very very interesting books on 4D, 5D, and 6D, and the afterlife.

I recommend reading his 'A NEW MODEL of the UNIVERSE' and 'TERTIUM ORGANUM'

Both are available free on the web for download, if you search.
Since we are making recommendation; I recommend that you do not read 'A NEW MODEL of the UNIVERSE' and 'TERTIUM ORGANUM'.

They are written by a mystic who therfore has no clue what 4D, 5D or 6D even mean.
I have read many books about the afterlife but I read one of the best books a few weeks ago, in the book the author wrote that the afterlife exists in the fourth dimension and that everything on earth survives into this fourth dimension after death.

Just wanted to know any thoughts about this. What does science exactly have to say about a fourth dimension?
That could explain the existence of ghosts(if they are real at all), but I don't think the writer had any clue what the fourth dimension is.
If there is an afterlife I assume reincarnation, for the point of over crowding vs. new beings always coming into existence. I'm painted in artwork along with my brother, friend, and female counterpart all by a guy who is the dead look a like of my uncle. This painter is an ancestor of mine.
Since we are making recommendation; I recommend that you do not read 'A NEW MODEL of the UNIVERSE' and 'TERTIUM ORGANUM'.

They are written by a mystic who therfore has no clue what 4D, 5D or 6D even mean.

I can't see how your former premise necessitates the latter.

But let's go with it - who then, has a clue ? Can you describe 4D, 5D, 6D ?
I can't see how your former premise necessitates the latter.

But let's go with it - who then, has a clue ? Can you describe 4D, 5D, 6D ?

My clue is this, don't waist your time. You will know about death only when you return. When there maybe you will ponder life, don't do that either. Go be dead, go be live. L.O.V.E.
I can't see how your former premise necessitates the latter.

But let's go with it - who then, has a clue ? Can you describe 4D, 5D, 6D ?

Mathematics and physicist work in 4D, 5D, 6D and higher all the time. The 4th spatial dimension is orthogonal to the X,Y & Z spatial dimensions of 3D. I am assuming you are talking about spatial dimensions and so have neglected the normal 4D dimension of time.
Mathematics and physicist work in 4D, 5D, 6D and higher all the time. The 4th spatial dimension is orthogonal to the X,Y & Z spatial dimensions of 3D. I am assuming you are talking about spatial dimensions and so have neglected the normal 4D dimension of time.

I am talking about a forum called 'Parapsychology' and a thread called 'The Afterlife' in which various posters have talked about the afterlife being the 4th D, eternal existence, etc.

Having read Ouspensky many years ago, I recalled that had some interesting ideas in that direction, and in keeping with the context of this thread, mentioned his two works. That's about it.
I am talking about a forum called 'Parapsychology' and a thread called 'The Afterlife' in which various posters have talked about the afterlife being the 4th D, eternal existence, etc.

Having read Ouspensky many years ago, I recalled that had some interesting ideas in that direction, and in keeping with the context of this thread, mentioned his two works. That's about it.

I guess that is the problem of taking a well defined scientific term and applying it to a fuzzy, and vauge idea as a definition. I think this is done to make the idea more plausable and have it sound almost like it makes scientific sense.

What is really meant by your use of the 4th dimension is a different plane of reality or a different plane of exsistence or outside of our physical universe. In the bible there was nothing of the sort to describe heaven - it was an actual physical place that was up in the air. As a matter of fact the bible described how it was possible to build a building that could actually reach heaven - boy was God pissed when we tried to do that! Apparently God has moved heaven because no building have run into heaven that I know of....